2 A New Gamma

A month passed and nothing changed. Duma was back in his old room, he looked after Parker who was still mourning Raph.

Gloria and a new healer named Paige were also living in, just to help me and to cook. I was so useless, but who cared?

Paige had just brought my breakfast to my room when the phone rang. Her brown eyes darted to the phone and she picked it up. Tucking some of her sandy coloured hair behind her studded ear, she said, "Hello?"

A few seconds later she put the phone down and turned to face me. I'd never really liked her, she was nice but too nice, like she was trying to hard. Gloria was more genuine.

"Alpha's called you to the mansion." She said, her face hiding a smirk.

I nodded and finished chewing my grilled cheese.

Gloria drove me up to Thresh's house and knocked on the door, "I'll be here when you're done."

I nodded and waited for the door to open.

After a few moments Charm opened the door, "Hi, Brooke. Wait right here, I am going to talk to Thresh." I nod once more and stand, waiting in their grand and elegant entryway.

I looked to my right when I caught a flicker of movement and saw a mirror. I stop and stare at myself. My hair was so much shorter, I looked so… altered. I raised a hand to touch the ends of my hair which only reached just above my shoulders.

I was much thinner but I looked ill. I felt ill. Hearing footsteps I saw Charm stepping lightly down the steps, as though she wasn't really touching the ground.

She looked up and with a strained smile said, "You can go on up, he's in the office."

I heaved a breath and steeled myself for the energy that I would expend climbing the stairs.

'Whatever.' I sighed, 'I can do this.'

With a hand on the railing I painstakingly made my way up the carpeted stairs. Arriving at Thresh's office I knocked and he told me to enter. Opening the door and stepping in, I found Thomas with both hands placed on Thresh's desk, he looked angry. And Thresh, as usual, wore his bored expression.

I simply walked in and sat in one of the armchairs. My chest heaving and my heart thumping from overuse, of what little strength I had left. Both men looked at me with worry. I looked out the window away from their pity filled gazes. Thresh's eyes held no pity but another emotion that I loathed. Judgement.

Thresh stood suddenly and headed for the door, Thomas following in tow. I shook my head and sat a little straighter. This was hell.

While watching the clouds outside I heard a grunt. I swivelled my head slowly and saw a giant standing in the doorway. He practically was the door. My eyes widened and I looked back out the window, again regaining my emotionless mask.

Without a word he sat down in the other armchair, his massive frame seemed to make it difficult. I glanced over to observe him. He was dark. He didn't have dark skin but it was tanned and ash-like. His dark brown hair was untamed and grown to his shoulders and his beard touched his collarbone and covered the lower half of his face. He was wearing a worn out pair of dark blue jeans and a dark grey sweater. Somehow he still looked a little menacing in a sweater.

I swallowed and looked back out the window.

"Ah," Thresh said as he walked back into the room, followed by a stormy looking Thomas, "James, you're already here. Now we can begin."

The giant looked at Thresh and nodded.

Thresh sat in his chair on the opposite side of the desk and Thomas stood, his back resting tensely against the blue papered wall.

"You're all here because we have lost our Beta." Thresh started and all eyes went to me. I ignored the stares and waited for Thresh to continue, "Thomas will be appointed as Beta, as per tradition and the fact that he is able to fill the role. James," He paused, "Is to be appointed as the new Gamma."

My mind immediately went to the fact that I would have no home. Where would Parker live? Where would Duma live? If I went back to live with my family would I be safe? They wouldn't understand my nightmares though, would they?

"Now, since we have that dealt with there is something else I have to say." I looked up and met Thresh's grey eyes. What did he have planned?

He looked sure as usual but by his pause I knew he was hesitant. His gaze shifted to the giant, or James the new Gamma.

"In order to keep you safe-" He looked at me, "I am pairing you and James together. You two will become mates."

The world froze and the only sound I could hear was my heart pounding in my ears. Goosebumps crawled across my skin. I didn't even think before I replied, "No."

Thresh looked at me, a brow raised, "Thomas, why don't you take James to the study."

I didn't look at the two men as they left the room and shut the door behind them.

"No, Thresh. You can't do that." I said in as strong a voice I could manage.

"I can. And I will." He said, his voice firm.

"Why? Why would you do something like this? I don't even know that man." I asked.

"I do. He is a good man. He is head hunter and he will protect you."

"I don't want his protection."

"But you need it." He said and I pressed my lips into a firm line, "If you don't take his protection then what? Where will you go? James is a hunter. He can protect you and keep you safe. There's no need for you two to be mates in the physical sense. But…" Thresh sighed, "James has lost his mate as well. He's not been the same since and though he is fit to be Gamma, he needs an anchor. Something to keep him from going feral."

I scoffed, "And I'm the one who fits that position?"

"Yes. You both need each other. For different reasons but this mating is necessary."

"What will my family think?"

"Don't tell them."

I rubbed the side of my face and sighed.

"You'll sign the marriage certificate tonight and tomorrow we'll announce the new Beta and Gamma. Then, you and James will go on a honeymoon."