I Am Not Alone

Megan's POV

"Hello, this is Celeste. How may I help you?" A woman answered my call, and I adjusted my phone with my trembling hand as I tried to find the right words to say.

"Hi there, I am Megan Corteza. Would it be possible if you could transfer my call to Gael? He gave me this number if I am interested in his offer." I said as I tried to calm my nerves.

"Oh, Megan, I am Gael's PA, and I remember you. I was there at Astikoz hills, and you were the one who sang a beautiful song at Zachary's party, right?" She asked, and I felt so happy that she remembered me.

"Yes, it is me," I replied.

"I know he will be excited to talk with you, but as of the moment, he has some important things to do that can't be disturbed. We will get back to you once he is already free." Celeste said, and I felt disappointed, but at least Celeste has my number now.