
Ashton's POV

"Please convince Alice to ride with you, Zach," I said as we got back inside our cottage, and I was looking over the window for Megan; I already asked her to have a date with me again in the garden tonight, but it seems the female attendees couldn't stop talking since Zach. I had been back for a while now. The girls are not yet back in their cottage.

"So, you are telling me to drive your car tomorrow?" He asked, and I nodded my head."Yes, because I want to drive Megan to Megalopre, I think I should bring my things; I will just ask the company driver to pick up my car at your house," I said to my best friend, and he was grinning at me.

"Well, it is okay with me, and I just hope your girlfriend will agree to it," He responded, and I know it will take a lot of convincing to do before my girl says yes.

"Don't worry, and I will be the one to ask Megan. Do you think we can swap places tonight?" I asked, and his eyes lit up.