Save 28 - Ruins

In a place far away from the Altfode Kingdom. In a large, dark room, two men were having a dialogue.

One of them was kneeling on a huge mat and sweating. It was the prime minister of the Talis Commonwealth, Rocco Lagussa Borzak. A middle-aged man, gray hair with a mushroom style and a large wart on his big nose.

While at the other end was the darkest part, lit only by a lamp, little light came in, the person who was signing papers liked to be like this.

This person was the most important person in this place, he was the king, Rafiel Grima Talis.

This individual was the one who gave the order to invade the kingdom in the game, to move Bandel and his group to attack the cruiser among other acts.

Unfortunately, his face was never seen and his ending in the game was erased because he was such an irrelevant character that he didn't even have a voice.

"How's the mushroom gathering going?" Said a high-pitched voice.

The prime minister was trembling.

He convinced the king to allow a certain man to send his forces and technology to kill a certain girl.

It went wrong. Borzak, he was about to be demoted if it had not been up to Marquis Balzac, who helped him as long as he did not reveal information that would blame him.

That is how he avoided his end.

"Y-you are doing very well your majesty. We will have all we need to process them ahead of schedule."


The king kept signing without even looking at the kneeling man.

Time was passing and Borzak's knee was beginning to ache.

The king's hand paused to say something and look at his vassal.

"How goes the planning, is our ally leaving everything ready for the promised day?"

Borzak, spoke of happiness as that was his reason for coming today.

"Yes! Our accomplice said everything is going smoothly, he is currently dealing with 2 out of 3 problems! When we get our report that all 3 are eliminated, it will be time to strike!"

The king gave a smile in that darkness. Borzak saw it and was glad he wasn't upset.

"Very well, you may go."

"Thank you very much!"

The prime minister quickly left, the king got up from his chair and looked out the window to see his lands.

He closed his eyes then opened them and said, "Very soon the Altfode bastards will meet their end."


In a cave on a certain island, stood a group of pirates.

They were tired.

They were smuggling weapons to some corrupt nobles for some reason.

A fleet intercepted them in the middle. They all looked exactly like Brunhilde at the time Rudel married pirates.

The pirates fled leaving their comrades, including the captain on that island.

They called them back through a magic interceptor that seemed to create some sort of morse code.

The fleet said they would return in a few hours with reinforcements.

The pirates were spotted by locals. They had to hide in a dungeon as the corrupt noble fled with the weapons leaving them to their fate.

The locals had no weapons, but had on hand with what they make a living to attack with.

The pirates fled to the bottom.

They were currently tired and hungry.

A small group had gone in search of food.

Their captain, a man with oily skin not at all healthy with a hair style shaved on the sides leaving the middle to grow out, was trying to analyze the situation.

"Damn, if it wasn't for those pirate hunter's ships, the deal would have been a success."

The men were hungry and tired.

"I thought that after the defeat of my bluebeard cousin, the skies would be ours."

The pirate captain clutched his head.

"I want to make myself a great title now that the pirate pillars have been destroyed! This was supposed to be the beginning of Mandricardo's story, hairy heart!"

Despair flashed across his furry face.

"Captain!" A voice called to him from the darkest part of the dungeon.

Several men were coming with containers in their hands.

They were all glad for that. The pirates began to take the dust-filled glass containers.

When they opened them, a strange stench emanated from them, it looked like rotten food, but they didn't care.

They ate as if it was the most nutritious and delicious food in the world.

The captain stood up to give a few words.

"You wretched rats of the skies, fear not! The situation may be bad, but we'll get out of this! As we set sail I promised you riches and that you shall have!"

Everyone shouted for joy, the captain had regained his former confidence. He approached his subordinate who brought the containers.

"This food tastes like shit, where did you get it from?"

The subordinate was answering...

"Well, it's not from outside but from a strange room we found here."

...When that happened.

"It was very strange, there was a big glass box and these containers stacked near a-"

The minion stood still and out of nowhere, from his nostrils secreted a strange black liquid.

