Chapter 145

"What do you mean, she meant Duma?" He asked.

"I don't know, but if she's part Shapeshifter then- but she doesn't, her channel is different from Duma's, it has a weird thing." She was leaning on the counter, her face contorted in thinking.

"Okay, how about we finish talking over this delicious dinner you just made." He kissed the top of her head and began to fill two bowls with salad.

She took it, her face still thinking.

He led her to the living room and sat her down on the couch and then sat next to her.

"Okay, so I'm gonna finish my story first." He said, "Anyway, so as I was saying, Shapeshifters and Lycans don't work together, we clash. So when the hybrids were sent out into the wilderness, some couldn't shift, some could but not very well-"

"What does not very well mean?" Brooke asked.

"Sometimes they couldn't shift back, or it was painful." He answered, not minding her interruption, "So, when the hybrids were sent into the wilderness, they died off. We haven't seen one in over thirty years." He finished and watched as she took in the information.

"Then how? No wait. How old is Amelia?"

Raphael shrugged, "Mid teens, she seems really young."

Brooke nodded, agreeing with him, "Then how could she have been… 'created'?" She asked with air quotes.

He shook his head, "She was created after. Probably fifteen, sixteen years ago."

She nodded again as she continued to eat her salad.

He nudged her with his elbow, "What?" She asked, a smile alighting her lips.

"What do you think our song would be?" He asked. He'd been pondering this for awhile and he thinks that he's finally found a song for them.

She laughed, "What? What does that mean? So this is what happens if you break your leg, you start thinking of weird things."

He smiled, feeling a little silly about the thought. He never used to think about things like this, but he wanted to now.

She nudged him gently with her elbow, "Okay, what is it?" She asked softly.

He raised his eyes to meet hers, "The one from… Mamma Mia." He said hesitating slightly.

Her face broke out into a brilliant smile revealing her one dimple, "Which one? Honey Honey?" She asked.

"Which one's that one?" He asked, knowing that she would sing it for him.

She cleared her throat, "Honey honey, how he thrills me, uh huh, honey honey. Honey honey, nearly kills me, uh huh, honey honey-"

"Okay, not that one." He paused trying to think of which one it was, "The one on the beach?" He said scratching his head.

Brooke pondered this for a second, "Does your mother know-"

"No." He said laughing as well, "Not that one."

She calmed down and then said, "Raph, almost all of them are on a beach, they live on an island."

He nodded, "It's the one that goes…" He then proceeded to hum the part of the song that he remembered.

Her face turned thoughtful, "Lay All Your Love on me." She stated.

He nodded, "Okay, anyway I think that should be our song."

Her smile grew again, he loved seeing her so happy, "I wasn't jealous before we met, now every man I see is a potential threat." She sang. He watched as she moved her body to an unseen rhythm.

"And I'm possessive it isn't nice, you've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice." She continued.

He remembered the next part of the song and thought it wouldn't hurt to sing along, "But now it isn't true-" He stopped when he saw his mate's wide eyes.

He felt flustered, "What?"

Her lips grew into a smile, "I don't think I've ever heard you sing."

"Yes you have." He answered, trying to think of a time where he'd sing in front of her. Nothing came into his recollection, "Huh, that's weird."

She laughed, "Isn't it? I can't believe that I've never heard you sing before. You sound very nice, as nice as I would've thought."

He smiled, enjoying his mate's compliment, "Well, thank you," He leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on her lips, "Let's eat, and then we'll go investigate about Amelia."

She nodded and they finished eating.


After we finished eating Raph brushed my still damp hair for me and I braided it back.

We put our winter clothes on and headed out the door walking hand in hand.

We made our way to Thresh's house and knocked on the door.

Charm opened it and her face broke into a gentle smile, "I'm glad you two have smoothed things over."

We both smiled and nodded.

She ushered us in and said that Thresh and Thomas were in the study.

We walked in and saw both men hunched, their faces contorted in thought.

"What'd she say?" I blurted out.

They both looked up, Thresh composed with his normal look of passiveness and Thomas looking a little frazzled.

"She said that the pet was Duma and that he would be of further use to her. We still don't know what she meant by that." Thomas said scratching his head furiously.

Me and Raph made eye contact at the mention of Duma.

"Hey, you're walking." He pointed out in the next second.

I smiled and Raph replied, saying, "Yeah, Lilla took it off while you three were talking to Amelia. Where is she now?" He asked a hand running through his hair. I knew he did that when he was feeling antsy.

I reached for his other hand and gave it a squeeze. I felt him squeeze back.

"She's been placed in the prison." Thresh said looking at a spot in the distance.

"There's another thing." Thomas said and we both looked at him, "I felt like I'd seen her before and I was right, when-" He cleared his throat, "When the Elf was in my head, he showed me visions." He paused and looked at me then continued, "One of the visions was of a blonde girl being tortured. She had a scar just like Amelia."

I paused myself and thought back to the strange dreams I'd had when I'd gotten my gift.

A girl in a cell… with a scar. I cleared my throat, "I think I've seen her before too."