
{Gakushuu's point of view}


Gakushuu sighed in frustration as he turned to face the excited redhead. "What do you want?"

"Come on, don't be so salty! It's not my fault you got sent to E-class!"

That's right. He, Gakushuu Asano, the Student Council President, the top student of the school was sent down to E-class after E-class took the top 50 spots in school.

"I don't like you, Akabane" Gakushuu deadpanned. "And technically, I got sent down because you beat me. So in a way, yes, it is your fault."

"Oh shush," Karma rolled his eyes. "What, do you want an apology or something?" Karma's face grew serious. "I'll give you an apology if you tell me how you really got that bruise."

Gakushuu rubbed the bruise on his cheek that he got when the Principal had slapped him across the room. "I told you, I slipped and knocked against a table."

"Right," Karma said, obviously not believing him. "So, you're telling me that the great Asano Gakushuu slipped and knocked his cheek against a table? It would be more believable if someone said that the Principle is in love."

Gakushuu snorted. "Now that is impossible."

Just then, a bluenette skipped up. "Karma-kun, Asano-kun, class is going to start! Come on!"