a child was born in a family eighteen years ago. it was indeed a great Joy. at six months old, Nonye Lost her Father. a moment of joy and sorrow afterwards. she was the last child out of four children. she had elder sisters who were supportive to their mother after the demise of their bread winner. this is a household of girls only . Nonye had no brother, never knew how the father looks like in reality. she could only use pictures to imagine how the father was. A poor child who lost her father in a fatal car accident, crying most times was her option.
Nonye was raised by a single parent, I can't even imagine how cool that sounds.a good girl with a big heart grew in intelligence. an African queen five feet four inches tall. the family made sure happiness was hers always and never lacked. she was from a high class financially stable family, she was envied by peers though she never experienced a fatherly love.
we've new neighbors my sisters cried out. "we'll be welcoming our new neighbors this evening" my parents said after breakfast. wasn't interested though, felt unconcerned and walked sluggishly into my room. it was a Saturday, a very sunny day. bored, always indoors keeping myself busy with my devices and playing video games. "I'm tired" I said standing up to stretch my body. I saw a creature through my room window...who is she?
how time flies, is evening already. "Nonye go check who's knocking" her mom said. the beautiful creature opened the door and allowed us in. "oh, she's my new neighbor. wow she's beautiful" I kept hearing voices in my head. "sit down pls" my sisters dragged me down , was already lost in thought. we were warmly welcomed. the adults had their conversation, my younger sisters were already close to the girls. I was like a lost sheep in an arid land, pressing my phone but lost in thoughts at same time.