"Hey, what are you-"

The captain tried to help him when he, too, felt weird. The same black substance was coming out of his eardrums, his mouth was also filled with it.

As he turned to ask for help, his subordinates were in the same situation.

"What is this?"

"I'm scared!"

"Captain, help!"

They all screamed at the slimy discharge from their orifices. The real terror came next.

The captain's head enlarged out of nowhere.

His fingers too and his teeth were sticking out.

His subordinates were going through the same thing.

Loss of hair, widening of the back and lengthening of limbs.

"What the hell is this!"

In that darkness, a strange occurrence was happening.

We had landed on the destined island.

There was no harbor, so I had to send out boats to drop everyone on shore.

After several minutes of going back and forth the few boats there were, we stepped ashore.

We grabbed our things and walked.

Of course, I didn't allow the girls to carry anything heavy, so a robot carried their bags.

Some girls told me that I carried theirs, I glared at them.

Now we were walking towards the village of the locals.

The girls were observing and browsing the local wildlife while I....

"Hey captain, how far is it?"

"We've been walking for a long time captain, did we get lost by any chance?"

...I was being harassed and by men to boot.

The red head and green head in that order, they were talking to me and still talking, for some reason or another they are making conversation with me.

We are not friends nor do I want to be, stay away from me!

"Why are they talking to me?" I couldn't take any more of their absurd conversations so I spoke to them to find out their motives.

"What are you talking about?" Chlust said as he scratched his head.

"It's just like the ape says, don't we understand what you're talking about?"

I turned to yell at them, I hadn't realized they were much taller than me and I had to look up, I didn't like doing that in front of anyone, good thing Liam is of the same height.

"We are not close nor do we like each other, why are you following me, go harass that flat midget over there!"

I pointed my finger at the shortest and flattest flat-chested of all the girls.

She looked at me as she noticed me pointing at her.

They both jumped to her defense.

"It's not that we want to spend time with you instead of talking to Erselica-chan."

"That's true, we simply want you to finally acknowledge that we've gotten over you and matured over the day you humiliated us."

I didn't understand what the green and red one was referring to. So I blurted out an idiotic "huh?"

Frey said "we were humiliated by you, we suffered based on our defeats to someone who we thought was inferior in both status and physicality." Then, Chlust added "but it's because of that that we understood our weakness and self-centeredness. If it wasn't for you, we would never have met our goddess!".

With a smile, they both turned to look in the direction of the little pest smiling at them.

It made me sick to my stomach just to look at him.

Also, I felt like hitting him. I only had this feeling once a long time ago. Of course, it was in my old life.

I looked at the smiling idiots the idiots they are.

I continued on my own.


Airi and Alisa were chatting quietly, Ixion was with them.

His red eye was looking at them, to be more precise, he was explicitly looking at the hairpin and earrings they brought with them that Rudel gave them a while ago.

He muttered one thing under his breath so they wouldn't hear him.

"...The analysis indicates that the material made is somewhat abnormal, but where did they get it from?"

We had arrived at the village. The chief, a very old man and several men with spears approached us.

It was the second time I had seen this in this world.

People with cinnamon skin, straight dark hair and light brown eyes. In my old life people with skin like that was not uncommon, but in this ridiculous fantasy world it was.

I spoke to the boss so he wouldn't think we were enemies, I even showed him the letter, after seeing it he understood who we were.

I felt a little silly thinking they didn't understand our language and tried to use gestures to communicate, they said "we know your language and speak it natively".

When we arrived at the village, a bunch of people greeted us from a distance.

The houses were made of wood and stone, this island is supposed to belong to the kingdom and is part of the territory of this little pest, but seeing how little; to say the least, developed it is.

It makes me feel a little bad for them.

The old chief introduced us after gathering the villagers.

"Everyone, listen up! They've come all the way from the kingdom to help us drive the invaders off our land!"

