
As we exited the Principal's Office, Sir Eugene, Lena, and I couldn't escape the uncomfortable atmosphere that engulfed us. The encounter left me pondering the idea of avoiding any future encounters with the Principal altogether, allowing me to solely focus on the purpose that brought me here.

As we strolled through the seemingly never-ending corridors, we were met with the sight of numerous students donning their crisp uniforms. As we continued our journey, we couldn't help but notice the curious gazes and hushed conversations that seemed to revolve around us, filling the air with speculation and intrigue.

I found myself feeling slightly anxious as I struggled to handle direct eye contact, causing me to keep my head lowered throughout. Whenever Lena attempted to engage in conversation with me, I would respond with only brief answers accompanied by an uneasy smile, attempting to maintain my chin lifted. However, as soon as the interaction concluded, I would immediately revert back to my default mode of keeping my head down.

Oh, how I despise this long-standing habit that I can't seem to shake off no matter how hard I try!

I was completely captivated by the scene before me, as the crowd consisted of vibrant and youthful individuals from various corners of the globe. At that very moment, a profound realization washed over my mind.

Do all of them possess the ability to comprehend the English language? It is highly unlikely, isn't it?

Hold on a moment! I find myself perplexed by the fact that I am able to comprehend the language spoken here. It is none other than English, but why is it that their language happens to be English as well?! Could this peculiar phenomenon be linked to the manner in which I transmigrated to this world? Is it possible that my brain or ears harbor some covert, imperceptible device that enables this linguistic comprehension? Perhaps one could even refer to it as a magical translator within this extraordinary world.

I disagreed and expressed my disapproval by shaking my head from side to side.

I am becoming increasingly overwhelmed and feeling like I am losing my sanity. Could this be attributed to Adonis's actions, or is it simply a result of the circumstances I am facing?

I have this overwhelming urge to forcefully hit my head against the wall in order to awaken some rationality within myself. To be completely honest, I am utterly clueless about the language they speak! Adonis has provided me with an in-depth understanding of the history of this world and all the knowledge deemed necessary. However, is it not peculiar that he failed to include the basic and commonplace information?

When I contemplate this further, I find that I am capable of comprehending their literature, both in terms of their words and their letters, even if it deviates from the conventional English writing style that I am accustomed to in my own realm. It begs the question, could this ability be attributed to the benevolence of Adonis, who has bestowed upon me such a remarkable gift?

"Astria, are you okay? You look like you're deep in thought about something - is something troubling you?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Lena called my name with concern.

Indeed, there is an affirmative response to your query.

As I walked, I turned my head to Lena, following the example of Sir Eugene in front of me, who was only 3 meters away from us. I faked a smile. "No, it's nothing."

Lina raised her eyebrows: "Are you sure?"

I maintained my artificial smile without letting it fade, responding with a simple affirmation.

Lena appeared skeptical, her gaze fixed on me, as though she was seeking something. Unfazed by her intense stare, I chose to disregard it, as I had grown weary of the constant scrutiny from my peers. In response, I averted my gaze too.

Why am I overanalyzing this? It's just a language after all. These thoughts are completely irrelevant and unnecessary.

Let's divert our attention to a different topic now. I was genuinely taken aback by what I witnessed. The atmosphere in the academy was remarkably tranquil, devoid of the bustling commotion typically associated with students. It presented a stark contrast to the environment I had grown accustomed to in my previous educational institution. Reflecting on my surprise, I questioned the basis of my astonishment. After all, the individuals attending this institution were not your average students; they were nobles, aristocrats, and royalties hailing from various corners of the globe. So, in hindsight, why was I even caught off guard in the first place?

The weight of the pressure was evident and palpable, as I could sense it bearing down on me heavily.

There is a lot of talking going on, but despite the constant chatter, everyone carries themselves with grace and sophistication. This is particularly evident in the way the girls conduct themselves and engage in conversation. However, there is something about their laughter that seems insincere and artificial.

There was a variety of accents among the people, all of which were identified as English. However, I struggled to comprehend the conversations around me as the majority of individuals present were engaged in lively chatter.

Having delved into numerous historical narratives, I can confidently proclaim that I possess a profound familiarity with the subject matter. A prevailing theme that has consistently caught my attention throughout my extensive readings is the significance of reputation in shaping the course of history.

