Chapter 102

I could sense the dozens of Lycans around every corner. Security detail and also guests.

I walked around to the back and was greeted by my bridal party: my mom, Judith, who was my Maid of Honour, Ulyssa, and Mary and Julie.

I clasped my hands together and squealed.

They ushered me through the door and then sat me down on a chair to begin beautifying me.

Julie and Judith worked on my hair while my mom and Ulyssa did my nails. Mary worked on my makeup which was simple enough; just a pastel red lipstick, some gentle contouring and a bit of mascara. I didn't like too much.


"Where's my cuff link?! Mark! Do you know where my cuff link is? It's the same as yours!" Nathan yelled as he stomped across the small room the groomsmen and groom had been given to prepare.

"No. Do you know where my bow tie is?" Mark shot back while buttoning his jacket.

"Sunglasses. I need my sunglasses!" Duma shouted as he checked his hair in the mirror. They'd solved his yellow eye dilemma by finding him a pair of sunglasses.

"Raph? Hey! Anybody know how to tie a bow tie? Anyone?!" Thomas hollered while he shoved his shiny, never-before-worn, black oxfords on.

"Busy!" Raphael sounded from in front of the small mirror behind a screen? buttoning his white cotton shirt.

Thresh had left to see his mate, as he'd smelled her scent as soon as she'd entered the building.

While the five shifters all scrambled to get themselves dressed, they all stopped when they heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Mark, Nathan and Duma all asked at the same time.

Raphael already knew who it was, he recognized their scent.

"Brad!" The visitor's voice came through the door.

"Who?" Mark asked.

"Brooke's brother." He said tiredly.

Raph cracked a smile. He had a feeling, that despite his mate's claims that nobody liked her, she was the famous one of her family, and now her brother's exhausted reply confirmed that.

"Come on in, Bradley!" He shouted over the screen.

The door opened and the young man stepped in. He was dressed in a tux similar to theirs but with the more usual stark colours.

"Brooke just wanted me to tell you that there's an hour till the service and you guys need to be there first, and pictures will be after remember, so you know, keep your suits clean." He nodded then was about to duck out when Thomas stopped him.

"Do you know how to tie a bow tie?" He asked holding up the strip of black fabric.

Brad gave him a weird look, then shook his head saying, "No." He then shut the door and was gone.

Thomas hung his head and muttered under his breath, "Damn it."

Raphael meanwhile was daydreaming about the day ahead of him. He would vow himself to his mate, his Brooke, and she to him. They would seal their matrimony with a kiss and then with much more tonight.

He smiled thinking of her soft, luscious lips pressed against his, his hands stroking every inch of her smooth, lush skin, his lips tasting every inch of her delicious body until her pale skin was flushed from his actions. His mind began to wander with these thoughts.

"Hello! Earth to Raph!" Thomas's voice broke him from his thoughts.

"Hm. Oh, what?" He asked shaking his head to try and get rid of his now reawakened wolf.

"What were you thinking of?" He asked combing his brown hair back.

"N-nothing." He said as he walked next to him to begin combing his own hair.

"Ha! Yeah, right. You're thinking about tonight, weren't you. She know you're gonna mark her?" Tom nudged him with his elbow.

Raph paused in his combing, 'Does she know?'

"Uh oh." Tom said, a playfully serious expression on his face.

The room went silent as Mark and Thomas watched their Beta's troubled expression.

"Haha! Found it!" Nathan exclaimed triumphantly from his crouched position on the floor, in his hand was a silver cuff link.

Duma shot him a glare, his black sunglasses sitting atop his yellow, red haired head.

"What?" He asked as he shifted to his knees.

"Twenty minutes." Brad said, quickly opening the door and then shutting just as quickly.

The groomsmen all began to scramble about getting the finishing touches like socks and tucking in the designed pocket squares.

While the groom sat on the small stool, pondering tonight in a different light.


"My earrings! Brooke! Julie! My red, heart shaped earrings, they match my dress. Where are they?!" Ulyssa screeched.

"Ow." Judith said, "I don't know, but I'm missing one of my shoes, could you help me find it?"

"Oh, yeah, why not? It's not like I matter." She replied.

"Ulyssa." We all groaned in unison.

I was standing in front of the full length mirror listening to the chaos ensuing around me.

"Good morning." Brad's voice entered my conscious thought.

"Brad?! What are you doing in here? There's only an hour till the ceremony, oh! Could you tell the guys?" I asked in a frenzy.

"Who?" Brad asked. My brother was dressed in a standard black and white tux. His hair which usually stood raised was now laying flat with the help of some gel. He would turn heads today.

I sighed in annoyance, "Who do you think?! Raph and the grooms- Ugh, what are they called?" I asked no one in general.

"Groomsmen?" Julie asked.

"Yes! The groomsmen. Raph and the groomsmen. Please tell them that there's only an hour till the ceremony."

Brad slumped his shoulders, "Fine."

"Thank you!" I gushed as he shut the door.

"Uh-huh." Came his mutter.

"Oh! We should get you dressed!" My mom said from where she sat putting her shoes on.

I folded my lips and nodded. I wondered when they would notice that the bride wasn't wearing white yet.