Chapter 121

-Destroy them.-

My mouth fell open. This man, who had seemed so jovial and easygoing before, was now ordering his Lycans to kill us.

A few of them shifted and lunged for Thresh, growling and snarling as they did.

I yelped and leapt back to avoid their slashing claws.

"Your brother's a real psychopath." I said as I jumped behind the bed to pull my socks and shoes on.

Thresh grabbed one of the wolves by the throat and threw him to the ground while he stepped on the other.

I was worried, he couldn't take them all on his own, and I could sense more coming. I grabbed my phone and hurriedly zipped my jacket up.

"What're we gonna do?!"

-I have an idea.- He threw the two wolves he'd been beating outside the door then stepped out himself, it slammed shut and I jumped to reach for it.

"Thresh?!" I asked, worried about what his plan was.

-Don't go near the door.-

I smelled something burning and felt my hair stand on end.

"Oh, shi-" I didn't have time to finish my sentence as I could immediately hear a terrifying buzzing and I dove behind the bed as I felt a lot of channels go dead.

He opened the door, his eyes still flashing with lightning.

"Let's go!" He yelled and I got up.

We ran down dozens of concrete hallways, and eventually found our way back to the main room. Dart was waiting for us.

"I see you've killed my Lycans." He said in a creepy drawl, "All because of a simple request."

"You've brought this on yourself." Thresh said as he stood, ready for attack. I moved behind him, expecting them to explode any second now.

Dart shifted into a red, brown wolf, his fur tipped with flame. He barred his teeth and bent his ears back.

I waited for Thresh to shift but he didn't.

I smelled smoke and saw that the rug Dart was standing on was burning.


My heart leapt in my chest as Marta ran towards Thresh her arms stretched out.

I stood frozen as I watched her hug Thresh's legs.

Dart growled and she shook her head, "Daddy, don't hurt Uncle!"

Thresh just stood, unmoving as the fire began to spread along the room, causing smoke to rise.

-Brooke, get her to safety.- Thresh ordered.

I moved and wrapped my arms around Marta as I pulled her off of Thresh. She screamed and kicked wildly, tears streaming down her face. I stroked her hair as I watched Thresh shift into his jet black wolf, his fur sparking with lightning.

"Marta, go find your siblings and keep them safe." I told her as I carried her to the door with all my strength. The room was on fire, the animal heads mounted on the walls were burning, along with the tapestries. The two giant wolves were still circling in the middle of the room, snapping at each other.

I sensed a channel approaching me slowly, the Beta. Just as he was about to touch me I reached and grabbed a log from a stack and hit him in the head.

He growled in pain and grabbed the bleeding wound glaring at me.

-Uh, Thresh. Problem!- I ran across the room, the Lycan on my tail, he was very fast and bound to catch me.

-Deal with it!- He yelled back.

My breath was coming out in shrill pants as fear was beginning to overtake me. I was gonna die if I didn't do something.

I didn't want to kill him.

I ran to the door that we'd first come through, the one that led to the hatch.

I opened it and ran through, I turned a sharp corner and came face-to-face with a Lycan, he barred his teeth and began growling.

I felt something rake across my back, sending spikes of paralyzing pain through me. I cried out and fell to the ground feeling as my shirt began to drench with my blood.

'Pain. I'm in pain!' The two Lycans edged toward me and I focused on them feeling it. The burning, the stinging.

Soon they gasped and began to stumble in pain. I heard a howl nearby and I rose on unsteady feet.

I walked as carefully as I could to the first room we'd entered, every Lycan I came across was bent over in debilitating pain, if one got up I'd increase it.

"Sorry, but at least you're not dead right?" I really was sorry, after all, I was still feeling their pain.

I winced as I pulled my winter coat on and my toque. It was warm in the complex but I wouldn't have time to get dressed if we were on the run up top.

I moved as quickly as I could to get back to the main room, smoke was billowing from the door and my hair stood on end. My back was burning but the adrenaline in me kept me on my feet.

I parted the door and began choking, "Thresh!" -Thresh!-

His black wolf emerged from the smoke, and moved to walk out of the room.

I followed alongside him and he saw the two Lycans on the floor clutching at their backs in pain, -This you?- He asked.

-Yep.- I said as I felt my heart squeeze from regret.

-How are you going to climb out?- I asked.

He had shifted into his wolf and in the process had lost his clothes.

-By shifting.-

We reached the ladder and he shifted, I turned around, he climbed the ladder to make sure it was clear up there.

"It's safe!" He called down and I rushed up, my arms were shaking, probably from blood loss but my body was still feeling the adrenaline rush.

I collapsed to the ground and tried to catch my breath, -Come on, we've got to go.- Thresh nudged me in wolf form.

I got up with much groaning and wincing, -What am I supposed to do?-

-Climb on.-

I glared at the wolf who blended in with the twilight.

I climbed on and grabbed tufts of his hair. He broke into a run and I held on tighter.

I kept blacking out and waking only to find that we were still running through endless tundra.

-Do you have any idea where you're going?- I asked my rib cage felt like it was bruised and my back now felt numb. My face was being blasted with frigid wind.

-I'm following the road that we drove in on.-

-How come every time I go someplace with you I nearly die?- I asked bitterly.

He was quiet as he ran over the barren hills.

-I'm sorry.-

I sighed, -Yeah, okay.-

Time passed extremely slow with the never rising sun at our backs.

-Did you kill him?- I asked.

-No. I could never kill my brother, no matter the circumstances.-

I was glad to hear that. I hadn't sensed Dart's channel cease to exist but with how muddled my mind was I might've just missed it.

-Are you still… doing that to them?- He asked, referring to the pain transferring.

-No, I couldn't hold it any longer.-

Eventually, as I was resting my head on his fur, I sensed channels. I gasped in delight.

-We made it!-

And indeed we had. He stopped at the crest of a hill as we observed the small airport below us.

-Tell them we're on our way with hostiles at our backs.- Thresh ordered.

I did and I could sense their sudden fright. They were afraid because they weren't in their own territory.

'Well that made sense, especially because the Alpha over this territory was crazy.'

We made it to our plane and I let go of Thresh's fur. My hands hurt from clenching them for so long. My entire body ached and as I moved to straighten myself I was painfully reminded of my injury.

I gasped and clenched my teeth in pain.

"You're injured." Thresh stated, I heard a note of surprise in his voice.

I gave a breathy laugh, "Oh, I wondered when you'd notice."

"Get her inside the plane and give her something for the pain." I heard him order someone.

"No! I don't want drugs." I said emphatically. Drugs scared me. I wouldn't be aware of my surroundings or myself, a fact that scared me.

"Fine. Just get Malcolm to help." I didn't know who Malcolm was but soon I felt myself being carried into the plane and set down on the bed.

I gasped in pain when my skin came into contact with the sheets. Someone rolled me onto my side and I felt a warm sensation spread onto my wound and the pain disappeared, I gasped at the sensation as my nerves relaxed.

I passed out from pure exhaustion as my world went black.