Chapter 133

After Raph had woken up and I'd explained what had happened he'd fallen asleep. He looked so cute and confused, 'Oh, my poor baby.' I thought while playing with his messy hair.

I crawled out and tucked him in, putting the oxygen mask back on, it was warm air to help reheat his body. I put my robe on and walked out to try and find the doctor.

I crept out of the room, I didn't want to wake him, it had been almost a whole other day since we'd found him, they'd stopped the morphine drip but he was still feeling it's effects. They would start him on other pain killers like ibuprofen and Tylenol once he started feeling pain again.

I was still worried about him but I was just so relieved and happy that he was okay.

I found the doctor in the lounge he was drinking some coffee, "Ah, Mrs.…?"

"Brooke, he-"

"Yes, how is our patient?" He asked enthusiastically. He looked like he was in his mid-twenties but he was a Lycan so he was probably older.

"He just woke up for maybe ten minutes." I said carrying the half empty soup bowl.

"Oh really, and how was he?"

"Confused, and still feeling the morphine." I said.

He nodded, "I see he didn't eat a lot of the soup."

"No, I helped to feed him and while I was, I told him how we'd found him and I was about to tell him what was wrong with him when he fell asleep as soon as I'd finished."

"Ah, yes. Well, I'm sure he'll wake up again soon. In the meantime though, I'm afraid that he will have to moved."


"Yes, you see this hospital is for emergency patients like your mate, and we need to reserve it for more, so he will have to be moved." He explained.

I nodded, "Kay."

The doctor told me a few more things about Raph's condition and treatment.

After I went back to the room and found that Raph was still sleeping, and I snuggled in next to him.


He woke up again and freaked out like before but I calmed him down once more and he rested his head back.

"You feeling okay?" I asked raising myself on my elbow.

"Yeah." He closed his eyes, "Tired."

I smiled, he looked really cute with his eyelashes resting on his cheeks and his face so relaxed. I gave him a little peck on his cheek and his eyelids fluttered open.

"Why am I on pain meds?" He asked his eyes didn't look as hazy.

I licked my lips, "Well, I might as well explain the whole thing." I watched him warily, "When we found you I said that you were hypothermic, severely uh, hypothermic. But you didn't just have hypothermia."

He looked away, "I fell."

I waited curiously for him to finish.

"I was following the runes and I fell down the mountain and hit a tree," I grimaced at his words, "I got up and could tell I was healing but I fell again and…"

I leaned closer, "Do you remember anymore?"

He squinted his eyes it looked like he was having trouble concentrating, "Someone was there."

I felt my blood run cold, 'No…'

"That's the last thing I remember, so what were you saying?" He said but I was still frozen in place, it must've been El-kor, and if not him then another Elf.

'Why? Why would he do this?'

"Brooke, love, are you okay?" He asked. I raised my eyes and saw his worried ones, he shouldn't worry about me now, he's the one that's sick.

I smiled and said unconvincingly, "Yeah."

He look at me doubtfully.

"You were, um, hypothermic but it turns out that you had a broken ankle, broken nose, that's been reset, and a few broken and bruised ribs. Other than that, you didn't hit your head so no concussion, which is good, and you just have a couple bruises and scrapes."

"Why I haven't I healed, I was missing for a day and how long have I been here?" He asked. I knew he would figure it out soon enough, he was smart.

I sighed, "You've been here for just about a day and somehow, Charm and the other Faerie think that a spell was cast on you that is hindering your healing ability, that's what they said."

He look down at his body underneath the blankets, "So I'm not healing?"

"No you are. It's just not as fast as you usually heal, more like a human they estimate." I said.

He looked frustrated and upset, I gave him a kiss and hugged him gently, "Can't they undo it?" He asked.

"Hmm," I shook my head, "They've tried, Charm said that whoever did it, or cast it, was very strong in magic. I'm sorry darling, they've tried."

He huffed, "Yeah."

"We're being kicked out though." I said after a couple seconds.


"Well, there are only three rooms in the hospital and they need them for emergencies, so we'll be going back home probably." I said trying to keep my voice light.

"Hmm." Was all he said and soon I could hear his breathing slow and his heartbeat steady.

I smiled and just listened to his heart. It was one of the best sounds in the world.


We spent one night at Alpha Ditri's then we were carefully driven to the airport and then we were carefully flown back home.

A medical transport picked us up and I sat in the back, holding Raph's hand. He'd been sedated for the flight and was still out. I knew he hated this, not being able to do anything. He was frustrated and upset, and he blamed himself for falling.

I stroked the back of his hand as we drove along the familiar road home.

Mark, Nathan, Duma and Gloria were there to help carry Raph's sleeping body into the house.

I followed behind carrying our luggage.

They set him gently on the bed and I came to tuck him in. I got a few more blankets and made some hot chocolate for myself. I'd make more for when he woke up.

After making sure he was secure in the bed and still sleeping Gloria came in asking if she could do some checkups. I nodded and she checked him over.

As she was checking his pulse she asked, "Have you seen any signs of pain? Wincing or groaning?"

I shook my head, "Not yet, no."

"Alright, if he shows signs of a fever call me and give him one tablet, you can also give him one of he's in pain." She handed me a bottle labled ibuprofen and I nodded.

"Alright, well I will leave you guys be." She smiled and said that she would show herself out.

I set up the pillows on the bed and sat next to him pulling out my laptop to see if I could do anything to help his work. Parker snuggled next to us, I'd have to thank Duma for watching him again.

"Stones…" He murmured and tossed.

"Shh… you're okay." I held his hand and he calmed down a bit but his face was still scrunched together. He looked like he was in pain but I didn't know for sure. I would wait till he woke up, no I would give him some medicine now. I finally made up my indecisive mind and gave him an ibuprofen tablet and he swallowed it with some hot chocolate. After a couple minutes his face and muscles relaxed and he fell into a deeper slumber.