If this task is completed, my immediate response would be to visit the local library and immerse myself in an extensive exploration of the world of espionage. I would eagerly delve into books and resources that provide detailed insights into the intricate workings of spies, their methodologies, and the broader context of their operations. The desire to gain a comprehensive understanding of what it truly means to be a spy would drive me to devour knowledge on subjects such as covert operations, intelligence gathering techniques, and the art of maintaining cover identities. It is essential to clarify that I possess a rudimentary understanding of the role of a spy, but I yearn to acquire the necessary expertise and skills to execute such tasks proficiently. Grasping the nuances and intricacies involved in this clandestine field is paramount to me, as I am, at heart, an ordinary individual who seeks to broaden my horizons and explore the realm of espionage in a responsible and ethical manner.

Letting out a deep sigh, I couldn't help but wish that Google was present in this moment. It is in the absence of something that we truly comprehend its value and importance.

After a brief pause, Sir Eugene finally spoke up, breaking the silence that had enveloped us ever since we exited the Principal's Office. Without hesitation, we obediently trailed behind him, curious to hear what he had to say next.

I found myself fixated on him, my gaze lingering as I pondered what could possibly be amiss. Suddenly, he came to a halt, his entire body pivoting towards our direction, causing us to instinctively come to a standstill too.

"Why are you following me?"

He questioned.

I blinked my eyes two times before furrowing my brows and squinting at him. The expression on his face was incredibly serious, causing me to scrutinize every detail in search of any indication that he might be joking. However, to my surprise, there was absolutely no trace of humor in his demeanor. He was unequivocally serious, maintaining a stoic and impassive poker face throughout our interaction.

"We apologize for the delay in our introduction, as we were caught up in a momentary distraction. Allow me to properly introduce myself - my name is Lena Reuven." With a warm smile, Lena placed my hand gently on my chest, a gesture symbolizing sincerity and respect. "Beside me stood Astria LeCoultre." she presented by extending her arm towards me . As she exchanged a quick glance with me, it became evident that our introductions were met with a lack of enthusiasm from Sir Eugene, whose expression remained stoic and disinterested. It was as if his poker face had taken over, concealing any curiosity he may have had regarding our identities.

What type of President is he when it comes to the Student Council?

He responded, saying "The response given did not address the reason for why the person was following me."

"We are currently trailing behind you because we believed you were guiding us to our dormitories. Could it be possible that you have unintentionally overlooked this task?"

Lena responded in a composed manner, yet from my vantage point, I noticed a visible vein protruding as she maintained a smile.

With a doubtful and perplexed expression, he gazed at us, as though attempting to recollect a distant memory. Gradually, his eyes widened, revealing a flicker of realization dawning upon him.

I released yet another sigh, allowing the weight on my chest to dissipate into the air.

His eyes took on a gentle expression, as if he was allowing his defenses to be let down. He humbly pleaded, "I implore you to forgive me, as I may have unintentionally overlooked the matter due to my mind being preoccupied with various thoughts and concerns." The tone in his voice carried a genuine sincerity, emphasizing his remorse and regret.

"It's okay, Sir Eugene. Instead, let's apologize for being a burden."

I answered with a smile.

I simply dislike the feeling of burdening others.

His expression became alarmed, as if he was guilty "...No, Lady Astria. This is partly my fault for my incompetence."

In my opinion, he seems to possess admirable qualities as a person. Upon analyzing his words and actions, I am unable to detect any trace of deceit or falsehood. On the contrary, his sincerity and integrity shine through, making him a truly genuine individual.

Lena expressed her dissatisfaction with a frown on her face, stating that if the person was aware of the situation, they should strive to improve. She muttered these words under her breath, causing me to suppress my laughter in response. After a brief pause, I would then discreetly clear my throat to regain composure.

"Please follow me. I will take you to the dormitory and tell you about the rules and regulations of the college as we go."

He turned around and started walking. I raised my left arm and slid it up the side of my neck to the nape of my neck.

Are there really rules and regulations in this place? Isn't it sufficient to have etiquette lessons? It's so frustrating.

I carefully lowered my left arm before proceeding to join Lena, who was already trailing behind Sir Eugene. Unsurprisingly, the curious gazes continued to linger on us, refusing to dissipate.

