Meeting with a star

*At vio house*

Vio's pov

"Bliss " I screamed

"Why are you screaming my name ?" She asked

"Just sit down, I need your help LD gave me his card and ask me to call him " I said

" That's amazing girl" she said


"Why are you smiling like that ?" She asked

"Do you know that LD was Alex best friend before he got transferred " I said

"That doesn't mean anything cuz you are not dating Alex . Go ahead and call him " she said

" But, I have a feeling that this not going to end well."

" Does Alex know about this?" She asked

" Yeah, he was actually there when LD gave me his card he was angry am in huge dilemma", I said

"Take heart , maybe they had a gift before he transferred from the school "she said

" Yeah maybe" I said

" I think you should call him " she said

"Okay" I said and I took a deep breath then I took my phone and dial his number but he did not pick the call.

"He's going to call back don't worry" she said

*Monday morning*

"Am sorry for not picking you guys I woke up late "Alex said

"That fine, let's go to class "

"Sure, I forgot to tell you that I won't be able to take you guys home am really sorry" he said

*After closing*

On our way home , I noticed that a car was following us . I waited to see it was ,The car stopped right in front of usit was LD.

"Hey , vio how are you ?" He asked

"Are you trailing me " I said angrily

"Kind of" he said

"But why? " I asked

"Cuz... Why didn't you say me ?" He asked

"Well I did call you but you didn't pick up"I said

"Oh I get several calls from dii people. Can I have your number now"he said and he gave me his phone to input my number and save it .

"Thanks and where are you going to in this hot weather ? He asked

"To my house " I said

"Come in let me take you home" he said

"Thanks but our house is not far from here" I said

"Don't be ungrateful " bliss said and she pinch and drag me into the car .

We entered the car and drove off .

"Here we are" I said

"Thank you very much" bliss said

"Vio .. wait I will like to have a word with you" he said

"Let me excuse you guys .vio I will be inside" she said and left the car. We remain silent for five minute . Yes I was checking the time.

"Hmmm... , Vio" he said


"Am actually speechless right now but can you come to my house tomorrow . Please don't say no , I will ask my driver to pick up tomorrow by 12:00pm " he said

"But I haven't say anything yet anyway yes" I said

"Thanks I got you flowers " he said

"Oh my gosh , red rose flowers . How do you know I love flowers especially red rose ?" I asked

"Things are not so hard to get. Well I saw some of your pictures online almost all your pictures you are always snap with red rose " he said

" Why were you checking my pictures ?" I asked

"That's not important right now "

" I have to go now . Bye" I said and opened the door of the car .

"So see you tomorrow " he said and I walked away . He gaze at me until I entered the house .