Find her

Lee Mansion

Everybody was present in the living room when Lisa and Jennie arrived.

Seeing both, Grandpa Lee said "You're home".

"Yes, Grandpa" both answered in unison.

"How's gyeol" grandpa Lee then asked Lisa.

"He is fine now, grandpa" Lisa answered.

"That's good" Grandpa Lee nodded then added "If you need any help with his treatment, come to grandpa, okay" he said.

"Yes, grandpa " Lisa nodded.

Grandpa Lee then glanced at his grand daughter who was spacing out.

"Why are you Spacing out, ha-neul"he asked.

"huh.. " Jennie looked at her grandpa and smiled "Nothing grandpa, I'm just tired" she said.

"hmm.. go get freshen up and then come back to have dinner " he said.

Lisa and Jennie, both nodded and went upstairs.

Inside Jennie's Room

As soon as Jennie entered, she slumped on the bed, as if all her energy has been drained out.

"What's wrong with you, Jennie" asked Lisa as she sat near the edge of the bed.

"I'm doomed, Lisa " replied Jennie in her sluggish voice.

"Why!?.... Your interview didn't went well" Lisa asked her as she too laid down on the bed on her back facing the ceiling.

"Nope..... It went well.... it went so well that I'm doomed" Jennie again replied not clearing anything.

" Can you tell me clearly, what happened exactly!? " not being able to put up with her remarks Lisa Straightforwardly asked.

"Lisa I'm done for!! " Jennie said as she sat up straight on her bed. Lisa also followed as she asked.

"Tell me what happened "

"You know LH empire.... which is one of the top companies" Jennie asked and Lisa nodded saying.

" Which came into this industry not so long ago, right " said Lisa and Jennie nodded.

" You know who is the owner of that company?? " Jennie asked.

"Just tell me, Jennie. What's with this suspense and all " Lisa said annoyingly.

" ahh... sorry, I'll tell you, That company's CEO is that pervert.... " Jennie narrated the whole incident to Lisa, who eyes and mouth were wide opened when she finished listening to her narration.

"So now you will work as his personal assistant.... " Lisa said with expression of Exasperation on her face.

Jennie nodded and was about to say something when Lisa again started.

" Wait a second, Jennie. Don't you think it's kinda trap... " Lisa looked at her and Jennie eyes narrowed as she thought about it.

"See, how he approached you at airport then at party and as he always flirt with you and now this assistant thing, Don't you think it's kinda suspicious!? " Lisa questioned.

Jennie thought about all the occurrences and how he always used to flirt and would say cheesy lines to her, it's really kind of suspicious.

"What I'm gonna do now, sis " Jennie said as she laid on her back with her head on Lisa's lap.

"I had stopped you looking for any job, Jennie. you can look for any other believable reason, I know this is the most believable reason you can give to grandpa but still.... it is dangerous for you" Lisa said as she patted her head.

" You know Lisa I can't stay here, they will never let me know the truth and I can't sit still till I can find where is she..... you know what she mean to me " Jennie said as her voice became melancholic and eyes swell with tears.

" I know, Jennie but still your safety is more important " said Lisa.

" I know you are worried about me, I'm also frustrated with all this turn outs but I have to find out and I will " Jennie said with voice full of determination.

" It's just that I have to put up with that pervert along the way.... uff " said Jennie as she sat up on her bed and looked at Lisa.

"Don't worry about me, you know how I am and how well I can handle that pervert " said Jennie as she winked at her.

"I know ,I know " Lisa said while giggling.

Jennie stood up to get freshen up while Lisa laid down comfortably on the bed to get some rest as she has to travel back to the hospital.

When Jennie was about to enter in the washroom, just then there was knock on the door.

Jennie went to the door and opened it only to see her mother's smiling face.

" Mom " Jennie greeted.

" You haven't changed yet " said her mother.

"I was going to change, mom " replied Jennie.

" okay, hurry up and come downstairs for dinner" she instructed and Jennie nodded.

" You too, Lisa "

" Okay, auntie "

After instructing both, Jennie's mother went downstairs and Jennie closed the door and went to the washroom to get freshen up.

At the dining table.

Everyone was Silently eating their dinner when Jennie broke the silent atmosphere.

"Mom " she started "I will stay at Lisa's tomorrow. "

Jennie's mother, Yang Ah-In looked at her daughter with contemplated expression. After a minute, when she was about to bring the topic of V's arrival tomorrow for dinner,her father in law interrupted first.

"Have you forgotten about tomorrow's dinner " he asked.

"No, Grandpa but it's business related dinner so I think there is no need for me to be present " As these words left her mouth the air around the dining area turned heavy.

Jennie's Father and brother exchanged glances with each other and grandma looked at her husband who looked calm. Her uncle also looked tense while his wife had invisible smirk on her face.

After a while, Grandpa Lee broke the silence.

" You can stay at Lisa's day after tomorrow, ha-neul" he said and turned his attention towards his food.

"But grandpa..... " Jennie was about to say something when her grandma, who was sitting beside her,squeezed her hand a little.

Jennie looked at her grandma who said "Listen to your Grandpa, dear "

Listening her grandma's pleading tone, Jennie stopped pursuing the topic.

Lisa stood up saying "I'll be returning tomorrow afternoon "

" Where are you going" Ah-In asked.

" Auntie little gyeol wants me to be with him so I'm going to stay at hospital" she answered.

" Okay, be safe on the way " Jennie's mother said and Lisa nodded.

" Take my driver with you and a guard " Ah-In's husband said.

" There is no need for a guard, uncle" Lisa said.

" Take one with you " grandpa Lee said, so having no choice Lisa nodded.

"Let me accompany you " Jennie said and stood up.

Lisa and Jennie walked towards the door, when grabbed her hand saying.

"Don't be sad, you know they wouldn't have agreed " Lisa said and Jennie's shoulders slumped.

" I know, I just wanted to try my luck but as always luck is not on my side " Jennie answered.

" Don't be disheartened, who knows the man you are trying to ignore so much now, will become the prince Charming you don't want to part with " Lisa said with a wink to lighten up her mood.

" Never gonna happen " Jennie said.

" Will see " Lisa said and added "Be good and rest for tonight, Don't stay up late searching for clues, did you hear me ".

" too be here before noon " Jennie also instructed and Lisa nodded.

Lisa sat in the car which arrived at the door and left. Jennie also returned to her room and as instructed she laid on her bed and soon fell asleep due to today's exhausting activities.