Chapter 5 What have i done

The assistant gave me a puzzled look, almost like she couldn't understand what I said before I heard the sweetest voice coming from the seat at the table.

"Yeah, miss President is stuck in traffic as well, and she will be a bit late. Don't worry, though. Anything you want to tell her, you can discuss with me."

I turned to face her, the same dark aura surrounding her. The way she said I could discuss everything with her was an attempt to mock me like I am not worth miss Murik's time.

"And who might you be?" I asked, scoffing at her. So she thinks she is above me. Yeah, right, let's show her who the real Satan is here; I straightened myself, standing tall to assume my Alpha position despite her not knowing anything about the supernatural world.

"I'm Clara, miss President's most trusted assistant, pleased to make your acquaintance," she replied in the same sweet tone while extending her hand to greet me, but you could sense the sarcasm and disgust in it.

From there, it followed a war of words and looks. With each sentence leaving our lips, you could see the tension growing in the room. I have to admit; no one has both made me so angry yet so intrigued in my life. She was bold and arrogant, but her arrogance was misplaced. How can a low human assistant speak like she owned the place when someone else led the group where it is? Yet something was pulling me to her, and I almost couldn't control my lust anymore. I wanted her. Although she was glowing a dark aura all over her, and it sends me shivers, I wouldn't back down easily. After all, I'm way above her in rank. So we kept on until the doors flew open. Then another woman appeared. With her ashy blonde hair and a petite frame made, she was the plainest of all three women I've seen until now. But the moment she spoke, my blood ran cold, and I understood why the other woman could make me froze and skip a couple of heartbeats with each glare.

"Miss Murik, sorry to bother you, but Mr. Davison, it's here again refusing to leave unless you give him one more chance at a meeting," the woman who just entered said to 'Clara' and I went numb.

The woman who was my hope, the one I prepared so much to impress, and the one I came here for, is the same woman I offended, had a showdown with, and let to think I'm a jerk. But above all, I wanted her like a madman.

I heard her speak and saw her getting up, but I couldn't process anything. She couldn't be… but how…. Indeed, she rarely makes public appearances, and she declines offers for photoshoots and interviews, but there were still some photos with her at some events, and I've seen them. Of course, she looks way better in reality, but to the point of not recognizing her at all?

Suddenly I shoot up like I was on strings. At that time, I didn't know what to say or how can I salvage this. What I can say after all I threw at her? Seth took the opportunity in my disorientation and surfaced to life. In a flash, he took control over my body, grabbed her arm, pushed her against the wall behind her, and crashed her lips in a too forced hungrily lust-infused kiss. Even though I wasn't expecting it, she reciprocated, deepening the kiss. Sensing that, I pushed Seth to the back of my mind and regained control over my body, now burning with desire.

I licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance, and she slowly opened her mouth, our tongues going to war this time. Her lips were so soft, and her scent was driving me insane. Sparks were lighting up my whole body, and I didn't want this to end. For a while, I forgot where I was. It was like we were the only two humans there, and nothing mattered at that point.

The assistant that was still in the room cleared her throat to snap me out of it. I woke up from my daze and realized what I had done. When I pulled apart from miss Murik, she shoots me a million-dollar grin.

"You think throwing yourself at me will make me jump into bed with you on a business deal? Think twice, handsome," she said in an amused tone at my actions.

"No, and I didn't throw myself at you. If I recall, you didn't push me away either." I gritted my teeth at her.

"I had no reason to, same as I have no reason to still be here," with that said, she pushed through the doors and left.

F**k… what is wrong with me, and what the hell is wrong with Seth. I slept around and got into it with models and pretty ladies, but I never imagined I would ruin a business deal because of my temper and lack of control. When I did business, I was always serious about it, and I even got my nickname around the business world and employees. I knew they called me Lucifer, but I doubt I will live up to that name after this failure. And until now, no matter how many girls I met, none has made Seth go crazy like this. Could this be her, my mate? Everyone else knew instantly in all stories I have heard, but Seth and I were in a daze. We didn't know why and what pulled us to her. I shook my head, trying to get rid of those thoughts. No, I had yet to find her. I knew for sure who she was when I turned 18, and I didn't see her. It was the little girl from the woods that saved me when I was young. It had to be her, as we made a vow, and I knew the Moon Goddess let me fulfill it. But no matter how much I searched for her, I couldn't find her again. Now I had to fix this. After clearing my head, I went to the redhead assistant and tried pleading with her.

"Can you please set another meeting with miss Murik?" I asked in a low tone.

"Mr. Loke, all due respect sir, but I don't think she will agree. Even if I set it up, remember, this meeting happened so fast as a courtesy of Miss Murik to Mr. Hughes. If not for his pestering, this meeting would still be months away," she said with a disdained look on her face.

I could see how behind her words was a warning to back up and stop trying, but her words just reminded me of something important Mr. Hughes is Liam, and if he could help me once, maybe I can get him to help me fix this.

I left the office with newfound hope and drove straight to Liam. When I got there, I went to the receptionist, told her I was there to meet him, and she led me to his office. Once we were alone, he noticed the anger and frustration on my face.

"How did you f***d up?"

"How do you know it was my fault? Maybe she is just unreasonable and didn't bother to come up, or she just dismissed me for no reason," I said in a cold growl that shook the room.

He looked at me with a mocking smile for a few seconds before replying

"Miss Murik isn't like that. She always has a reason, whether she makes it known there is one. As for unreasonable, she can be many things but not that, so how did you mess it up? Did you freeze at her sight and forgot all you had to say?" he asked, letting a small laugh out.

I hung my head at his words and told him what happened and that I needed his help to get into her good graces. Not that I have ever been there…

"I need you to help me with this man," I said again, letting out a deep sigh.

He was still laughing at what I have told him. But then, after he laughed so hard he had to wipe tears from his eyes, his mood changed, and he spoke in a deep tone that I almost didn't recognize.

"Hades, you're my brother, you know that, but I don't think there is anything I can do to help you at this point."

Liam's words stunned me. Couldn't he do anything? Did I mess things that badly? They had a pretty good relation, so there had to be something else, and I needed answers.

"You have known her for a long time, and you guys get along. Her assistant even told me, you're the reason I met with her on such short notice, so there must be something you can do or something you're not saying," I replied, giving him a questioning look and fixing my gaze on him.

He hung his head and sighed deeply before replying

"I think the Lycaea group has something against Maplebite group," Liam said in a low voice.