I Hurt Her

Ashton's POV

"You should watch out, Ashton, I think your ex-girlfriend is planning something sinister against your girlfriend, and I can see it the way she's looking at Megan right now. Did she inform you that she will be working here at Lauren's place?" Zachary had asked me by the time I joined them, and I watched Lauren from the corner of my eye.

"No, Megan didn't reply to my text messages the whole day, and now I know why; Lauren kept her busy the entire day. I should have known she was here." I said, and I let out a soft sigh.

"You know Lauren, Ashton, and she doesn't want to be insulted. And I am sure you hurt her ego, buddy. She is watching Megan like a hawk. And I can tell she was only waiting for Megan to commit a mistake." Zach declared, and I agree with him.