Sir Eugene started reciting, emphasizing the first rule of the Abilirish Academy, "Strictly prohibits dating. The academy firmly believes that its main objective is to amplify and cultivate the students' abilities, leaving no room for romantic relationships."

Wait, there's actually a rule like that in existence?! I can't believe it!

"The second rule states that it is prohibited to utilize your abilities unless specifically instructed to do so. You are only permitted to employ your talents during specific situations, such as when you are attending classes, engaging in training sessions, or participating in events like contests and competitions."

Hmm, I see what you're saying, and I can understand where you're coming from.

"One important rule that you must adhere to is Rule Number Three, which states that it is mandatory for all students to wear their uniforms throughout the duration of their classes. It is worth mentioning that there is not only a specific uniform for regular classes, but also a separate uniform designated for training sessions. Now, if you happen to be wondering about the reason behind not having received your uniform yet, it is simply because it has already been provided and can be found in the comfort of your individual dormitories."

I have never been treated like this by a school before. This is a completely new experience for me, as I have never encountered such treatment in my educational journey.

"Rule Number Four, it is required for all students to be present in their assigned dormitories before the specified curfew time. The curfew period begins at eight o'clock in the evening and lasts until five o'clock in the morning."

That is unfortunate or that is disappointing.

"Abilirish Academy rules..." He paused. A little later, he coughed, "Just stay out of trouble."

I politely requested a moment of Sir Eugene's time, wanting to clarify a certain aspect related to Rule Number One. My inquiry stemmed from genuine curiosity, as I pondered the hypothetical scenario of what would happen if the individuals in question were already committed to each other through an engagement.

"Please do not misunderstand my intentions, as I am not expressing interest. I was simply inquisitive about the matter."

As he continued walking, he casually turned his head slightly in my direction. Catching a glimpse of his eyes and raised eyebrow, it was evident that he was mocking me. However, to my surprise, his mockery was strangely devoid of any rude undertones.

"That's one of the reasons why you can only get engaged after you turn 18." He scoffed. His tone was dignified when he answered my questions, but his expression was the exact opposite!

"...I see..."

I answered in a grumpy tone, and my cheeks swelled up. He turned his head back.

Lena suddenly leaned forward and put her lip close to my ear. "...Will you follow these rules?" She whispered.

I nodded "Yeah, it seems I have no choice." Then I looked at her doubtfully, "Don't you...?" I whispered back.

She nonchalantly lifted her shoulders, implying that the answer was not so straightforward. A mischievous smile crept onto her face, causing a wave of uncertainty to wash over me regarding her intentions.

Despite feeling exhausted, we had been walking for a considerable amount of time, and I cannot help but express my frustration.

We had been walking for what felt like an eternity, enduring the strain on our bodies without a moment's rest. The fatigue had taken its toll, leaving my legs on the brink of collapse. The constant motion had left me numb, and a dull ache began to radiate through my knees and feet.

These damn high-heeled shoes are causing me so much discomfort.

As I observed our departure from the Academy, I couldn't help but notice that we had emerged from the actual structure of the building. It appeared that we were positioned towards the rear of the establishment. Directly in front of us, there lay a distinct pathway constructed with cobblestones, extending forward in a linear fashion. It was bustling with fellow students, some strolling in the opposite direction while others were accompanying us in the same trajectory.

In some way or another, I am becoming accustomed to the constant gaze directed towards me, albeit only to a small extent.

After that, I found myself standing at a crossroads where three paths lay before me. It was evident that each path led to a distinct and imposing structure, repeating the pattern I had encountered before. However, I couldn't quite decipher the purpose or destination of the middle path. It seemed to require a longer walk, which was something I wasn't particularly keen on at that moment. I couldn't help but wish for a different option.

We have yet to venture into the depths of this unexplored territory, astonished by the sheer vastness of this academy.

Sir Eugene came to a halt, causing us to do the same.

Sir Eugene gestured with his outstretched right hand, indicating the direction towards the Girl's Dormitory.

I exhaled a breath of relief, grateful for the opportunity to finally indulge in a well-deserved respite.

