Chapter 184

Raphael stood in the tent, the LED lamps providing enough light to illuminate the maps on the table.

"Raph, we've got two thousand with another five hundred or so on the way." Thomas ran in relaying the information.

"Alright, see if you can get more from our new forces."

"I'll try." He ran off to follow out his Beta's orders.

They had been camping out at the base of the mountain, surrounding it on either side, for less than a week now. Thresh's Pack was still recovering from the recent battle for the Haven and they didn't have much strength, therefore they were gathering their newfound strength in Zelus's former Pack.

"Beta," A hunter jogged into the tent, "We think we've found it." He said, his face grim.

He dropped everything, and shifting, he followed the hunter.

They wound their way through the camp and then through the trees and rocks.

-Here.- The hunter said as he came to a stop.

Three other hunters were there, Raphael shifted back to his human form and observed where they suspected the entrance to be.

It was a narrow pass, more like a crevasse. There were many fallen tree and boulders at the bottom and little cover.

-James, what do you think?- He asked his eyes still scanning the area for advantage points.

-It's covered up but I am catching their scent, fresh. They're here.- The head hunter replied seriously.

-Alright. We'll begin our attack tonight.-

His heart was pounding from the thought of holding her in his arms again, he would care for her, love her. Help her through whatever trials they would go through after this.

He shifted back and ran fleetly through the woods, the sun filtering through the needles.

When he arrived at his tent his picked up a familiar scent, ducking through the door he stepped in and saw his Alpha.

"What are you doing here?" He asked shocked.

Thresh didn't answer him immediately and only regarded his Beta, "I'm here to help." He finally replied after a few seconds had elapsed.

"What about Luna, and your son?" He asked confused.

"They are safe." He replied.

Raphael nodded and then relayed his plan via mind link, it was dangerous to voice their plans aloud.

When night fell they had everyone in place. Thomas and a few other Alphas from Zelus's former Pack were on the opposite side of the mountain, in case any of the Elves attempted to escape. Raphael and Thresh were at the pass, where they presumed the entrance to be, their forces surrounded the mountains and Thresh had brought a Faerie relic that they'd used in the battle for the Haven, it prevents them from teleporting and causing their smoke.

It wouldn't last long so they only had a short window.

Thresh stood at the head of the pass and with his loud voice he proclaimed to his Lycans, "Tonight, we end this. Tonight the race known as Elves will be no more."

Loud shouts and howls were followed and they all shifted and began their attack; the rock face was covered with many cracks and there was one distinct path, a well-travelled one. They began to break away at it using sledgehammers.

Soon they breached the wall and scented the Elves rancid stench filled their nostrils.

-We've breached!- They called but they then collapsed, they eyes rolling back and blood seeping from their pores.

A massive horde of Shapeshifters and Pixies filled the pass and the battle began.

They fought, their numbers standing strong.

Killing a charging rhinoceros he looked up and saw that the opening was clear. His jaw was drenched in blood as he stood atop the rough skinned animal.

He raised his eyes and saw Thresh stalking a pack of hyenas, before the first demon-like dog had a chance to attack, Thresh electrocuted them into oblivion, looking up he saw his Beta's plan.

-Go.- He told him across the battlefield.

Raph nodded, -You three, with me.- He said to three Lycans near him.

The four broke into a run and managed to enter the Elves lair.

They all grimaced at the foul stench but they pushed onward, Raphael being driven by the need to find his mate.

They pushed through a set of doors and found a strange sight. A large foyer like room, the hardwood floors polished and covered with a vibrantly patterned carpet. Ignoring the elaborateness of the place they began to break down doors, finding nothing but old fashioned furniture and the poisonous air of the Elves.

Reaching the last door they discovered that it led down a stairwell. They ran down and found a dark cavern filled with dangling cages, the eerie sound of dripping water in the background. Raphael raised his nose in the air but found no familiar scent.

His wolf whined. 'Where was she?'

Two dark hallways connected to the cavern, -You two, go down that one.- They followed his orders, he turned to the last one and said, -You're with me.-

They broke off at a run and followed the pitch black corridor, following their senses to see in the dark.

Raphael was ill at ease seeing as there had been no Elves as of yet, but he was more focused on finding his mate.

Coming to the corner of the corridor his heart stopped. She's here. He let out a happy bark and followed her scent.

Turning twice more he saw a faint light and her cinnamon scent grew stronger, she was there.

He bounded down the dark corridor and threw open the door that impeded him from his mate.

His heart dropped to his stomach when he saw her.

She was seated on a wooden chair her head drooping, her hair had been cut so that it only reached her chin her eyes were covered with a blindfold, her clothes were tattered and revealed a scarred body underneath. Her wrists were tied by silver rope which he saw had left blisters on them, her ankles in the same position.

He shifted and not caring of the pain, he unbound her wrists and ankles to free them of the silver. He removed the blindfold and noticed that her arms were covered in fresh blood and he saw through her shirt that her ribs were visible.

He swallowed his anger and guilt at the scene and instead brought his hands to her face, he lifted her chin gently, "Brooke, Brooke, my love." He called softly to her.

Her face was swollen and had scratches running down it, her eyes had dark rings under them and her lips were chapped and dry.

With a loving, gentle touch he caressed her scarred cheek, the smell of her blood becoming more powerful than her scent.

Her eyes fluttered open weakly and he saw her beautiful brown irises only for a moment. Her lips opened to speak and her chest heaved as though she were in pain.

"Brooke, it's alright now. I'm here." He said as he moved to carry her. Her lips parted again and he put his ear up to her lips to hear her utter a short but desperate plea.
