The Party

Megan's POV

I was expecting it was Gael who sent me the beautiful bouquet in my hands, and I was smiling from ear to ear, but my face turned sour, and my eyes widened when I read the card, and I can't explain the emotions I felt. At first, I felt the thrill, and then the dread that followed made my limbs shake.

"How did Ashton know where I live? It is not yet time he will know about Axel, Alice. He has no right to send me these flowers as if nothing happened eight years ago. How could he act and pretend that everything was okay between us?" I asked as I smashed the bouquet on the floor, and then I used my heels to ruin the flowers completely.

And when I raised my head, my entire body turned so cold when I found my son standing near the bottom of the stairs, and I never felt so horrified my whole life. I sweetly smiled at him, and then he ran towards me and tightly hugged me on my waist.