Chapter 59 (59) Food Magic

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Most of the employees in the Broke Cauldron are American local scholars, but there are also some foreigners, because the Hell's Kitchen is messy and many foreigners live here.

The United States is a country where there is no meat, no matter whether it is an old man or a young girl, whether it is a young man or a young man, few people will refuse the delicious aroma of BBQ.

At this moment, almost all the employees were crowded in this small back kitchen, and some employees who were decorating and cleaning also gathered around.

The back kitchen was filled with the aroma of Wizard World beef, and the employees snorted the aroma hovering in the air. Although few people can refuse the temptation of beef, a few of them who don't like beef are destined to miss this BBQ.

"They look like hairless mice!"

Dunridor sent five little wizard chefs in the kitchen, each with some beef from the magical world.

After all, there is a specialization in the art industry. Dunridor can master all kinds of magic skillfully, but he only knows nothing about food magic, because no matter he is in Hogwarts or the broken cauldron bar, he has no chance to go to the kitchen to show his skills.

In the kitchen, the elves held their wands high, and every time they waved the wand, the ingredients floated in the air, and the ingredients were torn apart by a magical force in the air.

The beef from the wizarding world was evenly torn into the same size. Each piece of beef has the size of a palm, allowing each employee to eat enough.

"Who is Mr. Dunlidor anyway?"

"I originally thought that Mr. Dunlideau was just an ordinary person. It seems that he is from Hogwarts. He also knows how to use magic. He can also call these weird creatures. It doesn't seem simple!"

Now Hogwarts is known to the whole world, especially in Twisting City, there are many ordinary people whose lives were saved by Hogwarts mages. These ordinary people have spontaneously organized a support club to support Hogwarts.

It won't be long before Hogwarts' wand key chains, mage model figures, and pirated mage hats and robes will become popular in this world.

So at this moment, seeing these elves waving their staffs, the first thing the employees thought of was Hogwarts.

"Jessica, how do you taste it?"

The first piece of beef Dunlideau handed it to Jessica, because after all, Dunliddo has been getting busy recently, and basically everything in the Broken Cauldron Bar is handled by Jessica.

And Dunlideau also needs a gluttonous gourmet to judge this piece of beef roasted with magic stone and then made with magic.

This piece of beef does not use any seasoning, completely retains the taste of the beef itself, plus the magic flame roast of the Philosopher's Stone.

The elves have magical gastronomy spells that make ordinary ingredients delicious, not to mention the ingredients baked with such superb ingredients.

"It tastes really good! If our Broken Cauldron Bar can really make such good food in the future, I believe it will be full of customers in a short time!"

Jessica took a bite. This piece of beef is different from any beef she has ever eaten. It is even more memorable than the Kobe beef made in high-end restaurants.

It has a strange fragrance, even if Jessica gobbles the whole piece of beef into her stomach, it still hovering in Jessica's mouth.

"It's not easy to want this effect. You need magic stones, skilled wizard chefs, and gourmet magic. Now there are only magic stones. But as long as you have a reasonable price, they can eat the same delicacies as high-end restaurants, then I'm not afraid that they won't come to patronize anymore."

In addition to the exquisite appearance and delicious interior, there is also a cheap price that makes people linger. Otherwise, no matter how good the food in Po Keo Bar is, it is just a food.

"You have seen it too. Maybe our Broken Cauldron Bar will be busy in the future. As long as you work hard, I will also greatly increase your salary in the future!"

"Really, thank you so much, Mr. Dunlidor!"

"Mr. Dunlideau, you are such a good person, you shocked us so much!"

The employees of the Broken Cauldron Bar's impression of Dunlidore is actually not bad, because no matter how the Broken Cauldron Bar's business is, Dunlidore has never missed their one-dollar salary, even compared to their salary in restaurants and bars of the same level. Salaries should also be about 20% higher.

Now Dunlidore has improved the Broken Cauldron Bar, and it may not be long before there will be another peak here, and the service staff may have another tip to earn by then.

The most important thing is that Dunlidore promised to increase their wages by a large margin. This is the important reason why their impression of Dunlidor has improved again.

Most people are profit-oriented. No matter whether Dunlidor is a Hogwarts wizard or not, whether the business of the broken cauldron bar is getting more and more prosperous, Dunliduo pays them less and less wages, and they will secretly scold Deng. Eighteenth generations of Liduo's ancestors.

This night, the Broken Cauldron Bar was particularly noisy, because it was not just a gathering of employees, but Jessica's friend Trish also celebrated her birthday here.

I don't have a good impression of Trish, the broken bar where Jessica is the general manager, and the things here are just so mediocre. To be honest, it's not worth the price on the menu.

The main drink is a variety of Butterbeers. In fact, Butterbeer is the name of a cocktail. Like other cocktails, it has a high degree of flexibility. The main ingredients are butter, lemon, cream soda, etc. Here, the butter beer sold to adults is added with whiskey and rum.

Trish thought it tasted good when she first drank it, but the novelty passed over time.

But I didn't expect the beef here today is so unique, Trish felt a strange fragrance in his mouth after taking a bite.

Of course, although the taste is delicious and not greasy, there are also a small number of people who say that they have no good food, but Trish is not among them.

"The beef in the Broke Cauldron is good, where is the beef, how is it made, and what materials are used? I will go back and see if I can make such a plate. The taste is so unique, I am still thinking about it now! "

Cui Xi is a TV anchor who hosts a TV show called "Cui Xi Said", and the ratings have always been average.

Recently, IDs that are popular all over the world, such as Twisting Wars, Avengers, Hogwarts, etc., have never caught on. Now she feels that she should do a food show with the topic of Broken Cauldron Bar.

Trish's cheeks flushed red and a little drunk. Jessica chose the non-alcoholic butter beer because she still had work to do. At this time, she helped Trish ride in the magic car that Dunlidow had forgotten.

"Even if you know where the beef comes from, even if you know how to make it, you can't make it!"