Everyone shouted for joy at that.


While Rudel introduced himself to the villagers, Erselica explored the place on her own alone.

Her guards, vassals and the 2 idiots were busy snooping around without keeping an eye on the person they are supposed to serve.

The only one accompanying her was a servant by Allen's name.

He asked his mistress.

"Mistress, I know we are on an island that is part of your territory, but shouldn't we go in without the viscount or any of the guards? Think of your situation!!!" he asked.

Erselica ignored him as she had her mind occupied with something else.

(Muhhh!!! Why did that idiot marquis select that guy for this very thing? I know about what he did when hunting pirates, but was it necessary right him)?

Without realizing it, Erselica and Allen had reached a very distant part. She was startled to see that she had walked aimlessly, it was there, that between some bushes a sound was heard.

Both were about to shout for Rudel to come and save them when....

"Hey, who are you guys?"

...A local girl appeared.

She was dressed in a long nightgown full of dirt, on her head was a basket of blackberries and a few bumps from the branches.

Her hair was short and reached her ears, she looked younger than Erselica, but her chest was bigger than hers, it was inferior compared to a normal cup, but it was bigger than Erselica's fist.

Allen spoke in place of their mistress, he told them that they got lost, the girl took them to the village not before introducing herself.

"My name is Cailana, but you can call me Cana since that's what my mom used to call me."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Allen and this is my mistress Erselica."

After the introduction, the girl, Cana. She told them details about the village.

Erselica listened in amazement to what she said.

Finally, they arrived at the village.

After arriving, it could be seen that the students and locals were worried.

The village chief quickly approached them.

Erselica thought she would be scolded because of the chief's face, what happened was.

"Useless brat!"

...Cana, was scolded instead.

Using his cane, he hit her repeatedly on her head.

Neither the servant nor his mistress, could believe their eyes, that's when Rudel intervened.

"Hey old man, what the hell are you doing!"

After taking the cane from him, the boss turned and explained to Rudel.

"You see, this girl was born under bad luck. When our shaman, her mother disappeared and it was because of her, which implies it was her fault."

Rudel's face couldn't understand the absurd excuse he was just told, the chief continued speaking.

"Not only has she caused her own father to die because of her in a flood, her mother died of an illness; being the only one affected. Also, that every time she went into the crops they died or the pests ate them."

As the village chief told him more strange stories, Cana was.

"I'm so sorry, it wasn't my fault for being born. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for causing trouble."

Crying as she apologized.

Erselica seeing her, had an image of the past.



(You should die!)

It was there that Erselica intervened.


Everyone was surprised to see her. Opening her mouth she said.

"This girl, can I take her as my servant?"

Surprise came out of their mouths.

After several minutes or almost an hour of dilly-dallying, the little pest convinced the village chief to take a local girl named Cana.

The chief said it was a bad idea, but they had her living in a poorly made house on the outskirts of the village.

I don't want to relate to the little pest, but I came to the poor girl's defense.

The girl, Cana, shed tears. I don't know if they were of happiness or sadness, a group of servants of the little pest took her to Brunhilde to teach her things and take care of her.

I, for my part had changed into my costume that I wore to get on my second best companion, Battler. As we went into the dungeon the boss led us into.

I had my katana at my waist, some idiots came too. Of course, red and green too. The little pest came without his servant, while the only people I didn't want to come did.

"Rudel-san, this place is very mysterious and wonderful!"

"Indeed! The academy dungeon is very small and different compared to this one!"

Airi and Alisa had come, they changed into the equipment we used to go to the academy dungeon.

Airi had her mallet in her bag while Alisa had a beautifully decorated dagger.

I thought it was an ornament until I watched as she stuck it in the throat of a giant ant.

Airi, too, fought off some monsters shouting "I'm useful too!".

It was cute the way he would wave her mallet and casually hit them, the scary thing was that a light blow would smash them into the wall.

