Cyan Augur

He closed his and took a deep breath meanwhile I scanned the lower room for anything which could help and I did. We were lucky that the room was huge.

At the left end of the room Two, Three-my clones, Claire and the Demeter girl that appeared in the room. While on the right One and a grahfin came in.

Perfect timing, I thought sarcastically. I looked at Cole who was trying his best to control a natural force older than the human race.

The roof began to crack and it hauled Cole's wolf, which was the cause of the crack. His wolf was headed for us. There was nothing I could do.

"Shannel, Now!!", Claire yelled.

A ball of light encircled is and we crashed on the ground but there wasn't time to relax. We ran for cover as the wolf crashed behind us.

We ran towards Claire. "Well someone's already mastered their superpower" I said turning to the Demeter girl.

"Shannel. Nice to meet you"

"Give me that Cole said pointing at the staff. I passed it over to him and he started fidgeting with it. It took a few seconds and he returned it.

"It's good as longer, sharpens Add the point, grappling hook and so on", he explained.

I looked at Claire, One, Two and Three.

"All in five seconds!" We explained.

"You know-".



My shoulder got jammed back in place without anybody touching it.

"Done," Claire said.

"Did your just fix my shoulder?," I asked.

"Yeah. Think I've gotten used to my modification" She said. "Modification...that doesn't sound right. GM meaning Genetic Modification."

"No one should be able to do it that fast. It will take time for your body to adapt to the mutation which could take months or years at that. So how did you do it that fast?" Cole said. "It would take time and training."

"Not if your a girl", Shannel said as she created a barrier round us blocking the grahfin and wolf from coming closer. I'm sure she is a feminist, I thought.

"It's scientifically impossible!", Cole screamed.

" Yet your controlling gravity and I'm duplicating", I replied.

"There'll be talking later. We have to stop these and get out", Shannel scolded Cole and I.

My clones started sending thoughts waves.

"Here's what we're going to do. Shannel and Cole you take the wolf, Claire and I will take the grahfin."

"What!!", they yelled in unison.

"Are you mad or you want to send us to our deaths?", Cole screamed.

"It's our best option," I replied.

"How do you know it's going to work," he asked again.

"I don't!," I replied. "I don't know how but my clones and I think collectively and this was the best out of four possibilities", I replied.

"So will you do it?", One asked.

They nodded.

"Two and Three will help you out", I said and we moved apart. I walked over to Shannel and whispered in her ear, " Make sure he doesn't go out of control"

She nodded and faced the direction of her opponent while Claire, One and I faced the grahfin.

"You know who that is?", One asked. "And you know what we have to do?" Claire and I nodded.

"It's not going to be easy", Claire said tying her hair in a ponytail.

We charged at the grahfin.

"Now!" I yelled as I entered the zone of emptiness. It was euphoric and yet not. I felt free and trapped at the same time.

The barrier broke down and the grahfin charged at us. We split up. Claire to the left,One to the right and I took the middle.

The grahfin sliced forward with its blades. I slid under them and pointed the staff upward.

A memory suddenly flashed in my mind.

My Mom held my hand during a training session.

"The best thing to do is to turn your emotions off. Suppress them to the minimum",she'd said.

"Why?", a seven year old version of me asked.

She moved towards Claire who had just entered the room then continued " Because one day you might fight people you love."

That was now!