He withdrew his right hand and redirected his gaze towards the path on the left, emphasizing, "Furthermore, that particular path leads directly to the Boy's Dormitory, which, as the name suggests, is strictly reserved for boys. The same principle applies to the Girls' Dormitory - boys should not venture into that area either." With each word, his voice grew more forceful, particularly when he uttered the words "And Ladies" and continued to stress his point.

Even if you never told me, I would still never do it.

He added "My advice for you to steer clear of the building if you wish to avoid facing any consequences or punishment."

The concept of punishment is an incredibly intimidating and fear-inducing notion.

He turned his body towards me and said, "I cannot go further than this. Even if I am the president, I'm still a man.''

Lena, with a slight bow of her body, expressed her gratitude to the President, "Thank you, Sir Eugene, for your time and attention. Now, if you'll excuse us, we must bid farewell." With a sense of urgency, Lena seized my hand and propelled me towards the Girl's Dormitory, as if she couldn't contain her excitement any longer. It all happened so swiftly that I didn't even have the chance to express my gratitude to Sir Eugene for his presence and assistance.

As we drew closer to our destination, I couldn't help but become increasingly aware of the vastness and grandeur of the building before us, despite it being nothing more than a dormitory. My astonishment grew even more when I turned my gaze in the opposite direction and came across yet another building that mirrored the same immense size as the one we had set our sights on.

Gosh... I'm experiencing a mix of exhilaration and apprehension. Back on Earth, I was just your typical average Joe. And truth be told, I still am. However, the mere thought of embarking on a career as a spy is enough to make me ponder the possibility of residing in a colossal edifice...

As Lena forcefully pulled me along, I took the opportunity to observe my surroundings. The area surrounding the Girl's dormitory was enveloped by a lush canopy of trees, creating a serene and picturesque atmosphere.

We gradually reduced our speed until we came to a halt right in front of the entrance to the Girl's Dormitory, exuding an air of elegance and sophistication.

Upon glancing up, my attention was immediately drawn to a sign affixed on the upper part of the door, displaying the alphanumeric characters "B1".

"It seems this is my building. Aren't you in B2?"

I looked at Lina, who was holding the card in her hand. Her attention kept switching between the card and the sign.

"...Maybe your dorm is over there,"

I glanced at the other buildings, then back to Lena, who frowned.

She expressed her frustration, "Why they had to divide us? Being latecomers to the enrollment process, I believed that they should still be allowed to be in the same room, or at the very least, in the same building."

I let out a small laugh, conveying my amusement at the situation, "There is nothing we can do about that."

"There is" 

I raised an eyebrow, "What is that?"

"...I, I don't know...but I know there is." Her eyebrows wrinkled.

I let out a deep sigh, expressing my disappointment at the unfortunate circumstance that had caused us to be separated. However, I quickly reassured her "It is indeed a shame that we're separated, but even so, we're still friends."

It was evident that this fact was weighing on her mind, leading me to ponder about the experiences she must have had during her childhood. The thought of what she might have endured in her early years left me feeling a mix of concern and curiosity.

When she saw me, her eyes suddenly lit up and shone. "Really?"

I nodded and then forced myself to smile: "Yes..."

With a wide smile on her face, she exclaimed, "That's absolutely fantastic news! I have absolutely nothing to fret about then! Alright, I'm going to forge ahead now. These heels are causing me excruciating pain," she added, a slight frown forming on her face.

With a giggle, I responded, "Absolutely! I'll catch up with you later."

Deep down, I wanted to express the same sentiment, but for some inexplicable reason, I found myself hesitating, unsure of what was holding me back from uttering those words.

As she shifted her body, she gracefully raised her arm, positioning it at the same level as her shoulder, with the back of her hand directed towards me. Observing this gesture, a warm smile naturally formed on my face.

In an instant, I observed as she gradually disappeared from my sight, causing my smile to swiftly vanish as well.

The sun is still shining in the afternoon, casting a warm glow on the surroundings. Feeling a slight fatigue settling in, I decide to take a moment to rejuvenate myself before embarking on my journey to the library.

As I entered the dormitory, I came across Miss Jena, who I presumed to be the responsible Key Keeper of the dorms. Instantly, I sensed her kind nature as she greeted me with a warm smile and handed me the key to my designated dorm. With gratitude, I ascended the stairs, taking each step with a sense of anticipation. After a brief journey, I found myself on the Third Floor, meticulously examining each door in search of the distinctive sign indicating my dorm number and floor. Surprisingly, the dormitory seemed eerily quiet, devoid of any significant presence. Peculiarly, I hadn't crossed paths with a single student since my arrival.

