chapter 11 1.4 million

Max meets the cancer patients and gets his iv pole then Helen and Max are walking down the hall.

Helen:" You know, a doctor with an IV pole is gonna frighten patients."

Max:" That's a good point. Why dont we just uh do this. There we go. Meet earl my new sidekick."

Helen:" Oh, yeah, that's much better."

Max:" Right?"

Helen:" A smiling bag of poison."

Max:" Yep going full chemo."

Helen:" Please don't say that."

Max:" Got it. I know at some point Im gonna be useless. Thanks for not disagreeing."

Helen:" Well we both know what's coming."

Max:" And uf, after what happened in Cold Spring. I can't just let the hospital fall apart. I mean, I need to find someone who can, you know, take over when I can't-- Will you be my medical director? Sorry I don't know why that sounded like I was asking you to prom."

Helen:" Im flattered, of course."

Max:" My friend Earl, here doesn't think you look flattered."

Helen:" I've already cut back on my public appearances. If I cut back anymore we're gonna start to lose funding."

Max:"Okay, yeah. Well, think about it. Otherwise I'm gonna have to give my friend Earl, here, a sad face."

Iggy is with a patient who has delusions of a wolf that stares at him and sometimes attacks him.


Ella:" Oh, my gosh, this is Rohan. I mean, I thought it might be because he has the same-- but i didn't wanna assume okay, im done."

Rohan:" Hi"

Ella:" Hi. Uh, it's so nice to meet you. Your dad talks about you all the time."

Rohan:" He does?"

Kapoor:" Okay, thank you. thank you , Ella."

Ella:" Now he's blushing, so this is a disaster. I'm gonna go, but I hope I see you again."

Rohan:" You talk about me."

Kapoor:" Uh, yes. I wanted to get you a gift, and Ella was helping me."

Rohan:" What kind of gift?"

Kapoor:" We've not decided, but I didn't want to get you something which ment something other then what I wanted it to mean."

Rohan:" Oh, that's-- that's thoughtful. There is something..."

Kapoor:" Yes, tell me."

Rohan:" I told you about the songs I'm writing? We'll I'd love to make a demo, and to do that I need to rent a studio. I was wondering if you could you know.."

Kapoor:" Give you money? I don't think it's a good idea."

Rohan:" Okay. Baby steps, right?"

They then walk somewhere else.

Reynolds was about to do an interview until the interviewer showed him a picture of his mug shot. The wolf delusion guy is in surgery. Max gets Andy the homeless guy a apartment because hes been making the hospital spend 1.4 million on him this year.

Reynolds does go ahead with the interview about how a cop arrested him instead of giving him a ticket just going 3 over the limit.


ME pov

Im gonna save Helen from being caught by Bloom so when I get their I find Helen about to go through Blooms bag.

James(Me):" You shouldn't do that unless you want to get caught."

Helen:" How did you get in here."

James:" Just came in through those doors."

Bloom:" James what are you doing here."

James:" Nothing. How you doing?"

Bloom:" Alright. Okay Helen let's get going. Wanna come?"

James:" No i'm alright well bye."

Next day Andy still comes back to the hospital so he and Max talks with him and Andy gets a job in the oncology ward. The guy with wolf delusions talks with his dad about going to the farm place. Reynolds calls his nephew I think to talk about the police incident. Sharpe agrees to be Max's Deputy. Max then accepts looking weak in-front of people after talking with Helen. Now Max also spends time with the other cancer patients.