The Unexpected Help

Evo's POV

"Man, I have no idea what you ate, and you drove me to this location in an Uber."

Migs and I were sitting in the car's back seat that he had booked. We left our car in the school parking lot when class was over.

"Where are we going, anyway?" Migs asked.

"BGC," I said. "We should get along. We haven't bonded in a long time, haven't we?"

"Man, just the two of us? Wasn't it boring?" Migs chuckled.

"When did it become boring for the two of us to get close? We've only been wandering since then, haven't we?"

Migs just laughed about what I said. I kept looking around while Migs and I talked, even in the car. When Migs stopped talking, I asked the driver. I'm sure drivers know what's happening with a vehicle booked online.

"Mister, do you know anything about the massacre in the news?" I asked.

Yes, I heard about it on the news.

"Do you know the car that's being used?" I asked again.