6 A Talk with Gloria and Malcolm

James knocked on the door and Alpha mind linked him that it was open and to come in.

James heaved a sigh and opened the door. Marching up the steps he arrived at the office and scented the human, her heart rate was elevated again and her breathing was restrained. He looked at her, she was sitting the same chair that she'd been sitting in previous, her hand was to her ribs and she was gasping shallowly.

'Was she dying?' He wondered but Alpha and Luna didn't seem concerned with her predicament. That's when he noticed what the new presence in the room was; Alpha's son.

He couldn't help but tilt his head in confusion. He'd scented the child's scent before but he'd never seen it, him. He shook his head and directed his attention to Alpha, when he said, "Ah, James. We can get started then."

Alpha began writing on a white piece of paper on the desk that James could only assume was the marriage certificate.

Alpha passed the document across the wooden desk.

James watched with a mix of confusion and something near disgust as the human stood from her seat. Her breathing was laboured and she had a hand to her chest.

She refused Luna's so she had to hobble to the desk. Bracing herself against the wood her tiny hand scrawled a signature out.

He picked up the pen after she'd finished and wrote his own simple signature.

The human sat back down and inhaled sharply. 'What was wrong with her?'

Alpha received the certificate and without raising his head he said in a bored voice that James was acquainted with, "Instead of the usual method used to seal matrimony, you may now shake hands."

James rolled his eyes and his shoulders as he reluctantly stretched out his arm so the human could shake his hand.

She didn't look at him and merely stared at Alpha, she glanced up when Luna spoke an encouragement. Her eyes were dead. The dark irises held no life. He felt his heart ache to see Lilla's vibrant eyes again.

Without a word she raised her hand and they shook.


The next day James woke up and dressed in jeans and a grey t-shirt. He combed his fingers through his hair a few times, but gave up on trying to tame his curly and matted hair.

He walked to centre of the Pack where the announcement ceremony would take place. He felt a little nervous, he'd probably slip or trip on something and no one would ever trust him as Gamma. He closed his eyes and tried to relax himself.

Alpha arrived with Luna, she wasn't carrying her son. 'Must've left him back at the mansion.' He thought. After them came Beta and the human.

Lycans began to accumulate around the stage and James had to force his heart to calm down. It would all go fine, he assured himself.

It did all go fine, better than expected actually. Alpha told the Pack his reason for bringing them there and then he announced Gamma as the new Beta and him as the new Gamma. Everyone bared their necks.

Alpha said a few words about how the human and James were to be mates and the crowd's mood shifted to one of displeasure and uncomfortableness.

Alpha, sensing it too, dismissed them. James descended the steps and was met by his family. The fact that they did not look happy was an understatement, their faces were a range of disgust, outrage and one was that of pride. His sister.

"I can't believe it!" She squealed happily as she hugged him, "My brother's Gamma. Can you guys believe it?" She asked their parents excitedly.

His mother and father were still glowering, -Why would Alpha appoint you a new mate? And a human at that?- His father asked him.

James sighed, -He has his reasons.- He responded, remembering all of the pointless reasons that Beta had quoted to him.

-Reasons?- His father scoffed, -There is no justifiable reason for a Gamma to be mates to a human. And one as weak as her.- He paused, his sneering gaze looking at the human who was talking with Luna, -Look at her.-

James nodded, his feelings the same, -Nevertheless, I must follow Alpha's orders.-

Both of his parents nodded in begrudging agreement. After saying a quick goodbye he headed over to where the human and others had gathered.

"We will send you two off now. Are you packed?" Luna asked, a tinge of worry in her voice.

'She had every right to be worried.' He thought, 'The human could likely die.'

James replied in the affirmative to her question and the human nodded.

Luna clasped her hands together, "Alright, James." She turned to face him, "Gloria and Malcolm would like to speak to you."

James sighed and walked to where the playground was, the swing set stood proudly in the snow with its peeling red paint, beneath it stood the two healers. He knew them well because of his mate's status as head healer. Now, Malcolm had replaced her and was head healer.

"James. Congratulations." Gloria said with a smile. Malcolm nodded his congratulations.

James accepted them with a grunt and they both understood that he didn't want to be there.

Malcom began, scratching his red haired head as he did, "As I'm sure you know Brooke suffers from many injuries and… PTSD. She has refused therapy and though she does not want to admit it, she has a fear is speaking, along with other severe phobias." James couldn't help but raise his brows at what Malcolm had said.

"Yes," Gloria pick up where Malcolm had left off, "And because of a… shall we say spell and other magical influences, her body is not healing. In fact, old injuries tend to flare up at random times. When this happens give her some pain meds and if it's a really bad one like paralysis there's a bottle of liquid pain killers in this bag." She then handed him a black bag that rattled as he took it.

"Another thing relating to her PTSD," Malcolm started again, "Is that she has flashbacks and vivid nightmares. When these happen it's best not to wake her up because it's better for her to finish the scenario than to interrupt it. She also cannot fall asleep so you'll find some mild sedatives in there."

James swallowed. What was wrong with this human? Everything apparently.