The Start of Serious Investigation


"How're you feeling? Are you all right? Maybe you're no longer nervous."

Uncle Mikel, who was driving confidently, caught my eye momentarily. We stayed for a long time in the wake of our former guard, who died last night. Uncle Mikel and I are on the way to the airport, where we're waiting to pick up my parents, who had to return to our country quickly because of the incident.

"I-I am perfectly well," I stuttered, and my barely heard words echoed all around the room. When I briefly looked at Uncle Mikel, 's face showed a slight but apparent smirk. "Why did you offer it to his wife?"

I can't even explain how shocked I am because it looks like they've offered a grant to his son and a considerable amount of money.

"Why? Is such a huge amount wrong? Should I go higher?"

"No, I mean, your offer is fine. Why is it so big that you're almost giving them your savings? Do they still get a monthly allowance? Doesn't that seem like too much?"