Chapter 148

Raph tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for his mate to arrive.

Thomas just leisurely sipped his coffee.

He heard footsteps outside and voices then a knock.

He opened the door and in front of him was Brooke and a man he could only assume as Kratos. His scent didn't give any hints to the fact that he was Thresh's brother but the two men shared similarities; same skin tone and build, along with Grecian features.

Brooke moved forward and reached her arms around his waist and he leaned down so she could give him a kiss on his cheek, she did so all this while he was watching Kratos with mistrust.

He hadn't forgotten what he'd done to his mate in Montreal. He'd forced her to take her coats off then to have lunch with him. He didn't like him.

Kratos in the meantime was observing the place with an amused expression, eventually his intense gaze settled on Raph.

He stuck his hand out, "Hi, you must be Raphael, the Beta, Brooke has told me so much about you."

Raph wrapped his arm around his mate protectively and reached his hand out to shake Kratos's.

"Has she? I've also heard a fair bit about you." He answered as they lowered their hands.

Kratos hummed, "I'm sure she has, she does like to talk."

Raphael frowned at hearing that. He didn't like his mate being insulted and he hugged her tighter.

"I assume you are the Gamma." Kratos said turning to look at Thomas who had been watching the whole ordeal. He held his hand out and they shook.

"Yes I am, why don't I show you where Thresh is staying." He offered.

Kratos hissed, "Yeah… no." He chuckled, "How about you just show me where I can find a drink?"

Thomas laughed and said, "I've got some beer at my place."

"Excellent!" Kratos exclaimed and the two Lycans left saying goodbye, leaving Brooke and him alone.

Brooke gave him a little squeeze then loosened her arms. She walked to where the map was, she'd been helping him with marking and planning and he'd been teaching her on strategies.

"How's it coming?" She asked dragging her finger along the places he'd marked off today.

He walked up behind her and rested his head on hers inhaling her spiced scent of nutmeg and cinnamon, "Fine." He said slowly.

"What about here?" She pointed to the same place Thomas had.

He smacked his lips, feeling sleepy all of a sudden, "Hmm, that's Blower's Pass. Too much risk of an avalanche."

"Right…" She said slowly, he could tell by her tone that she was thinking.

He moved his arms and held her waist effectively spooning her.

She didn't seem to mind.

"So, do we know where they're coming from yet?" She asked as she moved another map overtop of the first. She'd told him that the paper maps were a very inefficient form of planning but he preferred it to any other.

Easier to burn than a computer.

He moved his hand and pointed to a southern part of the map, "This is the best opening, but since they've clearly been here before they will know this, so we're setting up defences here, here, here and here." He pointed in accordance with his words.

She nodded her head beneath his chin and he smiled, something about planning with his mate made him happy.

He heard her yawn and he moved his hand back down to hug her.

"I'm tired." He heard Brooke state.

"Then we should go back to the cabin." He said and finished with a yawn.

"Yeah." She said tiredly, "But we shouldn't leave Thomas alone with Kratos for too long."

At the mention of Kratos's name Raph frowned, "What happened?" He asked.

"What happened when?" She asked.

"When you went to find Kratos?"

She didn't answer.


"Well, he was in a bar, so I was nervous but I went in anyway. He wasn't doing too good." She stopped.

He narrowed his eyes in confusion, "What do you mean he wasn't doing too good?" He asked as they walked out the door and into the frigid, evening, mountain air.

"Well, he lost his mate. He was feeling depressed and drinking it off." She said soberly.

He grunted, "I see."

They walked to where they knew Thomas was staying, they'd been here for a week and a half or so now and been preparing since Amelia had arrived as the declaration of war.

"How would you fe- react if I died?" She asked sounding upset. He reached his arm around her and whispered into her ear, "I don't like to think like that."

He heard her sigh, "I know you don't, but to me it's like second nature."

He kissed the bit of skin that was revealed on her neck, "Well then, we need to work on that don't we?"

They arrived at Thomas's place and knocked. He looked at Brooke, whose face was glowing with the light coming through the door.

He reached over and brushed her rosy cheek with his thumb. It was still warm despite the cold. She smiled at his action and he smiled back. These were his favourite moments, the ones where it was just him and her.

The door opened and Thomas stood on the other side, "Hey guys, thought you'd be headed back to your place."

Raphael watched as Brooke tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, "Ahem, yeah we're here to pick up Kratos, show him where he's staying. He is after all gonna need to wake up early tomorrow for briefing."

Raph could scent that the Alpha was getting closer and he moved to hold Brooke securely.

He heard Brooke snort at his action but he didn't care.

Kratos walked up and smiled, "Guess it's time to go."