Hard Headed

Ashton's POV

"Are you alright, Pritzgold?" Coach Davis yelled at me after I stumbled on the ground hard after passing the ball to the wide receiver of our team, and I wonder why there is a big stone on the playground that we overlooked. I sprain my ankle, and it swelled immediately, and I find it hard to move. Coach has no choice but to allow me to be out from practice and asked Zachary to take me home. He advised me to put some ice on it and elevate my ankle. 

"Are you okay?" Zach asked the moment he gets inside the driver's seat of my car after he helped me settled on my seat.

"No, I am not okay because I can't pick up Megan. I hate that this is happening to me right now when I have my chance to be with Meg because this is the only time she allowed me to take her on a date because of her busy schedule." I replied, and I saw Zach shaking his head.

"What?" I asked why he shook his head.

"I was asking about your ankle and not how you feel in your heart." He said as he drove away from the school ground.

"It hurts like hell, but I know once I put some ice into it, it will feel better. But my heart will never feel at ease knowing she was waiting for me." I replied and felt my phone vibrated on the pocket of my varsity jacket. I became more frustrated when I saw Megan's text that she was waiting for me since she had finished her job for the day, and if I didn't injure my ankle, we could have a lot of time enjoying our date, and maybe she will say yes after our date.

"Don't worry, I will pick her up after I send you home," Zach replied, and my face lit up, but a scowl replaced it.

"I know you like her, Zach, and I hope you will not take Megan away from me," I replied, and he laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked, and I couldn't contain my confusion.

"I couldn't believe you will beg me not to take Megan away from you. Do you think I have the edge? I know I am not ugly, but I am also aware I will never surpass your charm. For how many times girls made me heartbroken because they will come at me, and I will find out at the end they want to hang out with me because they only wanted to know you." Zach replied.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Zachary, but you have to promise me you will never flirt with Megan; you can take any girl except Megan Corteza because she is mine," I said, and he shook His head again, and he looked at me sideways because he returned his focus on the road.

"Okay, and I know Megan is crazy about you, too." He said, and my eyes widened, and I suddenly forgot I sprained my ankle and groaned in pain when I moved my injured leg.

"Careful, buddy," Zach said.

"Are you sure Megan likes me too?" I asked, and he nodded his head.

"How did you know she likes me, too?" I asked.

"I don't know." He replied, and I got frustrated with Zach's answer.

"Just a hunch, but I have an idea. I will ask Megan to come into your house, and if she will come, it means she likes you." Zach said, and it was my turn to shake my head.

"Megan will never come with you, Zach. I know her. She won't unless I will beg her, because she is very allergic to our kind, and do you know that is the reason she doesn't want to date me? And I don't want her to come into our mansion because I can't hide our enormous house from her, and I can't move all our cars." I said, and this is the first time I wish I weren't the son of Gregory Pritzgold.

"And why do you need to do that?" He asked.

"Because once she sees how big our mansion is, she will realize our status in life is so different from her. And I don't want her to stay away from me since she is now starting to trust me, and I can tell she is also beginning to like me." I replied.

"So, you don't want to see her?" Zach asked, and I suddenly got confused since I am dying to see her.

"Of course, I want to see her, but I am positive she will not visit me in our house," I replied.

"Well, do you want to bet? I know Megan will come with me if I ask her to visit you." My best friend said, and I want to believe Zach that he can convince Megan, but I don't want to get frustrated in the end, and I am already in physical injury right now, and I don't want to add an emotional pain.

"Thank you, bro, for driving me home and for picking up Megan," I said after he helped me settle in my bed and he put ice compressed on my ankle, and I felt glad Lennon helped him. Zachary left my room hastily, and I was punching my bed because of the frustrations that I felt.

"Hey, are you alright, Ashton? Are you really in deep pain? We can call an ambulance." My brother said after he wrapped an elastic bandage on my ankle.

"No need, Lennon. I am just frustrated that I couldn't pick up Megan from her work." I replied, and my brother smiled.

"So, finally, the girl has a name." He said, and I chuckled.

"Of course, she has a beautiful name," I said.

"Are you dating the quiz baller, Megan Corteza?" He asked as he looked at me in the eyes, and I nodded with a wide grin on my face.

"No way, " He said.

"Why?" I asked my brother.

"Well, I used to see you with hot cheerleaders and rich girls, and I know Megan is just a scholar in our school. I don't look down on her because I know she is not well off. I find it unusual for you to date someone like her." My brother replied, and I get his point.

"Yeah, but I want you to know she is way hotter than the cheerleaders, and yes, she may be different, but this is the first time I felt this way to someone," I said, and my brother smiled.

"Good for you, Ashton, good luck with your love life, just call me if you need anything, okay?" Lennon said, and I nodded. We have maids around the house, but mom always attends to all our needs, but mom and dad have a date on our yacht at the moment, so I need to rely upon my brothers. I was lying on my bed wishing Zachary will bring my girl with him, but I know it would be so impossible. But my heart was racing the moment Zach returned to my room and announced someone wanted to see me. I can't control my happiness the moment I saw her beautiful face, and I can see the worried look on her lovely face as she walked closer to my bed, and I can no longer see my best friend, and I know he is giving us some privacy.

"Are you alright? Are you hurting?" She asked, and her soft voice is like a melody in my ear, and I smiled at her as she sat beside me on the bed.

"Don't worry, my ankle is fine. I need some rest, and I think I will be good after a week, but I will try to report to class on Monday, and I need to look strong in front of my dad." I said, and I told her about how my dad opposes my dreams of making football a career, and she looked at me with sympathy.

"Well, I can't blame your father. Look at you now, and you make me so worried. I am just glad nothing worse happened to you." She said, and I touched her face, and she blushed right away.

"I am sorry if I made you worry, Megan, but you don't need to bother yourself about me. I will be careful next time, just for you, and thank you for coming." I said, and she tried to lower her head, but I lifted her chin so I can stare at her beautiful face.

"Megan, I am sorry if I wasn't able to pick you up from your work." I declared.

"Don't be silly, Ashton. You are injured, and thank you for sending Zachary." She said as I took her hand and I bring it to my mouth, and I kissed her hand.

"Megan, I like you a lot, and I can't wait to be your boyfriend." I said, and I love the way her face turned red as she blushed again.

"I know I told you I could wait, but right now, I want you to say yes, please, be my girlfriend, Meg." I added, and I know I caught her off-guard.

"You stole my first kiss; that is why I won't go easy in you." She said, and my face fell, and I suddenly felt the pain in my ankle, and then I heard her beautiful laughter. Megan is laughing because of the expression on my face.

"You look so cute, Ashton, don't worry; take me on a proper date, and I will give you my answer." She said.

"Is it not possible you can give me your answer now?" I asked.

"If you will take me on a date, then I will give you my answer." Megan replied.

"Okay, let us go." I said, and her eyes widened.

"Are you kidding me? You have an injury, Ashton, and you can't walk." She said in disbelief.

"I don't care if I will crawl on the ground as long as you will give me your sweet yes." I said, and she smiled.

"You are hard-headed." Megan declared as she caressed my face and looked at me in the eyes, and I can feel the rapid beating of my heart as I wait for Megan's next words because I have the feeling the way she touches me right now is telling me she wants me to be her boyfriend.