Chapter 2 The Story Begins

Freyja's pov.

It was a sunny day in The Midnight Realm, and my parents promised to take me to the water park. We spent a lot of our family days there because of how much I loved it. Since my father has agreed to go there, I've been dreaming about this day for the entire week. But, unfortunately, I was six and oblivious that this will become my worst nightmare.

I woke up early because of excitement, and I got dressed before sprinting to wake up my parents. My father was the Alpha of Crimson Moon pack, one of the largest packs in the realm. He was leading the pack alongside my mother, an Alpha herself, and the pack's Luna.

Apart from being wolves, we lived everyday lives, and my father was the President of Gemlight group, a conglomerate well respected among business people.

After waking them up, I got down to the kitchen to see what we have for breakfast. Our family lived in a six-story castle at the bottom of The Misty Mountains. The sixth floor was where I lived with my parents, while the fifth floor belonged to the Beta couple, and the fourth was Gamma's floor. Meanwhile, the third floor was where my parents had their offices and also three meeting rooms. On the second floor was an enormous library, where I would spend most of my time, and some recreation rooms. We filled the recreation rooms with many things, from an indoor cinema to video game consoles, pool tables, and, of course, my playroom full of toys of my liking. The first floor was where the kitchen and dining rooms were, while we left the ground floor open for everyone to come and go as they pleased. In front of the castle, there was a sizeable silvery lake. When you looked at it, you could feel magic all around you, and in winter, we used it as a rink. Smaller houses covered the rest of the territory, and that was where the rest of the pack lived. The pack housed over 1000 werewolves keeping them away from human's prying eyes. We forbid it to let humans know about the supernatural world despite us working and living among them.

After we finished breakfast, I was eager to leave the castle as fast as possible and ran straight to the car. My mother and father followed me. After we got settled in the car, we sped to the water park. I was joyfully running around and enjoying all the water park rides when my parents told me we need to head home. Unfortunately, halfway on the road home, a truck smashed into the car we were in, sending the vehicle rolling over and out of the road.

"Are they dead?" a low voice spoke outside of the car.

"They must, but we can't take chances," another terrifying voice said.

I saw the two men coming closer to where the now destroyed car was, and I glanced at my mother's eyes as she grabbed my hand and shushed me.

"Close your eyes, sweetheart, it will be alright, don't make a sound," her voice faint, crimson red blood flowing all over her face.

I did as instructed, holding my breath to make sure I go unnoticed. After the two men came to the car, all I could hear was the two men shattering the remaining glass some more, a low struggling, and then my mother's hand went limp and cold, no longer squeezing mine.

"What about the kid?" the man who I presumed was second-in-command asked.

"Let her. She doesn't have a wolf yet, and the damage we did will surely kill her if she isn't dead already. I can't hear any breathing." he commanded in his terrifying voice.

While I was so thankful for thinking to hold my breath, my heart was running a million miles an hour. Despite hearing their footsteps going away in the distance and their truck engine starting, I still stood there, closing my eyes for another minute, frozen. Because I was too afraid to open them, dreading what I will see.

When I finally opened my eyes, my mother's body was still, and so was my father's. Their lips were going blue, and a pale gray tone was now on their faces. My eyes filled with tears as I realized they were dead, and I started wailing in pain. Not long after I started crying, a soft voice spoke.

"Quick, child, get out of there," she whispered, yet I could sense the worry in her voice.

Because of my senses taking over my sorrow, I quickly climbed out of my child's seat and got out through the now fully broken window. The lady who told me to get out took me in her arms and ran away as quickly as possible. Behind her, the car exploded. After that, all you could see now was the smoke rising from it, and the smell of burnt flash was floating in the air.

From then on, I lived with Josephine Murik. She was a powerful witch, but she looked inferior and ordinary. Her average height, with long golden hair and big blue eyes paired with her fair skin, completed her plain look. She lived a simple life, alone and secluded from the outside world, as she disliked prying eyes. After taking me in, I lived with her in the small cottage from a remote area towards the Millde Hills mountain, deep in The Faye Forest. From time to time, we would hunt wild animals in the forest for consumption and lived most of the time happily. Given how my parents died, she had some connections to draft the paperwork stating I was her child.

Then, she taught me everything about the supernatural world, and I had to learn how to cover my scent so no werewolf will detect me. I also had to drink one potion brewed by her that made supernatural beings think I'm human. And, taking extra steps, she made me a potion to keep my wolf dormant for a longer time. She knew there would be one day something will trigger it, but she wanted to delay it as much as she could. And, she succeeded as I got my wolf, Rhea, when I was 18 when most werewolves got their wolf at 16. While we shared a body, we were two different souls with unique thoughts and feelings, yet we could communicate in our minds.

Because she couldn't teach me everything herself about human matters and their subjects, I had to attend a public school with other humans. But despite knowing I had to be always careful, I could never understand why she lived secluded already and did not want anyone knowing about her.

Twenty-two years later, present day.

To my mother's displeasure, now I was the President and CEO of Lycaea group. I have built everything from scratch and grew the group to worldwide success. It was in the top 3 most known groups and brands across the five realms, and I am happy to be called one of the wealthiest people in the world.

Given how hard I worked to bring everything where it was today, I stunned everyone by achieving so many by the time I was 28. However, my mother is still wary of exposure, and each time she heard I need to attend public events or when someone asked about my childhood, she became restless, hence why I kept a low profile as much as I could.

After I moved in alone in the city, I tried making her move too, but she was adamant about staying deep in the forest. So the only thing I could do was accommodate her living, at least. The small cottage was now a two-story mansion, and she had a beautiful garden surrounding it, but we kept the road hidden for those who didn't know about it.