Prologue 2

i open my eyes and see myself inside this dull room again. My reflection in the mirror is still the petite looking girl in girls Kuoh uniform.

"Sigh looks like i need to do something about this... Great sage wait its Wisdom King Raphael right?"

|| Raphael is enough Host ||

"Ok Raphael can you create me some boys cloths..."

Although i don't care about my appearance and cloths i still felt uncomfortable after wearing it this days.

|| Imagine the Cloths that you want Host ||


I imagine a jacket with a hoddie and a black shorts inside my head.

A magic power come out from my tips. it extends to the black blanket in my cabinet. Transforming it into a Plain baggy jacket, T-Shirt, Boxer, Shorts and small black shoes with a short-socks inside it.

|| Its made according to Host taste and Host doesn't need to worry about its durability because its enchanted by magic that I have learned from the Seal in this room ||

"Wow... Your more useful than i thought Raphael!"

I couldn't help but exclaim in surprise because Raphael learning efficiency is monsterious than i thought. already analyze the magic seal and he even could applied it without me knowing.

|| I will learn every knowledge that are useful for the Host so i can help the host more ||

"hehe i like you Raphael!! lets both enjoy this adventure in this new world!!"

|| Yes Host ||

I look at the mirror again to see my new appearance in a new Cloths. I see there is what they call The Onee-san's nemisis... a cute Shota in a black baggy jacket cloths.

"Hmm this is good for now..."

*step step steps*

I heard a loud many foots steps noise outside my room.

"wait don't tell me its happening today?"

In anime the unsealing of Gasper Vladi happened in Season 2 Episode 9. Its when the Three Leaders of Bible Fractions are about to meet and create an Alliance.


- Issei Pov -

The next day after school.

I was standing on the ground floor of the old school building's room that had been made the "Sealed classroom".

Everyone from the club was gathered. Even from the outside, this room was securely closed so we couldn't see inside of the room. What was it used for, the explanation was without exception but…it seemed according to the conversation, that the other Bishop was here.

The other Bishop-----. For a long time, it was a mystery club member for both Asia and me. Likewise, except for newcomer Xenovia, the rest of the members knew about it.

He existed before I became a devil but, due to various circumstances, he couldn't participate in the Rating Game between the Phoenix household and the battle against Kokabiel.

According to the conversation, it seemed his ability was regarded as dangerous, and because Buchou wasn't able to completely control him with her powers, he was ordered to be sealed by the higher-ups. What exactly was he? Was he that dangerous?

Last night, Sirzechs-sama explained it in my room, it seems Buchou received a high evaluation by the 4 Maous, the Great King Bael house, the Archduke Agares house, and the great devils due to her fight with the Phoenix house and the fight against Kokabiel. The sealing condition of the other Bishop was lifted while thinking that maybe she could control him now. And with that we're in front of the "Sealed Classroom" but…

A tape with "KEEP OUT" written on was heavily pasted with magical seals carved on.

"The kid is over here. All day, that bishop lives here. For the time being, his powers are loosened deep in the night, and if it's just in the old building, he can exit the room, but the kid inside refuses to do that."

Was what Buchou said. For some reason, she knocked on the door, and then started expanding her magic circle. She's releasing the seal? If one was sealed in this cramped space for even half a day, wouldn't one go insane? It was impossible for me. If I was told that I was free to do anything in the old school building only in the night, I would have happily run out.

"I-is the person a hikikomori?"

On my question Buchou nodded while letting out a sigh. Was that so? A hikikomori, huh.

Kiba removed the tape, Akeno-san also helped out alongside Buchou in removing the seal.

"The kid inside has been the biggest earner among the servants."

Akeno-san said that. Seriously! Biggest earner….. How does that person earn?

Akeno-san continued as if replying to my question.

"Through a computer, the kid takes special contracts from humans. Frankly, it's a person who doesn't want to meet us. Those type of people negotiate in a different way, and make relations differently. They solve things through the computer. In the dealings through computers, amongst the new devil servants, this kid grabs enough numbers like those of a superior rank."

Amazing! Negotiating through a computer! And with that, this kid took contracts from humans, huh!

"------Now then, I am opening the door."

The magical seals carved on the door also disappeared, it became a simple door. Buchou opened the door.

