Happy Wife

Megan's POV

"What are you doing here?" Dexter asked right away after he opened the door of his place.

"Dex, aren't you happy to see us?" I asked my brother, and I could see the guilt on his face.

"I am busy now, Meg, Ashton, why didn't you call me?" He asked.

"It is something important and I hope you can spare us a little of your time," Ashton responded, and my brother sighed as he turned his back and opened the door wider so we could get inside.

"Have a seat," my brother said as he motioned us to sit on the sofa. His place was immaculate, and I could see that my brother was anxious like me.

"What do you want?" He asked as he sat in front of us.

"Well, I wished to invite you and be my best man since we are having our church wedding in less than a month." My husband replied, and my brother's face fell.