Save her (part one)

There was nothing odd outside girl's hostel. Serene, peaceful, orange coloured sun was going down. Trees welcoming the evening. Some cars were parked outside.

She walked fastly to reach her room. No one knew where she was till now. She had covered her head and face with the scarf she usually carried in her bag.

On her right, College stood with its glory and on her left, iron fence bordered around girl's hostel. Next to the girl's hostel was staff's residential area which separated girl's hostel from boy's hostel. She was only twenty yards away from the main gate. But she felt certain that something was off the line. She increased her pace.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps rushing towards her. Only twelve yards left. She started to run.

But her attempt was failed by the approach of that stranger from behind. He grabbed her waist with one hand and closed her mouth with another.

Her voice was muffled. She flailed her hands. Two more people came out, as they were hiding behind the cars. They tried to drag her towards left side.

In their attempt to do so, her scarf was snatched away. Prince took it from some guy and threw it down forcefully like he was throwing down her dignity, her everything.

She cried out in vain.

Next, something else happened. All three of them jumped back in utter surprise. As, there in the middle stood a girl who didn't look like Eleanor.

"Who..?" Prince couldn't even complete his words. His other two minions stood by his side.

Girl in question was breathing hard, tears welled up in her small eyes. Her looks said all. She was horrified.

There was a slow clapping coming from somewhere near them.

"Who's that ?" Prince shouted.

"It's me", Shaan hollered from behind them. Hopefully this plan would work, he thought to himself.


3 hours before-

Shayan drove his car back to college premises. If what he thought could become truth, then that Ala girl was in serious trouble. He couldn't understand why was he doing this. Maybe something inside him couldn't bear this. There's nothing wrong in saving someone from imminent danger, so he thought.

One look at Shayan and Shaan was sure of what he intended to do. Sana and Sama could also feel the stress building inside the car.

Shayan killed the engine and jumped out of the car, other three following suit.

"Where are we going?" Sama asked.

Shayan and Shaan took a quick glance around them, making sure no one was looking at them.

They swiftly moved towards the woods. Fortunately, nothing separated them from entering it.

Immediately, Shayan started looking for the trails. Shaan kept looking one after another tree. Sama and Sana tried their best to help.

"I see a trail that goes directly inside, but... " Shayan informed after checking the ground for a while.

"It could be an animal", Shaan pointed out and knelt beside Shayan to have a look.

"Don't scare us", Sana shivered and crossed her hands.

"If it's Ala, she's moving less and dragging herself more", Shaan complimented.

" Since no one dares to wander around here..." Sana reasoned.

"How could Ala?" Sama was still not sure about these footprints.

"I think I saw her", Shayan recalled to which Shaan nodded.

"Let's move further ahead", Shaan took the lead. They ventured deeper into the woods.

"This is pointless, maybe she is not even here", Sana said while feeling agitation rising in her brain.

But no one listened to her. After 20 minutes, they still got nothing. Ground was flat enough to walk easily, but trees with wider trunks could do a good job for hiding purpose.

"Now I am truly scared", It was Sana who grabbed Sama's hand.

"And you are not thinking about that girl", Shaan gave her perplexed look.

They were jumping down from the cluster of large boulders. Shayan was the first one. He helped Sana and Sama jumping down while Shaan helped girls from behind. Last one was Shaan of course.

"This is pointless", Sana complained again. She sat on the ground with her back against tree trunk. She buried her head in her lap and moaned, "I am so hungry".

Shaan sat in front of her, Sana also sat beside her. Shaan felt guilty. He should have brought something to eat. He didn't know, it would take this much time. Going back would be like giving up on Ala. That sounded absurd.

Sun was over the head. Due to too much heat, Sana also felt exhausted. No more energy to move on.

Shayan was the only one standing. He didn't want to give up, couldn't. "Shaan! You take care of sisters. I will take a look around". With that, he ran off to the left side. He knew it was a random choice but better than no choice. Maybe she went sideways, instead of straight ahead. A long shot, but he was ready.

But after twenty paces only, he stopped. Something told him to go towards right. Eleanor Shah, she looked like a girl who liked to follow rules. A Muslim always try to do things with right hand, entering room with right foot first, handling out things with right hand. What if she chose right side?

He turned. To the right, then. On his way back, Shayan told him to shout her name as well. College was then well behind. Not to take care of being heard. He was not so sure. He kept walking, searching. He was just turning around a tree when he saw her. 

She was sitting with her bag over her lap, her shoulders slumped, eyes closed, taking deep breaths. A little angry, he walked upto her.

"Are you sleeping?" He asked.

No reply.

"Hey!" Louder this time.

No reply.

He picked up her bag. Her hands lifted up with the bag and fell down.

With a jerk, she woke up. Eyes narrowed, she looked around and finally settled her eyes on him. Seeing him with her bag, she rose. "How do you know?"

Her hands snatched the bag from his hands, not even caring to ask.

"Well, what do you think?" Shayan was pissed off.

She didn't answer.


