Visiting friends.

Today is a Saturday, so i don't have to go to school, maybe that's why i don't want to get of my bed or it just might be the fact that i am extremely tired from yesterdays training.

And as i was sleeping peacefully, having a time of my life, i hear telephone ringing, which was followed by my fathers voice.

"Hello." said dad answering a call.

"Oh hi little Richard, how can i help you." said dad with some surprise and some delight.

"Ah yes, but he is asleep right now, wait a minute, i will call him." dad said while taking a single step, then stopping.

"Oh ok then, i will tell him when he wakes up, my son has very good friends, thank you Richard say hi to everyone from me ok." my dad said sounding happy. And then he hung up the phone.

I come out of my room and ask dad.

"Dad, what did Richie want?" i asked.

"Hey, you are awake."dad said surprised.

"Ya..." i was still waiting for the answer.

"Well Richard asked if you wanted to visit them today, so will you?" dad informed me.

"yes i will go, let me just get ready and eat." i answered and yawning at the and.

"Ok, go then, by the way how are you feeling today still tired?" he asked with concerning voice.

"Yes dad i am good, just a bit tired." i answered.

After that, i had a shower, than ate and then went to my friends house, which was not far at all 10 minutes away by foot.

As i got to the house, it looked like our house but in slightly different colours.

I walk up to the door and knock.

The door opens and i am greeted by an kind middle aged men who smile at me. he looked kind but old, his short brown hair has started to go grey and his big brown eyes held lot of wisdom and kindness.

"Hi, come on in little Thomas." man smiled and invited me in.

This is Richards dad, Peter, i call him uncle Peter.

"Hello uncle Peter where is Richie?" i asked politely.

"well he and his brother are both upstairs." Uncle Peter said kindly. After which he closed the door and went back to TV.

I went upstairs and straight to Richards room. As i open the door i see my first true friend, looked like his father brown hair and eyes but his eyes lacked wisdom that comes with age and experience. He was wearing blue shirt and black shorts.

"Hi Richie." i greeted and went inside the room.

"Hi Tom, come sit here." he said while pointing towards a bed he himself was also on the bed holding a book.

As i sit on the ded i notice book he was reading.

"Human Anatomy and Its Wonders. Did you get a new book Richie?" i asked.

"Ya, this book is amazing, it explains some of the more unique and unusual human body functions, like this for example it says that for a muscle to grow and become stronger it first must take micro damage after witch muscle protein synthesis must be larger then its breakdown." Richard started explaining with great enthusiasm.

"Wait, so thats what a working out is, you damageing yourself to become stronger. And how do you make sure that you make more muscle protein then you lose?" I asked curious my self.

"I dont know your body just makes it from the food we eat properly." he answered with slight doubt in his voice.

After that we were discussing human Anatomy and its wonders, if it wasn't obvious why we were friends this is why, we are both smart and have a goal, i want to be an astronaut and he wants to become a doctor and to achieve those dreams we learn and share our learning with each other.

As we were discussing physics now, the door opened and in came my other friend Benjamin, he was older than us, i was 10, Richard was 11 and he was 15, Benjamin looked slightly tired his brown hair was messy and his blue eyes looked exhausted.

"Oh hi nerds."Ben said jokingly.

"Hi Ben. why are you that tired?" i asked curious.

"Don't call us nerds, and good morning." Richie talked back with brotherly love.

"How else do you call a nerd, and hi Tom i just had a long baseball game yesterday." Ben said to Richie and answered me.

"What ever." Richie said and got back to reading his book being upset.

"Ah, i am a bit tired too, yesterday was my first day at dojo." i told Ben.

"Oh, you started doing martial arts, i though you just wanted to be in a good shape." Ben said.

"Ya, but i thought it would be better if i learned something useful at the same time." i answered.

"That's good, what else did you do this week."he asked.

"Nothing much i just watched this awesome movie called Star Wars." i said remembering cool space fights.

"What, you watched Star Wars? that's awesome. which is your favourite character." Ben seemed very happy saying this.

"The golden robot was funny." i said.

"What, you have no taste at all. My favourite is princess Leia." Ben was smiling weirdly saying that.

"And space ships were so cool and The Force was awesome, like how Vader almost strangled that one guy it was cool." Ben said very enthusiastically.

"Ha, Nerd." Richie said loudly annoying Ben.

"That not nerdy, ok." said Ben clearly offended.

"Ya, whatever you say... Nerd." Richie once again said making emphasis on the work nerd.

Ben was getting annoyed at this, but could not say anything because he knew that it really was nerdy.

"That movie came out a month ago and you have already seen it twice." said Richie.

"But, it's a good movie." Ben defended himself.

"I also thought it was a good movie." i said.

"Don't support him Tom he also called you a nerd." Richie said. they are always like this, always looking for something to start a fight over.

"It's ok, he was just joking, right Ben?" i asked Ben, hoping his answer will mitigate the situation.

"Of course i was joking, i would never call you a nerd, Tom, but Richard on the other..."Ben said and laughed at the end.

Richie was not so happy with this outcome, but what could he do, he couldn't win in a fight against Ben so he just went back to his book.

Me and Ben continued taking about many things like Star Wars, baseball, judo and others.

then Richie also joined in and we kept talking and having fun. Ben brought various board games and we kept playing.

This are my friends, that i could always play with and have fun. Benjamin and Richard are the people i cherish the most after my family, we become so close, because of our common loss, our mothers.

This day was good fun and i found another Star Wars fan in the form of one Benjamin Parker.