I was in the lead; well, actually it was Ixion who was looking for clues as to where the pirates might be hiding.

Then me and the girls, followed by the other hindrances.

The curious thing about this place was not the roots sticking out, but something else.

"Rudel-san, look, look!"

Airi grabbed my sleeve to get me to look at something she found.

"This here is a lost item! Or maybe, is it a lost treasure? In any case, it's fascinating."

Her eyes sparkled with excitement at the sight of the object she found, in my case not, as this object was something that was neither one, nor the other, but something familiar.

(No doubt this is too similar to my old life, as there is no doubt about it. What she holds in her hands is a rusty microscope).

(Not only that, this whole place looks exactly like a hospital!)

(When we entered, I was surprised that the entrance was a sliding metal door).

(When we walked in, everything was white with green; the ceiling, the walls, the floor, the reception room. There was rubble, so it must have collapsed...still very strange this place. Ixion was even surprised that there were no bodies like the island I found.... What exactly was going on here?)


Alisa was behind Rudel and Airi browsing a message board.

Wanting to call them to come look, she was surprised to see how close they were (to see the microscope).

After seeing them, she thought with a smile on her face.

(How good the two of them look together.)

(I wish I could help them achieve happiness).

A memory passed about something related to Rudel months ago.

Alisa was at her house in the royal capital. This was all before Bismarck Household has loss power and influence.

Vayne, Alisa's older brother, was giving her a report on several things, among them that the Bradford Household's shipyard and repair shop was a resounding success.

The Duke's family had a private master craftsman to repair their ships or armed or construction units.

But they changed him since the ships and mobile knights that Rudel gave them after the attack on the cruiser. They realized that they were of higher quality than one fresh from the factory.

The ship was normal, but the capacity with which various parts were rebuilt made it superior.

Not only that, the ships that were destroyed, rusted or battered without maintenance, were also of quality.

Alisa's father, the Duke, wondered if this had a hidden meaning. And it did, since repairs and maintenance could only be done with Rudel's technology.

Of course, Rudel himself had no evil intent, only a very greedy desire to make money, permanent customers and a means that no one would dare try to steal or replicate that technology.

In one letter he said that for Alisa's palace and house it would be totally free.

Because of that there was a lot of indignation, unrest and hatred sown towards Rudel. Marquis Balzac took advantage of this to gain more influence and allies.

Vayne had finished speaking. Alisa was about to withdraw until her brother stopped her.

"Is something wrong, onii-sama?"

"Sorry, I want to ask you a personal question. That's why I didn't mention it."

"Is that so, and what is it?"

Having stood up to call out to her, her brother sat back down and she walked to the center. The next words left Alisa frozen.

"This is about Rudel-kun once again, is there any news about whether he has obtained a fiancé?"

For a second, her body shuddered. She regained her composure and calmly said.

"I-I don't think so since... according to him, girls avoid him and also send him letters stating that they would marry him if he bestows gifts on them!"

Her brother made a pouty face, it was due to what he heard.

"... Are you serious, can't those girls think of something other than superficial?"

Alisa didn't know what to answer, because until recently, she preferred elegant and fine things that were the norm for her status. But thanks to two people she loves honestly, that thought was being suppressed by something more valuable than the physical.

Once again his brother spoke up.

"It would be very problematic for us for him to get a girl from a hostile faction or one that would try to corrupt him."

Hearing that, Alisa clenched her skirt tightly.

"The daughters of our vassals who are not traitors are very young, if we wanted him to join our side we would have to arrange an engagement for him with a girl of his own age..."

At that moment, Alisa heard something unexpected.

"Alisa, what do you think of the viscount?"

"...What do I think? ...Rudel is my friend... nothing more."

"...I understand. You may go."

From that moment on, Alisa had a strange feeling that she could not express.

As she watched Rudel and Airi, her thoughts had only happiness towards them.

(Because of his personality, getting a girl to take a heartfelt interest in him honestly would be very difficult).

