Broken Brake

Evo's POV

I lost control of the wheel, and the car was moving quickly. I started to get scared and remembered what had happened before. Now Migs is with me, so I don't have to worry about being alone. Migs and I stopped and looked at each other as the car seemed to stop running because of a strong force. Migs and I suddenly got out of our seats and hit the car's window, which made us jump out of the vehicle. Migs and I threw ourselves, but we all thought we would fall and land on the road as another car passed.

When Migs saw a big truck coming toward where we were, he screamed loudly. But we were shocked when my car blew up behind us, and the force of the explosion made the forces that were helping Migs and us fall away. We were lying on the road when a big truck came behind us. Migs and I both thought it was our last day. We couldn't stop closing our eyes as the big truck got closer, but we could hear the sound of its tires on the road until we fell down and it got dark.