Happy Family

Megan's POV

"Mom! Dad! Axel was shouting as he ran towards us the moment we arrived home.

"Why are you still awake, Axel? It is already late," Ashton said to our son, who was beaming at us.

"Grandpa and I watched some animation, and I love it, dad; I couldn't believe he would like it too; it was a story about a child who visited his dead ancestors in the afterlife," Axel said with excitement in his eyes.

"Oh, that is nice, buddy," my husband responded.

"Yeah, I wished you watched it with us, I ate some popcorn, and I felt so full that I told uncle Lennon I would wait for you to come home. I wanted to say good night to you and mom before I went to sleep." Our son responded, and I couldn't stop smiling as I looked at our son.

"Did you take a bath and brush your teeth?" I asked, and he bobbed his head

"You can smell me if you want, mom," Axel replied as he hugged me, and his father laughed as he took us both in his arms.