it was a bright morning, but Nonye woke up with fear. fear of what exactly? she's staking her life too to get the pregnancy abortion done. "breakfast is ready already" vee said to Nonye. "what's wrong with you dear?" she asked after noticing how worried Nonye looked. "is gonna be fine dear" vee added. I hope so, Nonye said sobbing softly. "breakfast then" the girls shouted.
"what's still holding you? I'm tired of waiting" vee said. "is already time with the doctor's appointment" she added. "I'm done, pls be a little patient" Nonye said walking out horridly. the both girls arrived at the hospital twenty minutes later. "here we' be strong, you're gonna make it" vee said hugging Nonye. "sorry ma, this way" a nurse directed Nonye to the theatre. Nonye's heart rate kept increasing as she was prepared for the abortion.
nurses horridly left the theatre. vee got confused. none answered her even though she tried asking. "she needs blood transfusion" the doctor said. every health personnel present in the theatre room tried their best. all Nonye was saying while she cried was "please doctor". it was really sad. vee rushed the doctor as he came out from the theatre room to enquire what's going on. the doctor shoved his head and comforted vee. it was really unbearable for vee after hearing Nonye lost her life in the theatre room.
"oh my God!" Nonye mom exclaimed after hearing the shocking news. she kept rolling on the floor as she looked helpless. it was really a sad moment for the bereaved family. after the news got to me, my conscience kept querying me. I couldn't think straight. all I saw was fear surrounding me. I couldn't deal with the trauma. I became a drug addict. my family tried reaching me, but I wasn't reachable. I'm now lost with the trauma and addiction. suicidal thoughts constantly came across my mind. fear was my every minute companion. always feeling her presence, a very sad experience. my family I lost, Nonye I lost education and plans I lost too. I lived in fear.