He Missed Me

Megan's POV

"Thank you, Ashton, and you don't need to take me here because the café is very near to our school. I know you have practice and you should not be late because I know your coach is very strict about your training. And I don't blame him because your football team brings fame to our school." I said.

"You are welcome, Meg. I hope next time you will still allow me to send you here and to your house. As much as I want to stay and watch you during your entire shift, but I know I should go back to the school grounds right now since I know the coach will get mad at me again because I was late this morning." He said, and I felt guilty since he walked with me to the library early this morning.

"Bye, Megan, and see you later." He said, and my heart is beating so fast.

"Goodbye, Ashton, and I think you must hurry now," I said as I smiled at him. He waved his hand before he closed the window of his pick-up truck and drove away from me, going back to the school, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I get inside the cafe, and I am shocked to find Alice already at the counter beaming at me.

"So, did you received another kiss?" She asked, and my face fell as I shook my head.

"Don't be sad, Megan. It only means he likes you." She said, and it made me more confused.

"Well, it means your prince charming is serious with you, and he is showing it to you by his actions. He wants to make it slow because he knew you were so different from everyone he dated." Alice said while I keep on smiling like an idiot. For the first time, I realized it feels so lovely to be inspired like this, and while serving the customers, I become more enthusiastic, but I got worried when I realized he didn't come back, and I can't stop looking at my wristwatch. And I am no longer smiling, and I only try to fake a smile when there are customers near the counter.

"I thought you don't want to date the football prodigy, but I can tell by looking at you right now, it seems you are waiting for him to come. I have never seen you so restless before, and you know what? I felt so happy today since my best friend is in love." Alice said, and I scowled at her.

"Alice, I am not in love. I am just wondering why Ashton didn't come back when he told me a while ago he will see me later." I replied.

"Hmm, okay, you are not in love. At least you are restless waiting for him, and that is a sign." She responded, and I turned away from her and pretended to be busy. And I hate to admit that I am so affected that I haven't seen Ashton until my shift ended, and I said goodbye to Alice with a heavy heart.

I walked to the bus stop feeling so down, and I knew it, Adonis was only playing with me. I get my headphone, and I listened to my favorite playlist on my phone as I waited for the bus. And I leaned my head on the glass window as I close my eyes, and I couldn't stop thinking about Ashton. And this is the reason why I don't want to date anyone because it could affect my studies. I tried to think about something else, but he will always pop up in my mind until I reach my destination. I got off the bus and walked going home. And I can tell my dad is home early, but I couldn't find anyone in the living room when I get inside the house, and I am shocked to see my sister lying on my bed when I get inside my room.

"I think mom and dad are fighting again, and I don't want to hear them fight Megan," Ava said as she looked at me.

"It is okay, Ava. Sometimes adults fight, but it doesn't mean they don't love each other anymore and don't worry, mom and dad love each other, and they will always resolve whatever issue they are dealing with." I said, and I know deep inside me they are fighting again because of financial matters, and that is the main reason I want to have a full scholarship in college because I want to help our parents.

"Did you eat your dinner already?" I asked my sister, and she nodded her head and then looked at me, concern on her face.

"Are you okay, Megan? I heard what happen in your locker this morning. Do you know who did it to you?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"I don't know, and I don't have any idea, but I am aware why they did it, and it is because of Ashton. I should stop seeing him and avoid him at all costs so that something like that will never happen to me again in the future. And I am afraid they will also try to get you because you are my sister." I declared, and she was shaking her head, and she smiled at me.

"Megan, I am sure Ashton's fans did it to you, but you don't need to worry because I heard Ashton clean the mess for you. It was so sweet of him, and I don't care if they will target me as well." Ava said, but I didn't reply because I was disappointed that he didn't come back tonight to take me home.

"Whatever, Ava, you better go back to your room now and start answering your assignments," I said, and she grinned at me.

"I am done. That is why I came here to your room and wait for you so I can hear the latest development of your love life." She said, giggling.

"I am sorry dear sister, but there is no development, and I need to study right now. That is why you need to leave now." I said, and she got up from my bed.

"Okay, good night, Meg." She said.

"Good night, Ava," I replied, and she walked to my door and got out quietly. I know my sister is the top one of her batch, and she is also one of the scholars in our academy. And we both need to maintain higher grades to keep our scholarship. That is why most of the time, I told her not to have a boyfriend yet so that she can concentrate on her studies. And like now, I find it hard to study or where to start because Ashton occupied my mind.

It took a lot of effort to set him aside, and I promise never to think about him again, but I wouldn't say I like it because even in my peaceful sleep, I dreamt about him. He looked so happy, and we were on a meadow, and he was chasing me, and when he caught me, he kissed me long enough to make me feel gasping for air, and the moment I woke up, I was touching my lips. And it made me realized I got it bad for Ashton.

I wake up early. After all, I plan to go to school earlier than my usual time because I didn't finish my homework in math.

"Ave left ahead of you, and she said she needs to meet the grouped members of her science project." My mom said the moment I get inside the living room, and I wonder my sister didn't tell me about it last night. I said goodbye to my mom after I eat my breakfast, and my steps faltered when I found Ashton waiting for me on our driveway; he looked so hot wearing jeans and just a simple t-shirt. I know my heart is racing again, but this time I tried my best to be not affected by his presence.

"Hi, good morning, beautiful!" He said, and my face blushed right away.

"Good morning!" I greeted him, and he looked so boyish that I couldn't stop myself from smiling at him.

"I am so sorry, Meg, I wasn't able to take you home last night." He said, and I can tell even if he was smiling at me, he looked sad, and I wonder what could be his problem. And I want to know because I thought a rich kid like him would never have a big problem like us who keeps on fighting to survive the day.

"It is okay."

"Where is your sister?" He asked as he looked over my head.

"She left earlier than me because she needs to finish a science experiment," I replied, and his face lights up.

"I think it was only her alibi; your sister wants us to have time alone, and remind me, I need to buy her a gift." He said, and I shook my head.

"You don't need to do that; I am sure she needs to get to the school early. That is why she didn't wait for me." I said as he opened the passenger's door for me, and I am so curious about how many cars does he own since he is driving a white luxury SUV today.

"Please key in your cellphone number, Meg." He said as he handed me his iPhone, and I can tell he was using the latest model released just recently in the market. I felt shy because my smartphone is already obsolete in the market, but for me, I don't need a new phone as long as I can still use it for text and calls; that would be enough. I typed my number and handed back his cellphone, and I couldn't stop myself when he typed My Megan on his phone before he saves my number and I can feel my heart is pounding again, and I wonder if this is what they call love. I was anxious last night that he didn't come to the cafe, but when I saw him this morning, I almost jump on my feet because I felt so happy to see Ashton.

"At least I can now call and text you." He said, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a beautiful smile appeared on his face.

"I miss you, Meg." He said as he drives away from our house, and I was speechless. And I can feel the butterflies on my stomach, and I wanted to shout that Ashton Pritzgold missed me.