The Best Mother

Ashton's POV

"I couldn't believe you, dad; how could you do that to your grandson? He is only a kid, for heaven's sake, besides Axel is not a liar; he told me he didn't throw that ball." I said the moment I got inside my father's study, and he stood up with anger on his face.

"You believe him more than me?" He asked angrily.

"Dad, if you want us to leave this house, we will go; just don't make my son feel that way," I said, trying to control my voice as I wanted my dad to understand.

"All I ask from you is to spend a little time with my son, and I am sure you will love him," I added.

"I don't have a problem with your son; I don't like your wife, Ashton, you could have married Claire, and none of this should happen." He answered, and my face fell.

"Dad, is it that hard to understand that I love Megan? I don't like anyone else but her, so please, give her a chance to prove her worth," I begged, and he smiled at me.