Chapter 169

Sitting next to Brooke on the small couch in the Alpha of Crest Pack's living room, he observed that the said Alpha was angry.

A few seconds later his Alpha came in along with his two brothers and his sister.

Standing at the head of the room Thresh opened his mouth to speak to the room, which was comprised of Ditri and Onyx, Kratos, Alastor and Brissa, him and Brooke and Thomas.

"As promised, for your contribution to this battle, you will be compensated. Your reward is that you get to see what you were defending."

He watched as Ditri struggled to contain his anger while Onyx merely looked nervous. Raphael himself tensed. Allowing them into the Haven was not wise but maybe his Alpha had a plan.

Arriving at the entrance to the Have Ditri walked stiffly forward and unlocked the gates. You could see a pleased grin on Kratos's face as he walked through the barrier.

As expected the climate warmed and the sky brightened as they continued to walk further in.

Brooke took off her coat and hung it on her arm as he took off his two coats as well.

Reaching the end of the path they stood on the cliff that overlooked the village. The sun was shining somehow and piercing through the clouds as people were dancing in the town and singing could be heard. He looked down and saw that Brooke had closed her eyes a small, happy smile on her face.

The sun made her look beautiful, the pink tinges on her nose and cheeks went away and she looked so much brighter, almost a bronzy tint to her complexion. Her hair shone with her gold highlights and formed a halo around her head.

He couldn't resist and leaned down to kiss her, she placed her hands on his chest and responded warmly to him; their lips massaged the other's as they became lost to the world around them.

Breaking the kiss she rested her head on his chest and they both looked at the sacred place beneath them.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" He asked as he stroked her back feeling her hands wrapped around him.

"Yeah." She replied quietly.

Heading down to the village they were met by Charm. Her multicoloured wings were displayed and she was dressed like her kind; wearing a green dyed cotton dress with a brown one laced overtop. Her ears were decorated with delicate earrings that had small charms interlaced between the chains.

She was chatting with someone happily and Raphael watched as Thresh came up behind her and gave her a hug and a kiss.

He held Brooke's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze as they walked through the jubilant place. The fountain that he'd seen the previous time was now lit with glowing flowers and garlands of evergreen branches were strung all along the small houses and wigwams.

They stopped as Brooke looked at one of the flowers, "It looks like a lilac but it glowing red, isn't that weird? It smells like vanilla! I can't believe this!" She exclaimed happily and she continued observing the flowers excitedly as he watched her with a happy, contented smile on his face.

Soon Solar stood in front of the fountain and with his large, dark coloured wings folded he spoke, "Alpha Thresh, we thank you, and your siblings for helping to protect our home. Please, come join us in the grand hall for a meal."

"Oh, I can't remember the last time I ate." He heard Brooke say next to him.

He looked down, "What do you mean? Didn't you eat breakfast?" He asked, he could've sworn that she'd eaten this morning.

"No. I decided against it." She said a bored expression on her face as if food was boring to her.

"Why? Are you hungry?" He asked starting to get worried.

She looked up at him with an amused expression, "I'm not gonna die, sometimes I don't eat anything all day except for dinner, and some chocolate here and there."

"Why?" He asked again as they followed the procession to where the grand hall was, "Isn't that bad for humans?"

"Yeah, I suppose but I'm used to it now and sometimes I'm just not hungry."

He swallowed and nodded still concerned for his mate but said nothing further on the matter.

They walked along a wide forest path that was lined with glowing mushrooms. Brooke squealed and said, "Look at them! They're so cute. I want one."

He chuckled when he saw her happy attitude and when he saw Alastor's confused look.

Arriving at a rock face they all stopped and looked at the massive doors that were made of branches tied together in a woven pattern.

A loud screech sounded and Raphael looked up—startled—to see a large Griffin swooping down.

He reached for Brooke's hand but she was standing closer to the forest, her eyes trained on the flying creature.

"A Griffin?! Here?" He heard a loud voice ask.

Solar and a few other Faerie calmed the protectors down and the lion-eagles flew back to their perches.

"What was that doing here?" He heard Thresh's sister ask.

"They protect and guard our home and they do not particularly like intruders." One of the other Fae answered, his eyes narrowed.

A few other female Faerie were hovering around Charm, their voices shrill as they talked to her in their tongue. A few of them were also casting glances at Alastor and Kratos.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Brooke asked.

He hummed, "I don't know."

The branch doors having been opened the guests began to walk under the rock face and into a mountain.

He continued to hear Brooke gasp in amazement at the sights, and he had to admit the place was beautiful. The walls were made of wood, but it didn't look like processed wood from a mill, it looked as though a tree had grown sideways and stretched it's trunk all along the halls of the place.

Alcoves were inlaid in the walls incrementally and in them were vases or tapestries. Along the ceiling were tree roots interlaid with a glowing moss or lichen.

Their footsteps echoed in the halls as they made their way through them on the stone floor.

Arriving at their destination the group stopped as the large, branch crafted, doors were pushed open.

His eyes widened as he beheld the grand hall. The ceiling was a mass of tangled roots that all met in places to form magnificent chandeliers, each root tipped with a candle. They illuminated the entire room and both he and Brooke were enraptured by the sight.

He heard her gasp next to him and he looked to see where her gaze was directed. All along the far fall from where they had entered was a huge mural.

He followed close behind as she walked to it.

The wall stood probably around eighteen feet tall and her only standing five foot four made her seem even tinier.

He stood and watched as her hand stretched out to brush part of the painting.

Turning her head, her eyes bubbling with excitement, "Do you see this?" She asked in awe.

He chuckled, "I do."

"I could never paint something like this." She mumbled as her eyes once again moved to observe the massive art piece.

He held her shoulders and rested his head atop hers, "Sure you could."

"Hmm." Was all she said in reply as her fingers followed the curving brushstrokes. He, at that instant, got an idea.

"Let's go sit." He said as he kissed the top of her head. He smiled as she slowly turned away, "Maybe we can look at it after."

She nodded and they sat at the large table in the centre of the room. Kratos happily taking the seat next to her.