The Parted Ways


"I'm sorry, but what she did was wrong. I know she was also a member of your family.

I quickly looked at Bella and could tell she was annoyed because of how her voice sounded. When she came back, she used her strange power on the body. At that time, she said something that proved what Sir Eduard had said earlier was true.

"She must have sucked, right? Death is not enough to punish her for what she did to all of us."

My father and I had a deep silence that never broke. It was like a gap that seemed to go on forever. Bella's feelings are still unknown, hidden by a thick fog of unspoken emotions. Losing a mother is a terrible pain, but Bella's was even worse because she had to go through life without a parent to guide her. In the complicated fabric of my life, one constant presence still shows me the way. It is incredible that my father figure stays with me and always offers support and advice. There is no doubt in our minds how angry she is.