Wonderful Night

Ashton's POV

"Are you sure about that, dad? Can we play football in our playground in front of our house?" Axel asked again as I drove away from his school parking lot, and I smiled as I looked at him in the rearview mirror.

"Yes, son, I am sure," I responded, and he was beaming from ear to ear.

"Thank you, dad, and I expect you would have dinner with us, and I am sure mom would be so happy if you would be joining us for dinner." My son said, and I was speechless since I only planned to play with him for a while and leave before Megan arrived since I realized I was not yet ready to face Megan. 

I don't want to hear from Megan's mouth that she doesn't want me anymore, and what we had at the retreat camp was over before we could even enjoy ourselves together. I have been planning to go on a date with Megan, and I am so excited to watch a movie with her, but everything changed when Gael showed up at her house.