Silence, Hopelessness, Sadness, and lastly, Confusion.

My heart had never beaten so fast like that. It was like hot water had been poured inside my blood vessels. I wasn't in love, I was afraid.

Fear had engulfed my entire emotional well-being and I was left empty. Nothing but fear had I felt.

Who knew that in just a split second, life could turn on you; especially when you thought you had it in the bag.

I, as young woman, only thrived one thing. That was being successful and getting a job, getting married to the perfect man.

But the truth is, the perfect man does not exist. The only perfect man, according to my Bible study in childhood, is Jesus and he's already dead.

Now, I live a life of soulless emptiness. HE took all that I had and all that I lived for. HE made me a shell of my former self.

That made me HATE HIM.

He claimed he loved me and that made me hate him the more. What kind of sick bastard would "love" somebody and then destroy them?

What I want now, is to avenge my former self, because I'm not who I was anymore. SHE needed to be saved and set free but HE trapped her in a box and destroyed her bit by bit.

But now, it is HER turn to destroy HIM, bit... by.... bit.


My name is Hana Wu Feng; I'm 24 years old and life's about to become hell...