The Confession

Bella's POV

I don't understand, but someone is staring at me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Laurie standing there. He had a toothbrush in his mouth as he looked at me and Kaycee, who was lying beside me on the bed.

"Gad morning," Laurie said, smiling. I was still unable to comprehend all of his words due to the fact that he spoke with a toothbrush in his mouth.

I frowned, so Laurie left my bedside. I immediately got up, folded my blanket, and saw everyone staring at me. Kaycee also got up and looked at everyone.

"Why?" I asked in astonishment. They think I'm a little strange, so I'm not worried.

When Laurie pointed to the jacket I was wearing, I wrinkled my brows. "Isn't the President involved?"

I looked at my jacket. 'Shit!' I forgot to take off that sweater when we returned to the cabin after watching the meteor shower. Kaycee removed the hoodie and properly hung it on the side.

Evo's POV

"What is the problem?" Despite being aware of the situation, I still inquired.

"VP's hoodie jacket is the same as yours," Marcel said quietly.

The next day, I was surprised to notice that everyone was looking at me except Bella. Everyone's thoughts were racing through my mind like a raging storm. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a couple of seconds. Closing my eyes helps me relax and breathe properly. I carefully sat up and then opened my eyes again.

"Are you okay?" Kaycee asked me.

I turned toward her. Kaycee was the only one who noticed what was happening to me. Maybe it's because she's always looking at me. Perhaps she saw me wince.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" she asked. "Like that. Do you need meds?"

"No, I'm fine." I smiled at her.

Kaycee just nodded and did not say anything. I looked at our friends; as expected, they were making fun of Bella and me. They saw Bella wearing my hoodie, but they didn't see that Kaycee was wearing my other hoodie. I know they knew that Kaycee was wearing it, but neither of the two girls said anything to explain or defend themselves, as if they didn't care what people thought.

"So? It's not just that I own this particular brand. The clothing brand offers more than just one color, so what's the issue?

Nobody answered me. I looked at Bella and Kaycee.

Everyone quickly started eating breakfast. As early as six in the morning, our group is ready to make the most of our last day in Subic.

Getting from the hotel to the inflatable island only took a few minutes. We immediately put on their swimming gear. Our group couldn't believe it when we saw the 4,000 sq. m. of inflatable playgrounds. The people who work there say that they are the biggest in Asia. Different kinds of inflatable slides, towers, bridges, swings, giant animals, and people-launching machines exist.

The human launchers were more enjoyable for everyone. Bella seems afraid of the water. Kaycee, on the other hand, loves the water. When I looked at the two women, I could see they were very different, but they worked well together when they were working or investigating. When Bella flew into the air and quickly fell into the water, she sank, even though she was wearing a life jacket. When I noticed her injuries, I submerged myself in the water and grasped her hand.

"Are you doing okay?"

Bella looked at me with a breathless face. I fell into the water after Kaycee, so when Bella fell and I was the closest to where she was, I was the first to save her. Bella nodded at my question.

I did not expect Bella to hug me, as if she were afraid of falling into the water again.

"Hey, you don't have to hug like that. You'll never sink again." I said.

Bella didn't move, but I could hear her breathing and her body shaking. She had a tight grip on my shoulder, so I turned to him with a frown.

"Yes, I can't swim," Bella said, annoyed. "Are you happy?"

Bella seemed to notice my frown, so she told me what was happening even though I didn't ask.

I chuckled. "A lion like you has many weaknesses. I'm becoming increasingly interested in getting to know you better. I'm curious about your other weaknesses, aside from your affinity for reptiles and your inability to swim.

"Just don't let me go," Bella said. I am uncertain as to whether she was unwilling to engage in a discussion with me at that time or if she failed to comprehend my remarks.

"You can hug me."

"On your dreams. In any case, I will wash your hoodie before returning it to you."

"There's no need to wash it. I'll accept it even if you don't."

"It is a shame. My scent will be left there."

"I understand, so please refrain from washing it." It's also my souvenir. I like your scent. You smell like a sweet apple."

I noticed the pink on Bella's cheeks. She looked at me, and I looked back at her. Suddenly, she sprinkled water on me to get me to stop staring at her.

Kaycee's POV

I experienced some chest pain again. I took a deep breath and immediately swam toward the dock. Seeing Evo and Bella close together made me want to stay away from them even more. I'd had a crush on Evo for a long time. When I saw him on the elevator, I knew it was him. Out of all the single sons of wealthy people, I prefer Evo the most. He's something, and I was right to think so, because he's bizarre like me. I transferred to Bella's university to see Evo and be with him, but he didn't notice me until now.

I thought about changing clothes and staying at the local diner. I just bought a frappe of coffee and stayed in it.

"What're you doing here? Why don't you go along with them?"

I looked at Evo, who had just arrived. He sat on the other side of the table with two cups of coffee in his hands. I frowned because I knew who the coffee was for.

I frowned because I knew who the coffee was for.

"I'd rather be alone than..." I said. I didn't mean what I said, but I didn't want to see them either. He is too sweet to Bella.

Because Evo was staring at me, I looked back. "Did you see Manong's driver? I'd give him some coffee, because he might be bored."

I looked at Evo. "That coffee is for Manong's driver?"

Evo chuckled. "Of course."

"I made a mistake. I thought it was for Bella." I whispered.

Evo did not speak; I am uncertain as to whether he comprehended my words, but he continued to sip his coffee. "Do you like Bella?" I asked him.

He looked at me. "Bella's a fascinating girl, but I don't have romantic feelings for her. Why did you ask me such a question?"

"Because I like you."

Evo was staring at me, and I was staring back at him.

"I know you won't like me because you like her. You don't need to act, answer, or explain." I gave her a slight smile and then drank my coffee.

Evo took a long, deep breath. "I don't know why you said I like Bella, but you're wrong."

"You still don't like me, do you? It doesn't matter if you like her or not."

Because Bella and I are friends, I have no reason to like either of you.

"No, Evo, you can't say that. But it's okay. I'm accustomed to facing rejection, which fortifies my resilience and abilities."


"When we return to the city, your next task will be difficult. Not only should your skills work, but your senses should also be quick." I smiled. "But I don't think Uncle Eduard will allow you to use your ability, so you must be ready."

"What's the next task?"

I didn't answer. I know Evo can do it because he is unique.