Prologue - Game start

Life always seemed boring to me, I spent my time working incessantly. Well it was to be expected since I couldn't get into college and not get a career.

It was like any other Friday night.

My job that looked like a promising company, turned out to be a devil in disguise, despite being part of the systems team I was put to move material as if I was part of the warehouse guys; today was the worst of all, my arms and legs were at the limit of their endurance.

"I should quit, but I doubt anyone would hire someone without a higher education... besides the pay isn't bad when you live alone."

As I dragged my body towards the train station which seemed empty, I received a text message.

I pulled out my Smartphone and checked to see who the person was that was bugging me so late.

"Let's see... ughh, she really has a lot of free time you can tell..."

The message belonged to my annoying cousin who was asking me to help her finish an RPG game.

I felt very annoyed since she is only 20 years younger than me and she spent her vacations playing video games and watching anime.

I know it's ridiculous for an adult [virgin] in her late 30's to complain about it, but I really felt uneasy about how she wasted her study time. I lost my parents and ended up living at my uncles house by that time I was just entering high school and my uncles; since they didn't have kids they wanted one, but after a while my cousin was born and I was quickly forgotten, I didn't really care since I seemed to have a little sister.

But after finishing school my uncle threw me out and I had to look for a place to live and worked since then without being able to go to college. Thanks to a "friend" I was able to get my current job since he helped me get in and I was grateful to him, but... I didn't imagine that it was just to be able to have more people who would need money and who could accept a low payment of the established salary.

It didn't bother me though, since "money is money" so I was grateful anyway. While I was in my thoughts I arrived at the train station and was standing in front of the line marking the security boundary.

I could see a spot of light approaching, that was the train.

(After getting on, I got off at the XX station so I could take the XX street cab to my humble little apartment).

Everything should have been like any normal day, but... my body decided to take its toll on me at that moment.

For some reason I started to see the ground while standing, wait, how was it possible to see the ground while standing? I didn't consume any of the mystery mushrooms from the guys in the warehouse so why am I seeing the floor I wondered.

After a few seconds of being stumped, I figured it out. I had heard from one of the warehouse guys that sometimes when you force your muscles too much they paralyze causing your organs to stop, I didn't imagine such a thing was real but now I believe it.

I can't move, my eyelids don't respond, I can't move my mouth or even breathe, I can feel how my urine comes out of my body staining my pants.

The train is approaching, I can see how the spot of light gets bigger.

I am afraid.

I can clearly hear the train approaching.

I am scared.

The light of the train gets closer and the sound intensifies.

...I am feeling afraid...

It's getting closer and closer... there are only seconds before it arrives.....





It was only seconds, no less than twenty or thirty seconds.

My breathing was getting shorter and shorter.

They say that when you are going to die, you can look at your memories... no memories were passing, I felt disappointed.

The distance between me and the train was only one meter.

I am not a man of faith and it would be very hypocrite of me... but, if there is some higher entity in some inter dimensional plane, I would like to ask you to please grant me a second chance; it doesn't matter in which country or city I appear, I just want to live my life, I don't want to die!!!!!

It was exactly a blink of an eye, my eyes were wide open and I saw that big light approaching.....

I didn't feel anything... the train was supposed to pass over me, but I never felt it pass over me, could it be that I actually dreamed it...? No, it definitely wasn't... if it was a nightmare I should have woken up screaming in my bed... it had already happened to me as a kid so I already know how it feels to wake up scared.

As I was thinking about it I noticed something curious. I feel literally nothing!!!?

I don't feel my body; I don't hear anything, my senses like sight, hearing and touch. I couldn't emit, hear or see anything, I could only talk in my head. Even my sense of direction was gone, I didn't know where I was left or right, up or down, forward or backward.

I could only talk as if my consciousness was the only thing that existed.

Is this what they call coma?

Maybe it is, try to check by shouting "echo" but no echo could be heard beyond a close greeting.

My sense of time is gone, despite having no sensation for some reason I have the thought of swimming, it's very hard to explain but it's almost like imagining and feeling in the flesh that illusion.

How long had I been here? I had no idea so I just kept going with the flow you could say.

I was wondering if I was going to stay like this forever; when in the distance there seemed to be a small light, I swam, or so it seemed as I was heading towards that light that was getting bigger in the distance.

Would I finally come out of the coma? I was terrified to wake up and discover that I no longer had legs or limbs, but my feeling of a second chance was so great that even if I looked like an ugly duck, I would live my new life.

Closer and closer I could feel "in my mind" that light touching me, I was almost reaching it, just a few centimeters more and....


I managed to reach the light but for some strange reason now I felt drowned, the illusory sensation of swimming became real as in my ears, nose, skin and mouth water was entering, I started to panic and swam upwards managing to breathe.

It felt great to breathe oxygen again.

I wondered if I was in a trauma treatment pool, but it didn't turn out to be so, as my eyes slowly got used to the light, I could gradually notice a lot of wildlife around me.

It was strange, in my city there was not supposed to be anything green, the parks looked more like desert areas with bushes only.

I measured the distance from what seemed to be the shore and it was about two meters or so, while the depth of the water was even deeper than an adult swimming pool.

For some reason while I was swimming the distance that should have taken me only five minutes to get there became ten or fifteen minutes to make it even more strange I felt tired for that short amount of time, after reaching the shore covered with what seemed to be grass and dirt, I crawled up and managed to get out of the water.

After resting for a while I noticed very curious and strange things around me, there were trees, bushes with berries, mucky grass, plants and finally a small lake.

I got up to see it and indeed it was a small lake, it looked like a training pool of about ten meters wide and at the front I could see a small but not high step, it looked exactly like a comedy movie about friends reliving their youth. Maybe more than ten meters but not quite twenty meters I reckoned.

(How on earth was something like this even possible?)

I asked myself that question as I wandered aimlessly in the woods, after a while I came to what seemed to be an edge of metal fences, I tried to observe if maybe I was on some crazy millionaire's property and hope nothing would happen to me.

I got to the edge and put my little hands on the fence and stood up on my toes to try to see the distance.

Moment... I hadn't noticed this as it felt normal but now I realize that my hands, feet and even body are very small, like those of a child older than six but less than nine years old.

I don't know what puzzled me more?

The fact that my body was small... or, that beyond the fence there is only a big blue sky and a big blue ocean.


As I was thinking how strange this was, a big sound and shadow appeared above me .

I couldn't believe what I was seeing as it was extremely impossible for something like this to exist.

"Th-that-that, is... a, flying boat!!!"

My eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing, but for some reason after a few seconds, I calmed down as if it wasn't the first time I had seen one.

I never imagined that on that fateful day on the train tracks, I was going to say goodbye to my old life, to live a new life as a reincarnated one in a strange fantasy world with magic, nobles and magic armors.


Somewhere in a dark room there was a TV and a console connected to it. Suddenly, the TV turns on and a message comes up.


>Game created, do you want to save a new game, yes or no?

>You selected "yes" So, the game has been written automatically with auto save function.

Enjoy the story.