I don't wanna fight

Shayan's pov

If only I knew, how much trouble I was in, I would not have come to college that day.

I was way ahead of Shaan and sisters. Moving fast, I was just about to take turn in last corner, I felt a sudden hit on my chest. I staggered a bit, but maintained my balance.

In the morning...

I am a simple and normal person. Isn't it?

My anger flared up. I raised my eyes, only to meet another set of angry eyes.


Her jaw set, she was glaring at me. But I was offended too. Why should I be the one to lower my eyes and apologise?

Time slowed as we looked into each other eyes.

"Hello! You two! Don't make a scene here", it was Shaan.

Sana and Sama tried to usher us. "Let's go or we will be late for lecture".

"Is this how you walk?", Eleanor asked me.

"Are you blaming me?" I also narrowed my eyes at her.

"Oh no! It was Shaan who collided with me".

"Guys! It's okay ", Shaan tried to interfere.

But without looking at him, she raised her hand in front of him and waved him off. "It's none of your business".

"Don't make it look like it was my fault. Don't you know how to look straight and avoid embarrassment in the last minute?" I was raging too.

"Don't ever think that I will cry like every girl after falling down".

"Who said you will cry?"

"What kind of embarrassment you are talking about, then?"

"Then why are you making it a big deal?"

She threw her hands up, "There's no point. Right? You can't accept your mistake".

I folded my hands and leaned a little forward, looking straight in her eyes. "No".

She raised her finger at me and taunted, "I fell down because it's my fault and that's why I should apologize!"

"Don't exaggerate. I am not expecting sorry from you. But don't say it's not your mistake". I was not going to step back.

"Was it me who asked you to say sorry?" She pushed lightly Sana out of her way and stomped out.

Shaan and others waited for my reaction. Giving them one look, I also started walking towards my class.

Naturally, they followed me. I angrily watched Eleanor, who was entering the lecture hall. I couldn't believe I had a fight with her today.


She whipped her head back and tried to find the source of voice. It was Prince, standing in the corner, smiling like panther ready to pounce. We stopped, watching intently. He shouldn't create more troubles, after everything we did.

He moved with slow pace until he was two steps away from her. "You issued the last copy of that book from library".

"Yes", she answered.

" I need it..."

"I will return it after the lectures, for sure". She interrupted him in a hurry.

He narrowed his eyes at first. Without saying anything, he turned and walked past us, shoving me away lightly.

Others also watched, but ignored it. We entered the hall and sat at our usual positions.

Eleanor kept her bag over table and turned to us. "Raj was severely beaten yesterday".

"What is it to you?" Maybe I was still angry at her. I couldn't stop the words coming out.

"Not my problem", she replied angrily and sat in her position, her back facing us.

Shaan looked at me incredulously. Sighing loudly, he went upto Eleanor and stood beside her with the largest smile he could muster. "Hey! Come on! Tell us!"

"Why shall I?" She didn't even look up to him.

He chuckled nervously but said nothing.

She pointed her finger at me. "He stopped me".

Looking at me, he made a teasing face, "He is crazy".

I commented, "Jerk".

Sama and Sana started laughing, high fived with me.

"Sister! Please", So, he threw his trump card. Should I say I was impressed?

"Okay! I thought you should know this ".

"What is it?" Sana asked.

"Raj couldn't come today. His face is bruised". She replied.

"Must be seniors", Sama commented.

Eleanor nodded in affirmation. "It was a whole mess last night in our hostel as well".

As much angry as I was, I also needed to hear what happened. She told us the whole story, adding in last.

"They may boycott us.


Last night - in girl's hostel,

As she crossed long corridors, she noticed seniors staring at her or ignoring her altogether.

She didn't care, then. She climbed up to the third floor and entered her room. Immediately crashing down over bed. "How will I survive this?" She moaned. "In what situation, I am now?"

She adjusted herself in bed comfortably. "Ten minutes rest, then get ready for Salah".

But, before closing her eyes, she checked whatsapp notifications.

Megha had asked her if she is fine which she replied with a thumbs-up.

She was about to scroll down the messages, when she heard the door to her room crashed open. Megha, Richa and Tanvi came in.

Richa hugged her and others only shaked hands. With introductory hi, hellos, all of them sat in her bed.

"You scared us", Tanvi began.

"My friend escaped", Megha whooped like a child.

All of them laughed.

"So, tell us your story. What happened?" Richa asked while her fingers were flying over mobile. She must have a fast typing skill.

So, Eleanor told them everything that happened. At the end, they were smiling with a knowing looks. Eleanor frowned. This kind of reaction was strange. A little foreign.

"I have eaten my dinner, but.. ", Richa began.

"Now we are again hungry", Megha sang.

"Of course", Tanvi said laughing.

Eleanor laughed in return. Then she asked pointing at bunk opposite to her bed. "Where is that senior?"

Mood in the room went down the hill. Three of them exchanged looks.

"Don't say like that, she has a name", Megha whispered.

"We must respect her", Tanvi continued in hushed voice.

Eleanor stared at them. "What happened here while I was absent?"

"They held meeting in the evening", Megha started.

Richa explained, "Senior girls are threatening us. Like if we say anything that can bother them.."

"They may boycott us completely", Megha completed.

It was strange. "What does it mean?" She asked.

"Imagine yourself being cut off from society, friends, everyone or any help". Richa explained.

"Bad". She replied.

"Be careful, friend", Megha was showing concern. "Others are also worried".

Eleanor thought that maybe they were worried for her but a truth crashed down upon her. They were worried for themselves too because of her. She wanted to stop it. But how?

Door again opened and this time her roommate came. A senior. All of them straight away stood up and greeted her. She nodded her head and pointing at her friends, she ordered, "Get out. Who gave you the permission to enter into this room?"

All of them ran out. Eleanor kept her head down. Sitting in her bed, she took out her phone and kept herself busy.

Eleanor didn't know whether to sit and do her own business or stand till she gets the permission.

Five minutes was about to pass. No reaction. Eleanor wanted to stand and wait, but she was also very much tired. Maybe she should go about her business. She opened almirah and pulled out cream colored night pajama, dupatta and knee length kurti.

"I think I didn't give you permission", Senior mam gritted out while watching from the corner of her eyes.

She stopped midway and turned to her. "My sincere apologies".

"It doesn't cut the mistake you already did".

She sighed, better not to speak more.

"I am sick of you", she was calmly spitting venom, "And since I can't do anything to stop you from misbehaving. What shall I do?"

Eleanor didn't want to say anything to offend her but she couldn't stop herself from mumbling, "stop yourself".

Unfortunately, her senior had big ears, "You dare say that!" She was about to slap her but Eleanor turned and ran out of room.

She immediately went to washroom to freshen up and change clothes. She climbed the stairs and reached open terrace. It was not very nice to begin with. Not properly dusted. She spread newspaper and then musalla over it. Facing west, she started reading Namaz.

In Namaz, she forgot about everything, every problem that bothered her, every hurdle she faced. Nothing can come in between her truest love. In Namaz, she gave up herself to Allah. Her heart was filled with peace and serenity. Let the whole world crash in her head, she could bear it with the will of Allah.

For a very long time, she prayed. Wind was getting stronger and cold. She felt shivers running down her chest. It was already night time. She decided to go back to her room.

As she stepped inside, she noticed her place already occupied by an unknown girl.

"What's going on here?" She raised her voice and her senior room mate was snoring her head out.

She lightly pushed that unknown girl who moved a little but didn't woke up.

She again shook her, but no response.

She cried in disdain, "What's going on here?"