Chapter 2


It is a product of neither legends nor fairy tales, but instead has become a technology of reality since a time unknown to people.

The first verifiable record dates back to AD 1999.

The incident, in which police officers possessing special powers stopped a nuclear act of terror carried out by a fanatic group in order to fulfill the prophecy of destroying humanity, became the first verifiable case of magic in modern times.

Initially, that unusual ability was termed "Supernatural Power." An ability that was present in a person as a result of a purely inherent, sudden mutation, whose systematization as a technology which could be spread among the masses was thought to be an impossible thing.

That was an erroneous notion.

Through the research of "Supernatural Power" by both the influential Eastern and Western nations, the existence of people who were imparted with "Magic" was gradually made public. It became possible to reproduce "Supernatural Power" through "Magic."

Of course, talent is required to do that. However, only those who are blessed with a high aptitude can attain a mastery that can put them at a professional level, much like those who possess ability in the fine arts or sciences.

Supernatural power became a technology systematized through magic, while magic became a technical skill. A "Supernatural Power User" became a "Magic Technician."

Skilled Magic Technicians, capable of suppressing even nuclear weapons, are powerful weapons to a country.

At the end of the 21st century —— in the year 2095 —— the various nations of the world, which are far from unified, are locked in a race to nurture Magic Technicians.


|| Analysing complete... 99% similarity ||

'This World History..... There's no doubts. im in [The Irregular At Magic Highschool] (World)....'

Gasper gaze is focusing on the Futuristic looking Computer infront of him.

The 3D hologram flat lights is the computer monitor. its showing him the History of [The Irregular At Magic Highschool] (World).


-A while ago-

The [World Traveling Magic] transported him in the country of Japan inside a random house.

When he just arrive in this new world. The owner of the house saw Gasper came out of a black hole surprising him.

The owner didn't recognize Gasper so he thought his house is being robbed by a terrorist magician. He quickly run fast to the door to escape while calling 911 with a CAD cellphone in his hand.

Thankfully Gasper manage to react fast and K.Oed the guy to the floor. After that He put him on the bed inside his own room.


-Back to Gasper Pov-

{{ [The Irregular At Magic Highschool] World have detect Individual: Gasper Vladi with [Other World Traveler presence].

[World Curse Seal] will be now be on him }}

'Its taking effect now...?..'

Gasper on the gaming chair couldn't react. As 5 golden chains came out of nowhere besides him. it binds his body by coiling around him tightly like a snake.

'what a powerful seal.' He didn't have the ability to resist at all.

Then a Tattoo Roman number ( I ) appears on the back of his left hand.

*Swish* The Golden chains vanish into thin air after marking him.

Gasper suddenly felt something is being restricted inside him.

|| [Magic Power Natural Recovery] (Sealed)

[Noblesse Progenitor Natural Active Skills] (Sealed)

[Transformation mode's] (Sealed)

[Ultimate Skill 『Space-Time King Yog Sothoth』 ] (Sealed)

[Ultimate Skill 『Evolution Lord Janus』] (Sealed)

[Ultimate Skill 『Poison Lord Samael』] (Sealed)

[Ophis Familiar] (Sealed)

Ultimate Skill『Truth King Theia』 (Sealed) ||

'other than you Raphael... did all of my Active abilities have been sealed...?'

|| Yes Host... Raphael is already analyzing the problem and found a theories and solutions.

The problem is in this new world. It seems all of the magic and supernaturals abilities here, needs to be transformed into numerical magic sequences first for them. to take effect or form in reality.

Ultimate Skill 『Wisdom King Raphael』is basically made of numbers so it can't be Sealed by this world but Host doesn't need to worry because according to my Calculations.

Host will be able to use his active abilities and skills. if i convert them or make a version of it in numerical magic sequences... ||

' numerical Magic sequences....? ..but my passive abilities aren't effected right?' Gasper grips his right hand. The physical strength he have didn't change.

|| Yes Host. All of your Passive skills are functioning normally.

The estimation of all Active Skills being unlock success!!.

10 days, 6 hours, 44 mins and 56.1213 seconds. ||

'Ten days...? its faster than i thought. The problem now lays on my magic natural recovery... its been sealed... meaning I can't use magic recklessly here or else i might run out of mana and if that happens i will not be able to use [World Traveling Magic] anymore to leave this world...'

|| Solution found!

Calculations Success!!

estimation in 365 days, 1 hour, 23mins and 0.93573 seconds. The [Worlds Curse Seal] will be lifted by Raphael

The duration can be shortened. if Host sleeps a lot or let Raphael use all of his 6 sense's to concentrate in calculations. ||


Raphael didn't disappoint all of his expectations at all.

As Raphael said, before going in another world. Gasper really didn't need to worry about the [Worlds Curse Seal].


"Raphael can you also gain access of the government main system here? we need to create a fake identity. so we can roam freely here in Japan....."

|| Let me take over your body Host. ||


Gasper small cute face turn into expressionless. The golden pupils of his eyes have a red glint in it and His fingers began to tap the touch screen keyboard on the table in a fast manner.