I carefully observed the words displayed on the sign before me, which read "F3-203".

I extended my hand towards the door handle, my key gripped firmly in my other hand, ready to unlock and twist it. With a cautious motion, I turned the key and gently pushed the door open, surprised by its silent movement. As I entered the room, a tantalizing scent filled my nostrils, intoxicating yet invigoratingly fresh. Taking a moment to soak in the aroma, I closed the door behind me, sealing myself in this captivating space.

I took a deep breath and inhaled the pleasant aroma. As I continued walking forward, I carefully observed the details of my room. It wasn't overly spacious, but it also wasn't cramped; it was just the right size for a person living alone. The room had a decent-sized closet, a single wardrobe, and an additional doorway that I presumed led to a bathroom.

As I scanned the room, my gaze landed upon a solitary bed adorned with a pair of meticulously folded uniforms. Curiosity piqued, I pondered the presence of two identical sets, only to discern upon closer inspection that one of them was designated specifically for trainings and activities.

So, it seems that society has progressed to the point where females are now permitted to wear trousers. This raises some interesting thoughts and questions.

As I settled onto my bed, I couldn't help but be taken aback when it unexpectedly bounced me off, catching me off guard. The sheer smoothness and elasticity of the mattress left me pleasantly surprised, as it provided a remarkable level of comfort. Not only that, but the delightful fragrance emanating from the sheets added an extra touch of gratification to the overall experience.

I reclined, tilting my body backwards, ensuring that my arms were securely planted on the bed to act as a sturdy support, preventing any potential mishaps that could result in me losing balance and tumbling.

"What should I do now…"

I muttered to myself.

I am completely clueless about where to begin or what steps to take. In fact, I am utterly inexperienced when it comes to espionage. Despite expressing my commitment to Count Visterio and confidently uttering those words, I find myself doubting my abilities and feeling the urge to retreat. It truly highlights the depths of my self-esteem struggles.

I began to experience a gradual alleviation of the discomfort in my legs.

Alright, it's time to review all the information I've managed to gather. First and foremost, I need to delve into the topic of the Child Prodigies. Giving it some thought, it's highly unlikely that they reside in the same dormitory as us regular students. It's probable that they are segregated from individuals like us, which inadvertently simplifies the task of locating them. However, this raises the question of how can I ascertain if they are truly my classmates without revealing my true identity? This predicament furrowed my brow in frustration.

In order to proceed methodically, it is best to tackle each step one at a time. My conviction lies in the belief that the key to unraveling the initial mystery and accessing valuable clues lies in observing and studying Child Prodigies. Therefore, for the time being, it would be wise for me to maintain a cautious and inconspicuous presence.

Count Visterio has been relentlessly searching for the individuals responsible for the catastrophic event for a whole decade. It is almost impossible for anyone living in this area to not have heard of his relentless pursuits. Considering the significance of the incident that occurred a decade ago, it would be inconceivable for the Principal of the esteemed Abilirish Academy to be oblivious to Count Visterio's pursuits. If the culprits truly have a connection to the calamity that unfolded ten years back, it is only natural for them to exercise caution and remain wary of my presence.

Due to my origins tracing back to Count Visterio...

In the event that my acceptance was not granted, it would undoubtedly heighten suspicion, thereby providing a stronger impetus for conducting an official investigation into the Abilirish Academy.

So... it seems like I'll be facing a considerable amount of mistreatment, right? Perhaps it's because they desire to unearth my concealed agenda or maybe they're hoping that I'll eventually decide to withdraw from the academy on my own accord? It's becoming increasingly clear that I may struggle to endure such a relentless onslaught...

From the moment I stepped foot into the Principal's Office, it was evident that he harbored a sense of suspicion towards me, which was unmistakably reflected in his piercing gaze.

Well, regardless of the situation, it seems likely that they are currently granting me permission to leave. In light of this, I believe that heading to the library would be a wise choice. It's always preferable to be prepared rather than unprepared. Tomorrow marks the beginning of a battle, and it is possible that the entire community here may stand against me. However, I sincerely hope that this is not the case.