Chapter 39 (39) Flying Cars

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"You press the red button on the left, and then press the green button on the right!"

Jessica first pressed the red button according to Dunlidore's instructions, and found no abnormalities, but when Jessica pressed the green button, an abnormality suddenly occurred.

In fact, the magic mechanism of this car has been activated when the red button is pressed. When the red button is pressed, the car will be in a stealth state. In this state, it is difficult for ordinary people to find the existence of this magic car.

When Jessica pressed the green button, the car suddenly ignored gravity and floated slowly into the air like a hydrogen balloon.

From the front windshield, Jessica saw that the road was sinking a little bit, and the car had floated to the height of the street light in a few seconds.

Jessica finally knew that this was not an ordinary car at all, it was a car with super powers!

"Mr. Dunlee, this..."

"When you press the red button, the car will be invisible. When you press the green button, the car will fly into the sky. The magical energy will make the car body stronger and protect the interior of the car. People, the most important thing is that this car does not need to be fueled at all."

Dunlidor explained to the surprised Jessica while staring out the window. Dunlidor hadn't enjoyed the night scene so quietly for a long time.

Thousands of lights and high-rise buildings in modern cities always give people a shocking sense of beauty.

Dunlee's Hogsmeade may not reach the level of a big city in a few years of development, but it is still possible to go from a small village to a large town, because the students increase geometrically every year.

"You mean this car can fly and be invisible, and it doesn't need to be refueled, right?"

Jessica never thought that she would underestimate this car. It could fly, be invisible and more sturdy, which made Jessica seriously suspect that her superpowers were being compared with this old classic car.

The flying car in the original book can fly and become invisible, but now it has only increased the speed and firmness, and the invisible car in the original book actually has autonomous consciousness in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts.

Jessica's super powers are actually rarely used. She works in the Broken Cauldron Bar, and lives in Dunlidore's small broken ship behind the Broken Cauldron Bar. The streets along the Hudson River are a little paradise. There, Dun Lidow had reached a consensus with Jin Bin and some large foreign forces.

And some small and piecemeal forces did not dare to make trouble in Dunlidor's jurisdiction easily.

Jessica still cannot travel freely in Hell's Kitchen, and Jessica does not have much actual combat experience.

"How high can this car fly!"

Jessica kept tapping the green button, which was an invisible pusher switch activated by magic. The faster Jessica tapped, the faster the car would rise.

Gradually, the cars in the on-street parking lot are the size of a firewood box, and scattered crowds can still be seen on Broadway in Manhattan. These people are the size of a group of ants moving on a rainy day.

What makes Jessica feel amazing is that even if these people look up to the sky, they will not find an old Ford car flying in the sky.

"I may rarely use this car in the future. If you use a car, you can also drive my car."

The system points consumed by this flying car are not many, and Dunridor has never received it because he didn't feel that he could use this kind of car before.

Because they can teleport, all the students have a flying broom, which is more flexible and can do whatever they want. On the flying broom, they can also raise their wands to fight.

Of course, the advantage of this car is that it can be used as a tortoise shell and has a certain protective effect, but it is also limited, especially in the low-magic world.


Jessica couldn't help but be surprised and happy, she was so grateful that she had plucked up the courage that day to let Dunlidow reveal her secret.

Without the courage of that day, Deng Liduo would always be the little boss who did not seek improvement and no ideals in her heart. After uncovering the secret, Deng Liduo transformed into a person who owns the whole world. He not only knows everything, but also has countless people The strong, he can benefit ordinary people for a lifetime with a gift.

Jessica has countless fantasies about the wizarding world, but Dunridor just took her to the Philosopher's Stone Warehouse and the Hogwarts back kitchen.

She most wanted to know whether there were giant dragons in the wizarding world, and whether the wizarding world was really a beautiful and suffocating world.

She had a dream. She became a little girl. She entered the magical world from the Clinton train station that Dunridor said, and saw a real garden of Eden blooming all over the place.

Although Dunlidore did not give this car to Jessica, but Jessica knew that Dunlidore needed this car really not much.

More often, she would drive this car to float over the entire New York City, quietly admiring the colorful night scenes of twists and turns.

"Jessica, I asked you to drive to the top of the Stark Industrial Building, not to the moon."

Driven by Jessica swaying from side to side, the flying car slowly cushioned it against the full moon in the oblique upper corner.

Many high-rise buildings have been left behind by Jessica, and the intricately twisted streets are like thin lines shining with silver light.

Dunridor glanced at Battery Park south of Broadway to see if this reclaimed park was suitable for placing a giant portal. When Dunridor shook his head and said that there was no space around him, he found that the car had risen to such a height.

If you don't stop it, Jessica will become the second Chang'e, and she will definitely park this flying car in the parking lot next to the Moon Palace.

"Below is the Stark Industrial Building!"

Jessica has never looked down on the Stark Tower at such a height. What made her admire is that the Stark Tower still maintains its due majesty at such a height. This is a real small building overlooking the sky. building.

In the Marvel world, there are countless large and small consortia, but the Stark Building ranks among the best in terms of height and momentum, and only the Empire State Building can be comparable.

But Jessica knew that no matter how rich Tony Stark was, he couldn't compare to the one sitting behind him. Although the dollar he had was just a fraction of Tony Stark's, he had a wealth of rivals. "He Guo" worth.

"Park the car on the tarmac on the top floor of Tony Stark."

Dunlee knows that Stark Industries may be the largest defense contractor in the U.S. and even the world in Marvel. The prototype of Stark in Dunlee's previous life was Roxy in Bethesda, Montgomery County, Maryland. De Martin, Martin is undoubtedly a truly world-class mountain.

It is really difficult for ordinary people to find anything at this height, but Dunlideau just wants to find a park with dense floors, where a giant portal is perfect.