The Parlor Games

Ashton's POV

I admit fighting with Gael felt so good because I couldn't deny I hated him for almost hurting Megan; he wanted her to love him back even if she already told him she could never love him. And it was frustrating because he didn't listen to her, and I couldn't believe he stayed even if Megan asked him to leave, and watching him holding my son's hand scared me.

I could tell Gael got so obsessed with Megan, and he is no longer the Gael she once knew because his mind is now in chaos. After all, his heart is now enveloped with hatred and anger because of his jealousy and his will to have Megan in his life. I was running beside Megan, and I could see the worries on her face, and when she ceased running, she watched Gael talking with Axel.

"Hey, I know you are worried, but I think he won't hurt our son; I could see how much he adores Axel," I whisper in her ear as I stand behind her and I put my hands on her hips, and I felt Megan relax a little.