27 “Apology” Cookies

I sat still in the passenger seat. I didn't know what to think.

As soon as Ryan had walked through the door I'd done my best to ignore him. I knew him, we'd met before. It had not been a nice meeting as I recalled that evening. But he clearly remembered it vividly.

He hadn't said anything, probably knowing that there were four other Lycans in the room next to us. After "graciously" filling my glass I had turned to leave but he began to back me up against the wall. The evil look in his eyes reminded me so much of El-kor.

I shivered a little and took a short breath.

I'd done the only thing I could think of, and that was to call James. Ryan had scoffed and I knew that it was probably pointless but to my surprise, James defended me.

As my thoughts were resting on the peculiar evening I must've fallen asleep. I woke up on my bed, it had since been cleaned of the blood and now wore purple and pink striped sheets.

After resting on the mattress for a few minutes I got up and dressed in my robe to go downstairs. I stopped at the top of them though when I heard voices.

James was one of them and he sounded upset, the other voice was a woman's and I wanted to say that it was Elenor, James's sister. But I could've been wrong.

I sat on the top step as I listened to their voices, my right ear was evidently deaf this morning so I sat with my head turned.

"It was wrong, and you know it." She said, her voice quite shrill.

"Elli, did you see what he was doing to her, your own mate?" James snapped and I noted that Ryan and Elenor were mates. This would probably not bode well for me.

"I did, and he said he's sorry. Now, just come over sometime today and accept the apology, and apologize for breaking his wrist. It took Malcolm a while to heal it." And with that I heard her heeled feet stomping down and out the house.

After waiting a few more seconds I walked down the stairs, still turning my head and rubbing my ear. It always made me nervous when one of my ears would go deaf.

I heard a muffled sound to my right and turned my head. James was standing in the entryway with an annoyed expression. Though, I didn't think that his annoyance was directed at me for once.

He looked at me as though he was waiting for something. I myself waited for him to re-ask what he had said.

After a few more minutes of this staring contest, he said, "We have to go over there sometime today to apologize."

I gave a nod and then walked into the kitchen. For some reason I wanted to bake cookies. They would most likely not alleviate the situation, but I did it anyway.

I began by rifling through the drawers and cabinets to see if I had what I needed. Surprisingly though, the only flour we had was a gluten-free blend. I shrugged and set to work.

James sat in the dining room with a laptop and files, his phone ringing every so often. He'd answer it quite angrily, he was always so irritated.

I shuffled around the kitchen, my hands and arms were not as strong as they used to be. As soon as I'd added the flour I could tell that I wouldn't be able to stir it. I stood there eating a brownie as I waited… for what? I didn't know.

"I told you, we don't need to make those expenses, the stealth teams don't need those so why are we still paying for them?"

I looked up at James and saw him scrolling through his computer while yelling on his phone.

I sighed and closed my eyes. With both my arms I carried the bowl to the table and plopped it onto the wooden surface.

He glanced up from his screen and gave me an almost disgusted look. I merely blinked. For some reason, I'd thought he wouldn't be giving me those looks anymore. It didn't matter.

After ending the call about the stealth Lycans he gave me an annoyed glare, "What now?"

I let out a slow breath from my nose and gestured to the bowl of the unmixed cookie dough.

"What's wrong with it?" He asked as he peered down into the bowl.

I blinked at him. How did he not know what cookie dough was supposed to look like?

It would be too humiliating to play charades so I just spoke, although my voice trembled and barely rose above a whisper, "I can't stir it."

He glanced at the dry ingredients that were sitting atop the wet, "Why not? It's just flour."

I swallowed, my throat was becoming increasingly dry. I inhaled a breath and moved my shaking hands to show the wet ingredients underneath.

He gave me another look, "And you can't even stir that?"

I gave him a stare that he eventually seemed to understand, 'No, why would I be standing here if I could?'

He heaved a very loud sigh and stood, picking up the bowl he entered the kitchen. Placing the bowl on the counter he shoved the spoon into the mix. In the next instant the flour flew everywhere.

I pursed my lips, I almost wanted to smile. I frowned at that, I don't smile. Why would I want to smile?

I shook my head when I heard James's yelling, "Damn it! Look what you did!" He said gesturing to his dark green shirt that was now covered in flour.

'I did not do that, and you know it.' I said as I walked to the counter. Sitting on one of the stools I pulled the bowl towards me and began doing my best to fold the dough together. I was straining my arms and it hurt to move them. Soon they were useless and tired from being overworked.

James, who had been standing with his large arms crossed over his chest, sighed as if he was in pain. He tore the bowl from my hands and began to stir the dough ferociously, muttering as he did, "Why is she so weak? Can't even feed herself, useless."

I looked down, my eyes staring at no point in particular. I was useless. He was right.


Author's Comment: I am so sorry for not having updated in a week. I have been trying to write a stockpile of chapters for Given to the Hunter, but life keeps getting in the way. I'm also trying to keep up with Hydrangea of Crescent, my other ongoing novel, and am feeling a little swamped.

So please have patience, I hope to release the next chapter in two days 😘❤️