The Help

Evo's POV

"She's not my girlfriend yet," Eduard explained.

After we solved the case, I invited us to eat outside. Kaycee suggested having samgyupsal for an early dinner. When I agreed, Kaycee immediately reserved a table at a restaurant because the traffic had caught us up a bit.

When we arrived, the servers there knew Kaycee, so they kindly assisted us. Others were even surprised to see me and take pictures with me. I didn't expect that I would have many fans in this restaurant. I discovered that Kaycee had sold me to the servers in exchange for a favorable spot. I just shook my head at what he did.

"Do you want help with a romantic date? I'll take care of it. Just tell me, sir." I said.

"Wow, you don't have a girlfriend yet, do you? You've never even had a girlfriend. How can you do that?" Kaycee asked.

"You're harsh," I said. "How did you know about that?"

"She's a detective." Benedict chuckled.