Chapter 15

When I woke up Hermon was not on the bed. When I tried getting off the bed my legs were wiggling and i felt dizzy. I fell back on the bed.

"Good morning Honey!" Hermon greeted coming in and I quickly wrapped myself with the blanket on the bed. He brought breakfast for me in my bednroom I mean our bedroom. This guy was so sweet , sweeter than honey itself. I got captivated in his blue ocean eyes.

I almost pulled the blanket away but then I remembered that I was naked and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment so I ran to the bathroom. I quickly took a bath but I noticed that I had something at the back of my left shoulder it was hurting as it I've been bitten and I could see the second half moon in my left eye.

All this seemed weird but I ignored them and I carried on and I prayed that I shouldn't she Hermon's face for the rest of the day before I came out. When I came out no one was there.

I ate the breakfast because I was very very hungry. I have never been this hungry before. But I just kept on eating. I went downstairs after eating and I bumped into Meddy. She looked as if she couldn't walk she couldn't even stand properly. I felt like laughing I mean her condition was just a joke for me.

"Hey Mrs Michael Smith" I taunted her.

"Ezrine it's still early for this please let me fetch water first"

"It will take you the whole year to even reach the stairs I mean have you seen your condition , wait here I'll fetch water for you.'

"okay but I'm mad at you" she tried yelling. I almost burst into laughter but I controlled myself and I went to get water for her because wow , seems like Michael was definitely not play around.

I got the water and I helped her to drink and now she could stand atleast.

"See Ezrine this is all your fault"

"What did I do ?" I asked acting innocent.

"Why did you set up our room as if it was our honeymoon night?"

"You did the same too and I bet you enjoyed it"


Meddy was confused as to what Ezrine was talking about because she never decorated her room , but she chose not to push it further.


"Come on Meddy you have got five kids so you must probably have known how to do all this." I blurted. I could see a tear roll down from her eyes.

"Ezrine I was a virgin before last night , those five kids are not mine they are the mayor's children and I was forced to take a fall for the mayor's wretched ways. He used girls as if they were toys. He would even kidnap and force himself on younger girls. You were the only girl he couldn't get. He feared that society might burn him alive so when a girl got pregnant he would let her stay with us for a year and I would portray myself as if I was the pregnant one. He tortured me everyday , he forced me to be rude to you even when I didn't want to but I didn't have a choice because had I not followed his orders he would have killed our mom!" She confessed crying loudly.

Tears fell down from my eyes. Meddy handled this much pain and I didn't even notice. What kind of a serpent empress was I ? Besides being a serpent empress I was her sister yet I could not see her sufferings.

"Oh Hi the Smith daughter in laws" Glen greeted us from behind and this time he came closer but to my surprise my skin was not glowing I mean none my serpent senses were active. We ignored his greetings.

"Mr and Mrs Smith are taking Matilda and I to the mall so she told me to tell you that." he delivered the message.

"Okay you can go!" Meddy ordered angrily. He went away mumbling about something.

"Strange , sister Meddy can you believe that my serpent senses did not react to Glen's presence this this time?"

"What are you saying , you are Nogapele Agaton your scales are rare , so they are not the ones to deceive you. Something must be wrong. Let's try shapeshifting to our serpent forms." Meddy suggested.

We did sing the serpent song , the chants we knew but we couldn't shapeshift.

"Oh no Ezrine we have done a blunder!" Meddy said shocked.

"What do you mean?"

"According to the rules in the serpent world is that if a serpent gets intimate with another being apart from the snakes of the Nosega realm then they shall face a severe punishment and we slept with humans that means our punishment was to snatch our powers away from us."

"But how do we reclaim our powers back , the lunar eclipse is near and I can't perform the dance without my powers!" I stressed.

"Only a serpent of the Nosega realm can return our powers but every serpent of our realm don't remember all this and we can never identify them in their human being forms."

"Then what do we do Meddy?"

"There is only one person who can help us now."



"Who is that? And where is he ? And why are we still here? Let's go!"

"Wait , Ronela is the wizard of the Nogase Mountain , the guardian of the Nosega serpents. He is our father." Meddy explained. I couldn't believe my ears. The word 'father' echoed in my head for a while and I brokedown and burst in tears.

"My father is alive" I stuttered unable to believe.

"Yes Ezrine. And only you can find him because it was you who binded him in a hidden which no one knows about not even my mom and I" but how was that possible I mean like why would I bind my own father in a hidden place when I didn't know him and I also didn't have powers at an early age so all this just confused me.