Prologue 13

In the Base -

Gasper goes inside his room pretending to be injured. He met Bikou and Le Fay on the way there and their genuinely worried about him but he didn't see Kuroka and Ophis. He sit down on his bed while Tiamat is standing respectfully at the side of the room silently.

'Raphael make a barrier around the room'

|| Yes Host || A shining transparent light inside the room Walls.

'With me becoming True demon lord now. i think its time for me to initiate my 3rd Plan... but first i need to eliminate some dangerous individuals...'

[Noblesse Progenitor Natural Skill: Blood Clone] (Activate!!!)

Out of nowhere 5 naked bodies that have similar appearance to me appear on the ground and they all have a expressionless face but the Aura their releasing is no joke. It envelope the whole room making Tiamat have a cold sweat on her back. 'Their more powerful than me.....'

"Lord..." The five blood Clone respectfully call out to Gasper at the same time. They all began to knelt on the ground in a neet formation.

"You guys know what to do right?" Gasper

"Yes Lord" The Five clone disappeared instantly in the room with their terrifyy Aura's

"As for you..." Gasper glance at Tiamat making her flinch.

"Boss..." Tiamat hesitate for a while but she knelt infront of him as well with her head hang low. She felt even more afraid of him. After witnessing the scene of 5 being who are stronger than her are all kneeling to him.

Gasper pats her blue hair. "Don't be afraid..."

Tiamat didn't felt his hand unpleasant anymore but she's still scared of him. "B-boss..."

"Nothing will happen to you as long as you do not cross som-" Gasper whisper to her ears wanting to scare her again but when his eyes sight fell on her white slender neck.

*Throb!!!* He felt the World stop with his heart beat...

Gasper pushes Tiamat in reflex while he back away to his bed. 'What was that Raphael?!'

|| Host thats your Vampiric Impulse to suck blood on opposite sex ||

'What?! but i didn't felt something like this before!!!'

|| The reason is because of Host new bloodline [Noblesse Progenitor] This bloodline evolution is based on Anime called [Strike The Blood] 4th progenitor, The 4th Progenitor like sucking blood of Opposite sex so this trait was obtained by the Host. After becoming Noblesse Progenitor. ||

'I see.....'

|| Does Host want to remove Vampiric Impulse skill? If Host want to remove it. He needs to change race and ||

'This is troublesome.... looks like i need to get used to it... '

Tiamat is bewildered with her butt on the ground because of Gasper push. She stare at the his daze state. "Boss...?"

*Knock Knock* The door have a banging sound.

"Ototo i heard your injured so i rush back quickly from the underworld..."


- The 1st Clone of Gasper in (DxD) -

-Above the Realm of The Dead-

Realm of the Dead, also known as the Realm of Hades in Greek mythology and Depths of Hell. It is the place where Hades; the God of the dead and the Grim Reapers reside.

Its Located in the lower strata of the Underworld and the place where the souls of the dead are sorted and is also close to Cocytus. It isn't as big as the Underworld and as it's the World of the dead, it is a wasteland that no living creature can live in.

A small figure suddenly appear above the Realm of the dead. The small figure is wearing a black robe. That covers his face and physical appearance.

"I was tasked by Lord to eliminate Hades... the god of death.." The small figure whispers. He look down below at the Hades Temple.

An ancient Greek temple that is the root of Hades and the home of the Grim Reapers. The ceremonial hall inside has a golden decoration, and it has a brilliance that is disproportionate to the scenery of the Underworld.


- Inside The Temple -

In The ceremonial hall there's a Golden Throne and Hades the God of Death is sitting on it with his head titled. He has the appearance of a tall skeleton dressed in attire worn by high priests. His giving off a creepy aura. his eye sockets are glowing like his thinking about something deep.

"???" He notice a small figure in Black robe at the golden Hall walking slowly to him. 'I can't feel his presence...'

"Who are you?" Hades raises his head to look more carefully at the black robe person.

[Superior Isolation Barrier] [Superior Anti-Magic Barrier]

The small figure release a dense magic power. To cover the entire Hall with a Transparent white light.

Hades felt a suppression on his magic power. "Anti-magic? you think this can seal my power...?

If Hades still haven't discover what this intruder want after this. Then he would be an idiot. His body began to release a enormous Divine Aura of Death.

He thought the simple looking barrier will break at the mere presence of his divine Aura, but the reality is cruel. The barrier didn't even badge a little bit.

"What?!?!" Hades stood up from his throne in shock. He didn't underestimate his opponent anymore. He took out his staff. The staff transform into bident that fits his skeleton hand.

A bident is a two-pronged implement resembling a pitchfork. This brident in Hade's hand is being covered by A terrifying Divine Aura Death.

"I sentence you to Death" Hades brident release a terrifying Divine Curse. This is God of Death Hades Hidden trump card. Those who touches his weapon will be cursed by Death.

"Die!!" Hades instantly appear infront of the black robe person and he stabs him with brident like a lightning.

The black robe person side step easily as if he already anticipate Hades surprise attack.

*BOOM!!* The impact of brident was release on emty air.

Hades swing his brident to follow his enemy movement.

*Swish!!* A Divine Aura leak out of the brident wanting to envelope its enemy.

The black robe person jump back to avoid him.

Hades floats in the air to follow him with his brident. He stab it again but the black robe person dodge him again.

The light in his flickers. He didn't know why the black robe person aren't attacking but Hades understand. that his not an opponent for the enemy if its all about physical capabilities.

"I need to destroy the Anti magic barrier..." Hades turn his attack on the Transparent barrier.

"Want to escape? i want to play more but Lord orders are absolute. requesting (Wisdom King Raphael) to use [Pure Seraph form]" The black robe person whispers.

Hades used his brident that is covered by Divine Aura to slash and stab the barrier.

*Cracks.....* The barrier began to crack.

|| Permission have been granted ||

[Pure Seraph Form]

A huge amount of Holy Aura are leaking out from the Black Robe person. This made Hades surprise.

"This Holy Aura.. your a Seraph!?! How dare you invade the Underworld..." Hades become angry. To think the one who's cornering him in the edge is just a bird. He stops what his doing and he glare intensely at the black robed person.

"are you Michael...? do you know that if the other Mythologies know your action. The peace that you want will not happen anymore?!?!" Hades felt that only Michael will have this huge amount of Holy Aura but he began realizes that his wrong.

The Holy energy that Black robe person is releasing is increasing more and more.

"How could this be....."

A six pair of Majestic White Wings unfold slowly before Hades eyes. Its appearance gave an ethereal feeling to those who gaze upon it.

[Divine Punishment] A bright Holy Light envelope everything!!!

When the light hit him. Hades felt his entire being is purified


Those six pair of Wings are the last thing Hades saw in his Life.


- The 1st Clone of Gasper in (DxD) -

"Lord mission is complete.... i should get some souvenir for the Lord" The black robed person Left the collapsing Hades Temple behind him. His destination is the Cocytus.

The Hades Temple now look tattered. There's A huge cross mark on the ground like its been flattened by a giant rosario cross.