"I... I was just exploring". Her voice died down halfway. His seething eyes were unnerving her.

"what is it to you?" She felt her anger rising. Her heart was beating frantically because she was afraid, but it also angered her. It was either fight or flight or argue in this case. She thought looking at him.

He thought about giving her good scolding. They were looking for her in the middle of no where. Her sisters were hungry. Shaan never complained but it was his idea all along. No one was saying anything because Shayan decided to help her.

She was looking at ground, her hands fidgeting with the bag's handle. He was hungry and tired, but she was in trouble. She needed help.

"You are in trouble", he stated directly looking into her eyes.

She winced a little, rubbing her hands. He saw fear creeping in her eyes. Without waiting for her reply, he said only one word, "Come". And he started walking towards his siblings.

He could hear her footsteps, so he didn't need to turn and watch out for her.

Shaan was the first one who saw two of them, he was relieved to see her. Safe.

Sana and Sama, on noticing the smiling face of Shaan, turned around.

Eleanor hastened her steps after looking two girls sitting. She easily crossed Shayan and stood beside them. "Did these two bring you here?"

Shaan's smile vanished. Shayan couldn't believe what he heard. This girl was accusing us for bringing girls here while he only wanted to help her. Huh.

Sana gripped her hands. "What kind of madness is this?"

Eleanor replied, "I suspected. Maybe, they will try to do.... something nasty". She hesitated but continued, "They can hurt".

Shaan asked, "You are hiding. You may wait here for sometime, but for how long?"

"I don't know".

"you brought your lunch here", It was more like a question than statement from Shaan.


"Are you hungry?"

"Not... much".

Shaan raised his eyes, "Not sure!"

Shayan proposed, "Let's go to a restaurant".

"Do you plan to keep her for the whole day or what?" Sama questioned.

"She is not some stranger but a friend", Shaan stated, and turned to Eleanor for confirmation, "Am I right?"

She only nodded her head in answer.

"Okay. Food first then". Sana got up, ready to go.

"We will plan there about what to do next", Shayan decided and motioned everyone of them to move.


Present --(continue)

All of them turned towards him. He stopped about ten feet away from them. A good distance to save himself from severe beating and unnecessary pain, considering the murderous looks they were giving him.

He recognised them. In the centre, Prince Khan, alright. Ayaz Ahmed on his left and Sammy Das on his right.

It's just a beginning, Shaan thought, then bowed his head respectfully. "Ehem".

Sammy came to him and punched in the shoulder. Before Sammy could give him another beating, Shaan backed off raising his hands in defence. "Wait, wait".

Sammy went back to his friends and turned his attention back to Shaan.

Shaan showed his mobile to them earning an eye roll from the girl standing behind them.

"What does it mean?", Prince asked.

"That's my sister, who you were so intent on kidnapping". Shaan replied, his expression turning deadly serious. "By the way, why were you so surprised when you saw her face?"

"Not your business", Ayaz gritted out.

Shaan smiled and then became all serious again, "Kidnapping my sister is damn well my business". He again waved his mobile at them and continued. "Everything you did right now is recorded here. So, think very, very carefully before unloading your seniority upon us or Eleanor ".

Maybe it was their first time with not changing the fact that they were not very experienced. For the first time, they witnessed such deed. How could juniors challenged their seniors?

"You dare to threaten us!" Ayaz felt incredulous. He wanted to beat the crap out of Shaan. But, he held himself. Shaan possessed the recording and it could destroy him and his friends.

"Sis! Come here", Shaan pointed the spot behind him.

"You made it worse, Shaan. Don't meddle", Sammy tried to make it clear to Shaan who was slowly inching backwards with his sister.

"I apologize for this. But you gave us no chance", Shaan replied.

"Give it to us", Prince ordered, but his voice quavered in the end.

Shaan only nodded his head in denial. He took his sister's hand and turned.

"Stop!" Ayaz shouted.

Both Shaan and his sister started running towards the exit. Those three seniors just trailing behind them.

Thanks to the long legs that helped both brother and sister in reaching just outside the gate. A particular car was already parked outside with it's engine on.

Shayan shouted, "Run faster". He threw open the front and back doors. Just after that, Shaan jumped in the shotgun. His sister followed him and took back seat. Sammy almost caught up with them and was ready to grab door handle to open it. But, Shayan was quick. He pressed the accelerator and car ran down the street road.

Inside the car, instead of four, five people were sitting. Shayan, Shaan, Sana, Sama and Eleanor.

Sama high fived Sana. "That was amazing Sana". Eleanor who sat behind driver's seat, smiled.

"I still don't know whose idea was this", Eleanor complained. She was annoyed that she had to exchange her dress with Sana. Not that she minded it, but it was embarrassing. She noticed Shayan, looking at her through the side mirror. As the two set of eyes clashed, both averted their eyes. She leaned back and watched outside, while Shayan was looking ahead, driving.

Siblings remained silent at her question.

She huffed and closed her eyes.

Sana nudged her, "Do you mind coming with us for dinner"