[Bonus chapter]Confused

Megan's POV

"Did your father ask about me?" I asked Axel as I held his hand and walked inside our house. And I couldn't deny I felt so hurt when I saw my son shake his head, and I tried to smile widely at him the moment he looked up at me even if I could feel the piercing of my heart as I confirmed my suspicion that Ashton doesn't want to see me.We ate our dinner, and Axel couldn't stop talking about his dad and I smiled as I realized he looked so happy. I helped my son with his assignments while my mind was thinking about Ashton the entire time.

"Mom, can I have a sleepover in dad's house?" Axel asked as I tucked him in bed, and his question took me off guard.

"It depends, Axel. And I need to talk with your father first." I responded, and he grinned at me.