There we see a little boy or a little girl...? standing in the middle of the room in a black Baggy jackets. that made him look cute to the max!!!.

"Gasper is that you..?" A quivering voice from buchou near me.

eh why are you surprised buchou...? even Akeno-san!?!, Koneko-chan and Kiba too...?!?!



- Gasper Pov -

"G- gasper is that you..?"

A beautiful girl with a sensual body asked him in quivering voice. She have a gorgeous red hair and she's wearing a girls uniform of Kuoh Highschool.

'She must be Rias...'

"Ara ara Gasper-kun you look cute in that cloths"

Another beautiful girl with sensual body teased him she have a black hair in ponytail style and she's wearing the same cloths like Rias.

'hmm no debout that she's Akeno.'

"Kawaii..." A beautiful girl with a petite body whisper. She have a natural blonde hair and she's also wearing the Kuoh academy girls uniform.

There's a girl with a slender body beside here, She have a blue short hair with the same uniform like her.

'this is Asia and Xenovia...

"Gya-kun" A little girl with white silver hair whisper while staring intently at me, she's also wearing a Kuoh girls uniform.

'Koneko? she looked cuter in person'

"Buchou why are surprised..?" A brown haired boy with a pervert face asked Rias.

"You see Gasper-kun have a weird hobby before...." The blonde haired with prince Aura said with an unsure tone.

"What hobby?"

"um.. crossdressing as a girl?"



'There's no need to know the last two'

My expression turn into deadpan hearing their conversation.

"Its good that your now wearing boys cloth Gasper.. now now let me hug you..."

Rias hugs me tightly. she really want to squeeze Gasper tightly because of his cuteness. I flinched at the the start but i endure it letting her hug me.

"What are you doing here Buchou...?"

I asked pretending to be curious. althought i already know what will happens next. i need to act like Gasper for now. To form my new plan. my 1st plan in staying here inside the sealed room to become stronger before going out. already flew away.

and why do you think im training to become powerful before going out? its because I want a true sense of freedom...

The devil's Higher ups sealed Gasper here because of his dangerous power? what a load of bullsh**. then why did they not train him before to control his powers then?

This is why Devils are feared by their Deceitful skills. they can even brainwash someone without them noticing anything haha

If its Gasper from before he would have accepted his fated but im different... i want in this new life of mine to feel the true sense of freedom... and not be constrained by anyone!!. unlike my past life on Earth... im chained by my responsibilities and other people...

So Im thinking of leaving here to join the Khaos Brigade so i can become stronger faster. what i need now are large amount of Souls and a place to train without anyone supervising me.

The Khaos bridgade is the only organization that fits the bill...

|| Does Host need me to take over? so you can act more perfectly? ||

'No its Ok Raphael. this guys here are only kids. lets not overestimate them-.. wait i remember in anime that the Other Three Leaders of Bible Fractions are also here hmm.. They might really notice something... lets be careful then. alright Raphael take over my body and also try to learn everything about their powers secretly. '

|| Host command is absolute ||

My conscious start to blur as my scope of vision becoming smaller and smaller.

What a weird feeling. i felt my entire being is going deeper inside my head.....


"Where taking you out Gasper..."

Gasper (Raphael) eyes become teary

"Nooooooo" a small petite shriek came from Gasper (Raphael). He got out of Rias embrace quick with some tears on his eyes.

"Ara ara Gasper your not disobeying Buchou command right....?" Akeno eyes glinted with sadistic light.

"No no noooo!!"

"Huh?" Issei

Gasper disappear in their sight and he appears in the dark corner of the room.

"don't get mad"

"don't get mad"

"don't get mad plss!!"

"eh... what was that? A while ago He just here..." Asia cover her mouth in surprise."

"He definitely did something" 'is it teleport?' Xenovia was amazed by Gasper (Raphael) ability.

"Forbidden Balor view.." Rias bitterly said.

"Forbidden Balor view...?" Asia

"its his sacred gear... dubbed as the Evil Eye of Inert World" Akeno is staring at Gasper (Raphael) terrified expression, she licked her lips when she saw him look back. She really enjoy teasing him.


"When his distressed, He can stop anything within his sight for a short period of time." Koneko

"because Gasper-kun can't control his powers. My big brother ordered him to be seal in this room." Rias sigh in sympathy when she saw Gasper scared expression.