(The same applies of being able to make Airi his concubine, I see it difficult for her to be his wife without being a noble or like Saint Erselica, convincing the legal wife to have a commoner as a concubine would be very-)

The moment she imagined Rudel with a woman who was not Airi, Alisa's chest hurt.

She clutched her chest in a position where no one could see her.

(What was that?!)

At that thought, Rudel was walking holding hands with a girl, that girl was neither her nor Airi, she was an unknown girl.


The two of them stopped.

(Stop it!)

Their open mouths and outside tongues were getting closer.

"Don't do iiiiiit!"

Alisa screamed out what she felt.

Everyone present, including her friends, saw her, only they were worried.

Alisa reassured them by saying "I'm fine, I-It's just that this place is so mysterious that it made me hyped, haha!".

With that, they all went back to walking.

Alisa also walked normally, but the uneasiness in her heart was still beating.

(Please, I beg you, stop, Airi and Rudel should be together, I don't...)

Once again, her chest ached and she clutched it unnoticed.

The evil of denying your heart, it was more painful than a heart attack.

"There's no one here!"

Was what the little pest shouted, but she's right.

We've scoured this place for hours and found no hidden bases and no trace of anyone.

Ixion reported "there is no indication that they have either a ship or boat anchored, there are traces that there were humans on the edges of the island."

With that it was clear that there were pirates, but no one nearby. Strange indeed.

"There can't not be pirates! If we don't stop them, my dad will spank me even if I'm the Saint, uwahh!"

For some strange reason she started screaming and ran off into a danger zone, Ixion notified that the ground there was very unstable, so we didn't go there and I doubt there are pirates trapped, we would have heard their screams.


"I'll get that idiot."

With that said, I told the others to calm down and that it was my duty as the knight leader of their personal guard, to go get the idiot.

That was what I said, but I actually had something else in mind.

After a few heard a few shouts of "No, my ass is on the line!" And "Come out pirates, I'll finish you!", I finally found her.

She was with her head tucked in.


When I called out to her, she stood up still on her back without turning around.

I pulled out my katana.

"I have things to ask you."

I want to know why this girl was present at the accidents involving me and more so, about that strange "Rudel's end" I heard at the beginning of the semester.

I always wanted to find out who it was, but for reasons of learning the way of order and enjoying time with my friends, I didn't give it much thought, but now I have the opportunity to do so.

"What curious?" she said slowly turning around.

"I also wish to ask you something."

She turning around, was illuminated by the light from Ixion's eye, she held in her hands a small shotgun that could be concealed in her clothes.

She pointed her gun at me.

"I knew you would come after me. After all, a villain like you is only good for destroying the happiness of others!"

Villain? Me? What the hell are you talking about?

"I don't understand, nor do I care what you say, but there's something I want to know."

I pointed my katana at her.

"You, are you by any chance a reincarnate like me?"

This question is very stupid even for me, but, the way she said that line on that day, it made me think that it might not have been the first time she was reincarnated.

If there is a possibility of reincarnation in the same world, it is possible that we have met and she knows something about me that I do not. It is very crazy and strange what I say and besides being without solid basis.

But, if there is something from this world; like Ixion and the lost technology, because they are so similar with mine and this place that is identical to a hospital. There are many questions I have.

Seeing her face, her eyes were wide with surprise and then returned to normal accompanied with a wicked smile.

"That's right, I'm a reincarnate."

Her gun pointed at me, her finger was on the trigger.

"Now mine, why are you altering the plot despite knowing what will happen? Why are you taking from the prince what was his? And, why are those two with you when their development was not to get together?"

What the hell is she talking about?

She's not making any sense. Plot? Development? Is she out of her mind?

"What the hell are you talking about? I don't-"

"Master, the floor is fracturing run!!!"

At that moment the ground fractured and we both fell.


In the darkness of a cavern. A large number of strange creatures were running rampant.

One of them, the strongest one, made a roar as they approached a noisy area.